From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 254 Restart Star Wars

Washington D.C.

While the technology sharing conference was held in Houston, the energy sector was not idle.

The global controllable nuclear fusion alliance in Jiangcheng made the owner of the white house furious, and dragged his old body all over Europe within a month-he needed to calm down his "friends" and not be distracted by the little technological progress in front of him. blinded.

But even if friends want to calm down, they still need to consider it from the standpoint of their own development.

Now, China's controllable nuclear fusion has managed to "catch up" or even "surpass". Even the crystal material "Ye Dy", which has been "pinching" its neck, is also with the help of the world's largest supercomputing center. The realization is completed below.

As a result, technologies are being shared and displayed over there, and contracts are being signed by the energy department here—some are intentional orders for the construction of controllable nuclear fusion, and some are agreements for further exchanges.

In short, under the current MIT fusion reactor with the highest Q value and recovery rate.

Jiangcheng's "alliance" has lost its meaning.


Chen Longsheng sat in the rest area, chatting softly with his fellow ASEAN friends.

On behalf of Singapore this time, he adhered to the consistent strategy of having nothing to do with the two, but in fact, deep down in his heart, he still preferred to sign the contract here.

After all, in the past dynasties, when the position of the boss and the second child changes, there will always be a bloodbath. For some forces, this may be an opportunity, but for Pocheng...

Pacheng is still too small. Maintaining stability, and even maintaining the stability of the entire ASEAN and Southeast Asia region, is currently the core task of ASEAN.

An overly powerful mainland is not in their best interest.

"It's about time for us, right?" An official from a neighboring country looked forward with a smile.

"It's almost there." Chen Longsheng picked up his mobile phone - because he had worked in the Mainland, he was already used to mobile payment, so he also developed the habit of looking at his mobile phone when he had nothing to do.

At this time, a news alert suddenly popped up on the phone.

——The Kuafu project officially launched the controllable nuclear fusion network access plan. One minute ago, controllable nuclear fusion lit up Jiangcheng.

Chen Longsheng was stunned, and then his cell phone rang suddenly.

The cell phones of the people beside them rang at the same time!

Everyone looked at the call and was stunned.


Houston, rest area.

Musk kept walking back and forth, the phone was held in his hand, and it seemed that water would come out.

His assistant stood aside, looking at his phone, not daring to vent his anger.

Footsteps approached from far away, and soon, Meng Jiade, Professor Hollyn and Dennis, and an official from the Ministry of Energy came over.

Without any pleasantries, five people sat around the sofa, each with extremely serious expressions.

——Ten minutes ago, October 1 just passed in the East Eighth District.

At the same moment, Kuafu Engineering announced that the seven-day trial operation of the generator set was over, and the grid connection was successfully completed at 0:00 on October 1!

In addition, they also announced that the Kuafu Fusion Reactor's grid-connected electricity fee will be 0.04 yuan—less than 1 cent in US dollars!

"98.5%!" Professor Hollyn said the number he got from Ye Ming, he looked at Mengjiad, and then at Dennis - he didn't mention Ye Ming in the latter's report an hour ago Contribution is dissatisfied.

But now, obviously, is not the time to pursue these.

The Kuafu project team chose to break out such a piece of news at this time, was aimed at this "Global Controllable Nuclear Fusion Technology Sharing Conference".

This side is still talking about trial operation, and the commercial reactors over there have already started generating electricity.

Not only has it started to generate electricity, but the grid price is less than one cent!

This price of electricity has far broken the bottom line of human beings' current energy costs - coupled with the 98.5% tritium value-added rate, it means that they can continue to operate for a long time.


In fact, these are not important.

The important thing is that there is another piece of news after this piece of news that obviously carries a "gift" for their National Day.

——"Kuafu is moving forward on the road beyond the sun, so stay tuned."

This announcement, which seemed to be a "prediction", was released as usual, which was very confusing.

But now, everyone already knows what "Kua Fu" is.

Kuafu is a giant in Eastern mythology who chases the sun and eventually collapses due to thirst.

Just like the moon landing project here is named Artemis, the name of this great project generally has its special meaning.

Kuafu goes by the sun, if the deuterium-tritium fusion last time was chasing the sun, then this time surpassing the sun...

In the silence, Professor Dennis shook his head.

"There's no way they could have done helium-3 fusion."

"Then what are you talking about?" Professor Hollyn asked back.

"Could it be cold fusion?" Mengjiade tentatively said: "I have read many papers over there, and it seems that there are several teams conducting cold fusion in a vacuum."

"How does cold fusion relate to the sun?"

Musk finally couldn't bear it anymore, he tapped on the table lightly: "Friends, now is not the time to discuss their riddles, but to think about how to hold the afternoon meeting."

Following his words, everyone looked at him in unison.

Today's controllable nuclear fusion has two themes.

Fusion power generation is one, fusion engine is another.

In all fairness, if you put it in the past... oh no, not so long ago, just 2 years ago, they would all think that Musk is just a big talk, unrealistic businessman.

but now……

This businessman, no matter whether it is for his own company or for the country, is indeed actively working hard.

Musk clenched his fists and took a deep breath: "We still have advantages in the aerospace field, and we also have advantages in the field of fusion engines..."

"Restarting Star Wars is the only chance for this country."

"It's just that this time, our Star Wars is not about the space program, nor is it rushing to land on the moon, but toward Mars."



It was late at night, but the whole city was brightly lit.

Whether it's streetlights, signboards, or the neon lights of buildings, the whole city is illuminated like daytime.

There are few cars on the road, but there are many people—countless Jiangcheng people held fireworks and saluted, making the early morning of the National Day into New Year's Eve.

BYD walked slowly through the street under the escort of police cars.

Ye Ming opened the window and smelled the smell of fireworks in the air, which gave him the illusion of going back to his childhood for the New Year.

He Mo sat beside him quietly, watching the light and shadow cast on Ye Ming's face by the passing street lamps, she suddenly felt that this man seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

It's unreal.

"Tell me, will the people of Jiangcheng erect a monument for me in the future?"

Ye Ming looked at a group of children who were setting off fireworks and young people who were shooting videos by the roadside, and turned to look at He Mo, joking.


He Mo regained consciousness instantly.

After a while, she who was about to say something, smiled softly: "I think it's okay."

Ye Ming laughed.

Thanks to him, it is also to reflect the "superiority" of controllable nuclear fusion.

——The electricity bills of residents in Jiangcheng will be directly reduced by 30 cents.

This is really, hugely superior.

Thanks to the leader of the book friend 151201040954786 for the reward. Add more tomorrow.

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