From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 243: It's All Fate

Time is reversed and then passed.

"Unfortunately, as observers, we cannot interfere directly." There was a hint of regret in Aita's voice: "I still want to show off."

Ye Ming also had some regrets.

He didn't expect that the observer effect actually follows in this simulated world—Aita can only complete corrections by inputting scientific expressions such as theorems, formulas, and phenomena, but cannot interfere with will.

However, with the emergence of "Yip's three axes", the field of controllable nuclear fusion and materials is still moving very fast. In 2026, self-sustaining and controllable nuclear fusion with a Q value greater than 100 will be completed.

It is a little worse than the reality, probably because there is no strong artificial intelligence in this world.

Subsequently, around 2035, human civilization began to set foot on the moon, and at the same time, helium-3 fusion was also broken through. Although strong artificial intelligence has not been born on the earth, quantum computers, especially quantum annealers, have begun to be used in many specific scenarios.

Humans in the simulated world even began to consider designing a huge task distribution system to assign tasks to specific quantum computers for calculation.

Good guy... as long as there are enough specific operations, it becomes general computing?

But this is not important. What is important is that humans have established a firm foothold on the moon around 2045, built a space factory, and started building spaceships.

At this time, human scientists also began to challenge the grand unified theory.

In 2050, the helium-3 fusion engine was successful, the first human spacecraft was launched into space on the moon, and the first astronaut set foot on Mars carrying the five-star red flag.

Ye Ming watched with enthusiasm - this is the change he brought!

But Ye Ming's attention soon turned to the back of the moon - at this time, humans have spread a large number of space factories between the orbits of the earth and the moon, and the fusion engine spacecraft has also begun to undertake the task of transporting humans from the earth to space.

It's just... It seems that humans in the simulated world are not aware of any "danger" and have not built any super warships in space.

On the contrary, several mining ships and scientific research ships were equipped with large laser weapons and powerful hydrogen bombs.

After all, the former is "destroying", while the latter also faces many unknown dangers.

Of course, Ye Ming is actually looking forward to it now.

Because of the sudden arrival of aliens before, he still doesn’t know whether it was an accidental event, or he entered the time light cone in the simulated earth in 2021—if so, it will definitely happen.

Time flies, and 2077 is approaching in a blink of an eye.

A dazzling light rose again.


Silently, Ye Ming paused the simulation and looked at the mysterious spaceship that suddenly appeared.

It looks about the same size as an aircraft carrier, with silver lights shining all over its body, the "tail" is a dazzling plasma jet, and the "head" is also the same-but the jet at the head is more dense and dazzling.

Its location is in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

"First of all, confirm the fact that this thing has entered the time light cone of the earth at least before 2021—that is, it must come in 2077, and then shoot a shot at the moon, and then hit the moon .”

The time light cone is based on the theory that the speed of light in the theory of relativity is constant and the fastest.

If you use a simple and crude analogy, suppose that at the moment, people 1 light-year away are constantly firing lasers at your location. Then one year later, your position will enter the time light cone, and then face the laser attack continuously.

Before that laser came, you didn't know anything.

When the laser light arrives, you cannot change it, nor can it be reversed.

——This can also be used to describe that the universe that we can observe at present is actually a state that has already occurred and is preordained. And now, everything "is" happening in the universe billions of light-years away, because it will enter our light cone after billions of years, so... outside the light cone, it is meaningless.


"Secondly, this thing... I don't think it's aliens deliberately invading the earth." Ye Ming looked at the spaceship intently, thinking about its fate, and thinking that the same spaceship did not appear in the subsequent simulations, and said seriously: "It's like getting on a train that's doomed to die—you see it hits the moon every time, and every time it fires a cannon ... I think it's trying to brake."

"Makes sense."

"But mastering energy civilization above anti-material, even if you hit the brakes, it will be devastating to the moon."

"Makes sense."

"And finally, here comes the question. Why did it suddenly appear?"

Ye Ming has completely calmed down at this time.

"Two possibilities."

"One, it uses curvature flight, or the legendary arbitrary space jump technology-it can span light years with a swish."

"Second, behind it is the exit of an Einstein-Rosen bridge (wormhole)."

"Makes sense."

Ita has been diligently holding the fan.

Ye Ming was silent for a few seconds: "If it's the doesn't make sense. (I modified it.)"

Ye Ming looked at Ita while talking: "Are there any massive celestial bodies in the solar system that have not yet been discovered?"

"Ten years ago, through the observation of the orbit of Pluto's Kuiper belt, it was indeed believed that there were undiscovered massive celestial bodies with an orbit around the sun of about 10,000 years."

"The original wandering black hole?"

"It's possible, I'll adjust the data." Ita replied, and quickly said: "There is indeed dense gravity there."

Ye Ming exhaled slowly.

A model quickly flashed through his mind.

——By 2021 at the latest, this reckless spacecraft entered a high-gravity orbit, allowing it to spend "50 years" in an extremely short period of time, and then it broke into the only option, such as the black hole worm hole or something.

In short, it crossed the wormhole and appeared above the asteroid belt.

Then, fate sent it to face the moon at high speed.

For the Moon, it is in the light cone.

For its part, the Moon is in the light cone.

Within the cone of light, everything is destiny.


After exiting the super simulation, Ye Ming opened his eyes on the bed.

He looked out the window, only to see the clear sky outside the window, with occasional cicadas singing.

After getting up, he came to the office next door. The two girls had already left. He returned to his seat and woke up the computer.

"Get the orbits of Pluto, Neptune, and the Kuiper Belt from several observatories... no, all the planets in the solar system."

"Received, some observatory data are not public."

"Can it be invaded?"

"Hoho..." Ita laughed: "A request to decipher AES, DES, 3DES and other algorithms."

Ye Ming glanced at the cartoon villain on the secondary monitor.

"I saw you staring at me!" Ita exclaimed immediately.

Ye Ming took another look and sat quietly aside, actually "peeping" at his mechanical body.

Seeing him looking at "self", the mechanical body made a scissors hand to him.

"...Break it, don't mess around."

"Okay!" Ita laughed happily: "The deciphering is complete!"

"Retrieval completed! Please check!"

Ye Ming: "..."

But now is not the time to argue with Ita. He looked at the data and frowned slightly: "Calculate, all possible orbits of massive celestial bodies have not been discovered."

"Calculation complete!"

As Ita's voice fell, she also thoughtfully generated a celestial diagram for Ye Ming.

Looking at the arrow in the picture, Ye Ming remained silent for a long time.

Mara coins!

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