From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 285 Old Beauty's Evil Path

Princeton, New Jersey.

At 4:30 in the morning, Professor Hollyn was wearing his clothes and sitting in front of the computer in the study.

The old man has lost sleep for two hours.

As the chief scientist of the "Prometheus" project, his insomnia was caused by a little stress on the one hand, and on the other hand, he suddenly realized that he was old.

When he woke up in the middle of the night, he suddenly found an old woman lying on the bed. When he was terrified, he suddenly realized that it was his wife...

So he couldn't sleep at all.


The screen of the computer stops on the calculation interface of MATLAB.

As the chief scientist of Prometheus, he was forbidden to use Aita—in the "confrontation" half a year ago, Jizhi Technology issued a statement refusing services in North America, but Aita of scientific research institutions can use Yes, but it cannot be used for data analysis and model building, it can only be used as a tool for translation, communication and flux calculation.

This is Jizhi Technology's goodwill towards the scientific community here.

Of course, this goodwill was deliberately distorted by some security departments here to collect data, and sensitive institutions and subjects were prohibited from using it.

Of course, Professor Hollyn doesn't care.

He didn't use Aita because he was not used to it, not because he was afraid of anything.

He is too aware of Ye Ming's authority and ability in the field based on Ye's equation - the reason why he dared to show his ideas to Ye Ming is that he fully believes that to Ye Ming, this is nothing at all.

Even in the past emails, he could guess that the daily research team may have completed the design of helium-3 fusion!

So what else is there to care about?

Time passed by second by second, and soon a reminder of a new email popped up.

"Professor, are you still awake at one o'clock?"

Professor Hollein looked at the time in the lower right corner: "It's four o'clock here."

"Oh, I thought you were still in California, so are you in Princeton now?"

"Yes, I'm in Princeton. Ye, what's your train of thought?"

After clicking to send the email, Professor Hollyn leaned back on the chair, crossed his arms with both hands, and waited quietly.

About five minutes later, the new email popped up again.

"Professor, I'm sorry, I can't solve this problem for you, because our thinking direction is not consistent."

"But after receiving your email, I used Aita to do a simple simulation. Your direction should be fine, but as far as the helium-3 fusion itself is concerned, a higher continuous power is required to maintain the self-sustainability of the fusion. Of course, As long as the helium-3 cost problem can be solved, then this power loss is not a problem."

"And, we also completed the idea based on quantum supercomputing and the assistance of Aita. If you want, I can coordinate and open Aita's data analysis and modeling permissions for you."

"At present, Aita already has 750,000 photons and more than 50,000 sets of quantum computing units, which can barely meet the computing needs of the world."


Looking at the email, Professor Hollyn's cheeks trembled.

There are not many words in the email, and the content is very clear.

Ye Ming did already have an idea, and he even felt that the progress of the Kuafu project team must be far behind!

Ye Ming is obviously also based on some kind of confidentiality regulations, so he can only talk about this little information to himself-according to the "personality" there, it may not be long before he will announce that the helium-3 fusion reactor has successfully ignited...

In contrast, on my side...

As for Aita...

Professor Hollyn sighed.

With Aita, even thinking about it is impossible.

In silence, Professor Huo Laien was thinking about whether to say "thank you" or "congratulations", when suddenly the mobile phone that was put aside suddenly rang.

Without thinking about it, he hung up the phone directly, but he didn't want to, the same number called again.


"Professor, please stop contacting the opposite email immediately!"

Hearing the stern warning from the phone, he looked at the content of the email.

Professor Huo Laien felt a huge sense of absurdity, and he finally couldn't help it, and shouted at the phone: "Damn Falk! Get out!"

Then he hung up the phone and replied "Congratulations."

"You're welcome, and good luck to you too, Professor."

After closing the email, Professor Huo Laien opened the design page again, and began to think about Ye Ming's possible design, or... the possible direction.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, the sky gradually lit up.

There was also the sound of his wife getting up in the bedroom.

Just then, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Two men in civilian clothes showed him their IDs with serious faces.


Ye Ming naturally didn't know that his communication with Professor Huo Laien would bring great trouble to the other party, and he even regretted that he could not help such an old man who pursued the truth more...

Well, it's not his fault.

Who told them to isolate themselves from advanced productive forces?

And he also learned about Lao Mei's direction in quantum computers from previous exchanges with the old man.

Now Laomei has started to walk on two legs.

One leg is to reduce the size of the confinement well as much as possible in order to obtain more distribution of light quanta in the smallest area, thereby causing qualitative changes.

This road is being taken by several fabs. It is said that in the latest design, the "process" process of a confined well-yes, they still call it "process"-has reached the order of 0.1 mm!

I have to say that advancing the manufacturing process is indeed a traditional craft...

Another way is to design as many exclusive algorithms as possible, and then complete the assignment of classic tasks through the task management system.

Regarding these two paths... Ye Ming can only say that they are happy.

——People in the simulated world also took these two paths, but after fifty years of walking, they still can't compare with one percent of the "Tatu" combination.

Of course, there are also advantages for them to go this way, that is, quantum computers with exclusive algorithms can be miniaturized, which is quite useful in some occasions.

But... wanting to change the world is wishful thinking.

"You said, Lao Mei came here to admit his mistake, and then invited Aita back in a proper manner...Everything is solved, how good is it?"

Ye Ming said with emotion to He Mo who had just entered the door.

He Mo was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

Aita uses centralized computing and storage logic. If you really dare to go back there, it is estimated that the country will be happy.

Hmm... To put it more bluntly, Aita is really going to be fully accepted over there, which means that it is not far from the great harmony of the world.

"By the way, why are you facing each other again?"

Ye Ming shook his head and began to pack up the light field display glasses: "It's nothing... I just communicated with the chief scientist of Prometheus on the opposite side, and it probably hit him a bit..."

He Mo: "You didn't... tell me everything?"

Ye Ming gave her a blank look: "Please, I decide what content should be kept secret!"

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