From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 265: Sacrifice to Heaven

The Provincial Capital Science and Technology Park is 200 meters away from the conference site.

The meeting room of Anyixun Technology.

The company is very low-key, so low-key that no one knows what they do... After all, the business license of the company even involves the sales of home appliances and the wholesale of components.

But when it comes to that popular national product...

Yes, they are the production company of "Master Lu" - since the founder Lao Lu and his team cooperated with a well-known software company 15 years ago, Master Lu has embarked on the road of rapid expansion, and then completed the Hong Kong stock market listing...

Afterwards, the founder gradually retired, and Tian Ye presided over the overall situation.

Only the background lights were turned on in the conference room, and everyone's eyes were on the screen on the wall.

After seeing that Aita cloned a "Master Lu" under the Ita system in minutes, everyone present smiled although their expressions were serious.

This opportunity to show your face... right?

It's just a drop in traffic.

"Do you think we can sue Aita for copyright infringement?" someone joked.

"You'd better sue her for causing you to lose your job." Tian Ye glanced at Master Cheng. Although he was also joking, the worry on his brows was not concealed.

As neighbors of Jizhi Technology, they saw its rise with their own eyes, and they were also the first to appreciate Aita's capabilities - almost before and after the launch of EDA, Jizhi Technology also launched mathematical modeling and CAD tools.

It's just that due to well-known reasons, Aita's computing power has never been enough.

In order to ensure the operation of the leading products of Jizhi Technology, Skynet in the province and many scientific research and testing projects, Aita's task queue has reached an unbearable level in many cases, especially as the number of people and projects applying for testing increases.

But now, whether it is the news channel or Jizhi Technology, it has been clearly stated that the integration of Aita and Hetu has been completed.

Both inside and outside the words reveal... Aita can use quantum computers to complete classical tasks.

It's just that everyone doesn't know what platform, in what way, and what tasks Aita will complete.

What Tian Ye can now be sure of is.

Judging from the fact that Aita copies a "Master Lu" every minute... it can indeed kill programming on the Ita system platform.


The "running score" is over.

Everyone in the conference room fell silent again.

After a long time, someone finally let out a long sigh.

"Damn, this is the first time I've seen someone use scientific notation to express performance scores."

"Is this the performance of a running quantum computer?"

While speaking, everyone looked at Tian Ye.

Tian Ye exhaled slowly, looking at the score finally represented by scientific notation, he showed an expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He silently calculated, and quickly gave the approximate number of digits.

"The number of counting digits is 45, which exceeds the sum of the existing supercomputers and the sum of all the computers in the world. Needless to say, if the Fourier project is launched, the total computing power of the world's classic computers plus one piece is only tens of billions of that of Hetu. One in a billion."

// Note, roughly calculated, the current computing power of PCs in the world is in the trillions and billions.

Everyone immediately fell silent.

They specialize in computer computing power evaluation—although they are dubbed entertainment masters, you can’t say that the people who wrote computing power evaluation algorithms don’t understand computing power.

"Then all supercomputers are finished?"

"It must be over."

"What about GPUs?"

"It's over, look at the rendered frame, it's all directly expressed by an index..."

Following the chatter of the crowd, Ye Ming had already turned off the scoring software on the live broadcast screen.


"Suddenly it doesn't make any sense."

Ye Ming turned off the interface and looked down the stage with a dull expression on his face, as if he had entered the time of a sage.

The auditorium remained silent for a few seconds before bursting into applause.

"Everyone guessed right, the entertainment master just now ran Aita's computing power—to be precise, it was part of the computing power."

Ye Ming looked at the audience calmly.

All eyes were also on him.

Ye Ming took a few breaths lightly.

"But... this is the computing power that every user of the Ita system can theoretically invoke."

"Because the Jilong notebook in my hand and all the core logic and services of the Ita system on this notebook are based on Aita+Hetu."

"Whether it is a notebook, or the handheld terminal of the MR glasses shown before - that is, the mobile phone, their own computing power is almost negligible."

"All their high-computing tasks will be delivered to Hetu for operation through networking."

"The biggest role of the two terminals is the feedback of the results and the display of the screen."

"Maybe someone here will say, ah, you cloud computing... What about the bandwidth? What about the delay?"

There was a burst of low laughter from the audience.

"Friends who are worried about this kind of problem must be FPS gamers."

"In fact, on the premise that the data server is located in the provincial capital."

"Then if you are in the province, through the optimized direct fiber optic connection, the delay can be within 10 milliseconds."

