From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 304 Show off your muscles


Professor Samuel A. Cohen proposed a Princeton anti-field configuration based on strong magnetic confinement in 2002 of this century, and then introduced the concept of DFD - direct fusion engine.

In the following years, it has been invested by the Department of Energy and Princeton as a "try it" project.

In the plan, the engine will use helium-3 and deuterium fusion to complete fusion—that is, helium-3 fusion, and then obtain an aircraft engine with high specific power, adjustable thrust, specific impulse, and low radiation.

Of course, in the past two decades, the progress of this project has been extremely slow, and the biggest difficulty lies in the difficulty in satisfying the conditions for completing helium-3 fusion. To be precise, it is difficult to realize the temperature system.

Until a year ago, a Niguo scientist achieved a super high equivalent pressure through the YE field.


"Actually, we should thank Hollyn."

In Professor White's office, Coles, an official from the Department of Energy, was smoking a fat cigar with a smile on his face: "If it wasn't for his plan on the Confinement Array..."

Before Coles finished speaking, the professor's assistant coughed lightly.

Coles immediately shut up.

He had heard for a long time that there was a lot of conflict between Professor White and Haw Laen, and now it seems that the rumors are true—in fact, when he mentions Haw Laen now, he mainly resents Professor Haw Laen About fleeing.

At the beginning, Hollein, Dennis, Musk, and he and Mark from NASA proposed the space program to the White House after the Global Conference on Controllable Nuclear Fusion, and immediately received approval and support.

But in less than a year, Huo Laien, as the signatory of the plan, escaped!

How do you think he feels?

Hearing that Coles mentioned Haw Laien, Professor White just frowned slightly, and did not show much displeasure, but nodded: "Yes, but this is not in line with our previous plan. Helium 3 Fusion should naturally be used on aircraft."

"Although the fusion conditions have been resolved so that fusion can occur, this has also changed the backfield model. We can't solve the problem of completing the power conversion while realizing the jet flow, and the use of high-energy proton beams is not enough."

Professor White sighed slightly as he spoke.

Although he has always had a gap with Huo Laien, you have to admit his technical achievements - science does not lie.

Compared with Musk's Mars program, the PFRC team's engine program obviously does not have enough resources. In this case, the first completion of helium-3 fusion is good for future resources and the country's increasingly shaken international influence. Strength is also good...

All good.

Although Musk is not sure about the door, he often says some things that are not pleasant and unbelievable, but he is right in one sentence-that is, if you don’t spend money, then the money is worthless.

In order to make money worthwhile, it is necessary to keep this country taking the lead in "recovering a city" in the field of advanced technology.

——Frankly speaking, Huo Laien arrived at the Provincial Jiaotong University and immediately co-signed a paper with Ye Ming on a face-to-face dimension. This had a great influence on the entire academic world, and it is no exaggeration to say that it was shocking.

Therefore, the PFRC team abandoned the half-baked engine project and turned to helium-3 fusion.

Only then did the announcement announced yesterday that helium-3 fusion will be ignited a week later.

It's just a little regretful.

"Professor, don't sigh." Coles put out his cigar and laughed: "As long as you can ignite Helium 3, even if it's only for ten seconds... your funding will be ten times that of the current one."

"That's for sure." Professor White put away his emotions, and a smile appeared on his face.



"Sometimes, I really admire Lao Mei, she is really confident."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Ming lost his sleepiness.

Of course he knew the PFRC team—because he had referred to the design of PFRC at the beginning. After all, they proposed the configuration and the concept of direct fusion engine 20 years ago.

And over the years, there has been technological advancement, but it has been pushed very slowly, and many technologies are just PPTs.

It's just that after getting the plan later, Ye Ming found that the plan is of course no problem in the field of magnetic confinement coils, but after adding the ye field, it is difficult to design, and it cannot be basically replaced directly like a tokamak .

Therefore, Ye Ming's final design is original, and its confinement environment strictly abides by the definition of Ye's equation on the Hilbert surface, and realizes multi-segment plasma control.

"Why do you say that?" He Mo asked curiously after taking Ye Ming's phone again.

"Because they are obviously behind us in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, but they think that their technical capabilities can achieve cornering overtaking."

Thinking that this news was a public announcement, Ye Ming shook his head.

"Hmm... But I think the attitude of the higher-ups this time is a bit strange." He Mo pursed his lips and thought about it seriously.

Ever since Director Niu said that he was going to announce the success, she has been listening carefully to the content of the phone - thanks to the quiet driving environment and sound insulation, she can hear the content of the phone clearly.

Moreover, she also noticed that Director Niu directly said the news of "declaring success".

This... has the meaning of not allowing failure.

In other words, even if you fail, you must declare success—at least find a "success" that can be declared.

Frankly speaking, this is very abnormal.

"Well, it's really amazing, but... I think this may also represent a change in attitude towards competition." Ye Ming closed his eyes, and quickly went through the current form in his mind.

He was also a little surprised why the work that had been kept secret had to be announced suddenly, but after thinking that it had entered a substantive new stage, he could figure it out.

There used to be a joke saying that the reason for keeping it secret is to prevent people from knowing how far behind we are...

In the past, there was indeed no competitive capital.

But now, so to speak.

The results achieved by both parties in any future-oriented technology and the announcement of the results actually represent a show of muscle.

And this muscle show is not even for anyone to see...

Instead, show it to others.

It's as if, if the second in command wants to take the position of the first in command, and to subdue the younger brother, Huairou alone is not enough. You have to let the younger brothers know how strong you are, and let the first in command know how strong you are-this can also avoid many unnecessary conflicts .

"Then... it should be fine this time, right?"

Ye Ming chuckled: "It seems that you don't trust me very much?"

He Mo: "..."

Ye Ming looked at the highway ahead, and closed his eyes after a few seconds of silence.

"Our biggest problem is the helium 3 problem. Maple Leaf's out of stock really gave us a lot of trouble."

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