Ye Ming pondered.

He knew that Lao Pan and the others really worked hard to build this "River Map".

Therefore, Hetu's designed quantum wells are millions of units.

The quantum wells of one million units are currently divided into twenty groups of thermal expansion modules, and each group of thermal expansion modules has 50,000 confinement wells—the unit bottom area of ​​each confinement well is 2 square millimeters, and these 50,000 A confinement well is densely distributed on an expansion circuit board of about 0.15 square meters.

Among them, the 50,000 confinement wells constitute more than 2,000 sets of computing units. In each group of computing units, there are 18 entangled light quanta.

The installation of the expansion board is just to use the two-stage vacuum separation technology to send the board into the circuit board with a mechanical arm and then plug it in.

Making expansion boards is the real troublesome work.

Today, Lao Pan and the others have only completed the production of three expansion boards—the good news is that they have completed the confinement well, leaving only the "planting seedlings".

In other words, if you really want to work overtime for the press conference, you can only build 150,000 constraint wells.

And Jizhi Technology's press conference...

It is intended to directly push Hetu + Aita to the world, directly to the peak!

The reason why Ye Ming is in trouble is that besides not having enough computing units, he also needs to leave time for Aita to integrate with Hetu - this is very important!

As an engineer, even if Ita thumped his chest, he had to consider the most extreme situations.

If Aita fails to complete the fusion for the first time, then...

Well, he doesn't know what to do either.


Silently, Ye Ming saw that everyone was waiting for him, so he took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at Tang and Chen: "The results will definitely come out on the 15th, we will wait until the 15th to make an announcement of the press conference ?”

Professor Tang looked solemn, he saw the worry in Ye Ming's eyes, and nodded after a few seconds of silence: "Okay, let's prepare with both hands, right?"

"Well, for the press conference, it is two-handed preparation. But for quantum supercomputing... there is only one-handed preparation, there is no second way."

Ye Ming exhaled slowly as he spoke.

Everyone's expressions became serious.

Obviously, everyone could hear the "heavy burden" in Ye Ming's words.

——Now it is too much to say that "the whole world is waiting for the fusion of quantum supercomputing and Aita". After all, some countries have begun to use the media to stir up vigilance against Aita and the launch of quantum computers with strong artificial intelligence .

Today, on the Internet, a large number of people have "clearly stated" that they want to resist strong artificial intelligence. To be precise, they are against Aita.

Coincidentally, this group of people highly overlap with those who are engaged in protecting the earth and LG...

But in the country, it is different.

As a domestic group who can eat grapes, they clearly support Aita and support Aita's use of quantum computers! Whoever dares to reveal the slightest unsupported "white left" tendency will be directly sprayed by the raging public opinion.

In addition to the trust in Ye Ming... It can be said that everyone believes that once Aita is connected to the quantum computer, she will be invincible!

You said, in this situation... Ye Ming's pressure can be imagined.

As he said, there is only one hand to prepare.

That is, the integration of quantum supercomputing and classical problems must be completed!

Professor Gong also felt the heavy atmosphere at the scene. He clenched his fists and said forcefully: "Then there is nothing more to say, guys, let's do it!"

"Then please!" Ye Ming nodded heavily: "I am connected to Aita's communication here. If you have any questions or troubles, you can contact me directly by calling Aita."

"Do not worry."


As Professor Gong led people into work, Ye Ming and others also circled the construction site.

In order to meet the data exchange with the current supercomputing center where Aita is located, the "Hetu" center adopts the most advanced optical fiber communication technology actively provided by Dianke. The data throughput per second of the bundled optical fiber can theoretically reach above Ten thousand tons—this is only the first phase of the project, and it is a preset to cooperate with the supercomputing.

And once Aita successfully "upgrades" Hetu, and she can abandon the supercomputing center, then it will enter the second and third phases of the project, making Hetu the end of the world's optical fiber...

These plans, many times, only dare to think about it.

After inspecting the construction site, the two professors Tang and Chen took their leave first.


Inside Professor Tang's office.

"That guy did get a little nervous."

Professor Chen crossed his legs, lit a cigarette, took a puff and exhaled a smoke ring.

Professor Tang sighed.

It's not just the two of them. In fact, everyone on the Hetu side can see it today.

"The integration of Aita and quantum supercomputing is indeed of great significance." Professor Tang also lit a cigarette, looked up at the ceiling, and was silent. To hear that Aita and the quantum computer have completed the fusion...damn it, the first thing I think of is to drop the nuclear bomb directly."

"That's right..." Professor Chen also sighed, "Now we have a tight computing power, and Aita has to do a lot of things... Once this can release the computing power of the quantum computer..."

"Anyway, I heard that his kid used the current Aita's computing power to design one in a few days..." Professor Tang said, glanced outside the door, paused, and then said: "It's an amazing spaceship, and listen to it. Say it with the mouth design."

Professor Chen laughed out loud.

Mouth design is an image metaphor of engineers and designers currently using Aita.

Let's put it this way, once Aita's computing power is released, then...the future world, no matter what the field, may really rely on imagination and some foundations.

What kind of background in art, drawing, software... There is no need at all!

——Not to mention strong artificial intelligence like Aita, even those neural networks that run on graphics cards can generate an exquisite drawing for you through description in the field of painting.

Didn't there have been jokes in the past two years? Let’s talk about a painting competition, and the picture drawn by AI won the championship, which made a group of painters very angry... unanimously demanded that the organizer cancel the reward.

This whole...

Back then, AlphaGo defeated Li Shishi first and then Ke Jie. Didn't the Go world say that AlphaGo would be disqualified? Instead, he learned from AlphaGo.

All that can be said is that the artists...cough.

"I don't know how the country will think about the impact on society after the integration of Aita and Hetu..." Professor Chen took a breath and asked worriedly: "Have you received any news?"

Professor Tang shook his head.

"Where's that kid Ye Ming?"

"I don't know, I probably haven't received it either—or I'm chatting with Lao Niu now."

After Professor Tang finished speaking, Professor Chen also looked in the direction of the brain-computer center.

They know that this matter...the country must guide it.

Otherwise, according to Ye Ming's temperament, then... the current information industry will be ruined.

Especially domestic.

If Aita is compared to a nuclear bomb, then the domestic information industry is the center of the nuclear explosion!

You said, who can withstand this blow-up?

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