"And in the whole country and even the entire Asian region, the FPS game delay can generally be within 50 milliseconds-this is already a very comfortable delay range."

"Even in Europe and the United States, which are separated by oceans, as long as you are willing to optimize Fiber Channel, the delay can be within 100 milliseconds, which is within an acceptable range."

Ye Ming paused as he spoke, and looked towards the audience with a smile: "I also play games."

The audience laughed, and then applauded.

"Of course, the optimization of basic communication facilities is a long-term process, so we focus more on what an Aita + Hetu consumer-grade notebook that can be used at any time can do."

"First of all, it can run points."


After the laughter subsided, Ye Ming breathed out again slowly, and said almost word for word: "It can be used to run and intelligently develop all programs and applications based on the Ita system."

After speaking, Ye Ming looked at the big screen.

On the screen, the word "ecology" was displayed.

"Using the development software provided by the system, we can easily rebuild all the application systems under the Ita system - the running score program just now is a copy completed by Aita through my words."

"Of course, this kind of simple copy-and-paste function that damages intellectual property rights will not be opened, everyone can rest assured."

"But helping programmers and designers get rid of the anguish of writing code and the trouble of debugging is what we are willing to do, and it is also our original intention of developing Aita."

"We can easily realize the programming design that can be imagined through the simple requirements and user-oriented normative description, coupled with the UI language and style-from then on, the threshold for programmers will be lowered , then creativity and imagination are the key to the rise of a product.”

"For example, we can describe a world, and then Aita will automatically complete the world—forgot to mention, there are several full-dimensional games in the MR glasses set."

"These games are all completed by the company's friends when they are bored. You can experience it when the MR glasses are on the market."

"For another example, we can describe the definition of an instant messaging software and the definitions of other functions..."

"It can even be said that all the programs in the Ita System app store are completed by the company's friends."

While introducing, Ye Ming opened the app store for display.


Anyixun Technology.

For some reason, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Ye Ming opened the app store.

Everyone understands.

——All intelligent designs of Aita will only be opened in the Aita system to liberate productivity and create a new ecology.

In the current ecology of the information world, Jizhi Technology will not move.

Tian Ye's frowning brows finally eased, he smiled and looked at the crowd: "It seems that Mr. Ye has left a meal for his colleagues."

Everyone nodded.

Not only has it left a mouthful for the traditional information industry, but it has also left a mouthful for everyone on the Ita system platform.

"However, under the ecology of the ITAR system, many traditional industries are estimated to be out of business."

"Well, virus anti-virus and so on must be out of the question."

"What about the advertisement?"

"Advertising is estimated to be regulated, and will focus on placement and display."

"That's for sure. I think Mr. Ye's distasteful personality doesn't allow anyone to design pop-up windows and inducements."

"Aita even cares about this?"

"It's not that Aita can take care of this, but Aita can take care of this."

"The security field is definitely out of the question, Aita can invade satellites..."

"There should be something to do with the hardware, right? DDOS must be guarded against, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. I heard that Hetu's optical fiber bandwidth and data processing capacity are tens of thousands of terabytes... Is there so much global network bandwidth?"

Everyone was discussing in a hurry, which can be regarded as preparation for the company's transformation in the future.

Suddenly, someone interrupted: "What about the encryption system?"

Everyone was startled.

It seems... Mr. Ye really hasn't mentioned encryption security yet.

It stands to reason, Aita + Hetu, this is the real quantum supremacy!

Doesn't it mean that once quantum supremacy is realized...the existing cryptographic system will collapse?

At this moment, on the big screen, Ye Ming had turned the PPT to the next page.

Then, he walked to the very center of the podium.

"Just now we have introduced some application scenarios of Ita based on strong AI and quantum computers in daily work."

"Then there is one last question left."

"Where is its upper limit? Has it achieved the so-called true 'quantum hegemony'?"

Ye Ming looked towards the auditorium.

"In order to test the upper limit of Hetu's computing power, let's 'dig' a ​​little."

Ye Ming pursed his lips, and a smile began to appear on his face.

In the meeting room, everyone held their breath at the same time.

On the big screen, that is, in the interface of the notebook in Ye Ming's hand, a mining tool jumped out.


When you see numbers that keep jumping...

"Fuck! He's not mining, he's directly generating BTC!"

"He cracked sha256 and elliptic encryption!"

Everyone was startled at the same time!

Then he took a breath of cool air to his heels!

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