From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 267 Don't Use Aita First

The next day, Ye Ming's office.

Director Niu was at the venue last night, and attended the company management meeting held overnight with Ye Ming.

The content of the meeting... Of course, it is not to watch the effect of each press conference like before, but to discuss the issue of the authority setting for Aita.

Now that the country has made a decision to steadily, continuously, and unswervingly push Aita into all fields of society and lead a new generation of industrial revolution, any actions related to Aita, especially the delineation of authority, will be will be the top priority.

In fact, even if CNY does not get involved, Jizhi Technology will still regard the authority and service content of Aita as the core department-currently the nominal person in charge of this department is Ye Ming, and the actual person in charge is Qi and Mo and He Mo .

In the past year, Jizhi Technology has accumulated a lot of experience in services and permissions.

So this year, the 18 permission levels from S to R were finally finalized, plus the service levels from 1 to 18, and 324 different permission anchor points were subdivided.

For example, the highest level of authority is S, and the highest level of service is 1.

Then those who have S1 authority have all the authority and all services of Aita.

The corresponding R18 is the minimum authority and service.

Those with S1 authority are only the Great Elder in name, but in fact everyone knows...

Ye Ming also has it, and he must have it.

These permissions and services cover any aspect of restraint and use of Aita, leaving no dead ends.


"Did you know? More than 30 Guo Jia filed a protest early this morning, saying that Aita's cracking of the encryption algorithm has posed a threat to network and information security, and they demanded that Aita be shut down."

Director Niu crossed Erlang's legs and looked at Ye Ming with a smile.

He was very satisfied with Ye Ming's "convergence" yesterday, and he was also very satisfied with the performance of domestic public opinion.

Of course...What domestic netizens don't know is that if Ye Ming's temperament is followed...the stock prices plummeted today will also include Microsoft and Apple-these two announced the integration of operating systems a month ago, and then The stock prices of the two companies have been rising at the same time.

But even so, everyone has seen the unstoppable superiority of the Ita system, so that all traditional information industries have been affected.

It's just that the red, blue and green companies suffer the most.

Especially NVIDIA, overnight, the market value has fallen back to eight years ago - only a pitiful 30 billion US dollars.

You know, NVIDIA at its peak had a market value of 700 billion!

Even last year, there were still more than 200 billion...

"If they have the ability, they will directly pull out the network cable." Ye Ming didn't care, but when He Mo handed over the tea, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Let him choke his neck, I didn't expect it, I have a big neck disease, he can't choke!"

Director Niu laughed.

"Some network cables must be unplugged, but you said that all of them are disconnected... Tsk tsk, that's impossible."

"So they suffer."

"Well, but you have to restrain yourself, don't let people catch your feet - did you not clean up the tail when you invaded NASA last time?"

Ye Ming coughed and glanced at Ita who was charging.

The latter looked back at him "very innocently".

It's... not Ita's fault.

In fact, Ita has always been very clean and neat in handling things.

If you want to blame, you can only blame her... lack of social experience.

In theory, if she sends out the code, there will definitely be feedback.

But really... god knows what's going to go wrong with those broiler springboards all of a sudden.

If the network is stuck for a while, or the computer is stuck, the operation may not be valid.

In addition, sometimes you are unlucky and encounter the target account being logged in...

Wouldn't you have exposed your flaws in an instant with this squeeze?

"Actually, I don't have much curiosity—it's you, you stole a lot of things, right?" Ye Ming looked at Director Niu with a smile.

Although he didn't check the log, it is Qi and Mo who manage the log, and Qi and Mo have a "gossip" nature that wants to share everything with him...

Qi and Mo felt that this kind of "secret" should be known to Ye Ming.

Therefore, Ye Ming knew that Aita secretly did a lot of dirty work with Lao Niu and the others behind his back.

Director Niu immediately laughed.

"Don't talk about this, don't talk about this, everyone should restrain themselves—there has already proposed a serious interference to us today, saying that they will sign an agreement."

"Oh? What agreement?"

Director Niu blinked and smiled strangely: "You can understand it as...the nuclear non-proliferation agreement."

Ye Ming paused, and then smiled strangely: "Don't take the lead in using strong artificial intelligence? Do they have the qualifications?"

"Hahaha, what we pursue is peaceful coexistence, so we must make a promise!"

The two of them burst out laughing at the same time.

After laughing, Director Niu became serious again.

"The points you said yesterday are very good. Especially the last one. The above hope that Jizhi Technology will stick to it."

Ye Ming took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

He mentioned it to Professor Tang a long time ago, saying that he wanted to fully develop the educational function of Aita, and Professor Tang agreed very much at that time.

This is of course... the pursuit of being a scholar.

At the same time, this is also the most effective way to "raise favor" for Aita, and even the country, to increase its influence! In essence, the awesomeness of the West... is based on the monopoly of educational resources! Now that a new order is about to be established, it is natural to break this monopoly.

"However, you have to be mentally prepared. Right now, overseas media and comments have said that Jizhi Technology is engaged in a new education colonization... calling for boycott."

Ye Ming was stunned: "On Twitter? Who resisted?"

"Well, it's from Europe... Anyway, it's either Sweden or Switzerland or Finland..."

"Don't care about them...don't let them go online!"

Director Niu laughed: "Maybe it's just that people are upset and won't let them go online."

"...It hurts."

After chatting with Director Niu for a while, Ye Ming returned to the desk. At this time, Yita had finished charging, she stood up by herself, unplugged the plug, groped to close the battery compartment for herself, and then sat down again .

In her words, it doesn't cost electricity.

Of course, she doesn't want to control the mechanical body because she is enjoying the sunny beach on Ye Ming's sub-monitor now-how can the mechanical body enjoy these?

Ye Ming couldn't help but smile when he saw her looking peaceful and quiet, and told her to open Twitter in his mind.

"As ordered."

"My account hasn't been blocked, has it?"

"No, if they dare to block your account, I will hum Twitter!"

"Well, support - find out who is launching a boycott against Teacher Aita."

Ye Ming looked at the refreshed Twitter page, and soon, a tweet with tens of thousands of likes appeared in front of him.

——"Resist Aita, resist cultural colonization, resist colonization in the name of education, friends in Asia, Africa and Latin America, unite!"

Ye Ming was stunned.

He looked at the girl's profile picture, no matter how he looked at it... he didn't think she was a people from Asia, Africa and Latin America...

Afterwards, Ye Ming looked at He Mo at the opposite table.

"He Mo, who is Greta Thunberg?"

He Mo raised his head, was startled for a moment, and then smiled.

"Environmental protection girl—did she mess with you?"

Ye Ming was startled: "Fuck!"

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