From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 311 NASA Does Not Have That Qualification

Under the stage, Kobayashi Yufang and Linda looked at each other without leaving a trace.

Both of them are "old" reporters.

They didn't believe it at all, the first question asked by the reporter of the news channel...was a random idea.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, who are they fooling?

Such a sensitive question is asked by a news channel reporter... There are really too many things in it.

The reporter from the news channel sat down, and a group of people on the stage looked at each other with a smile, and then Director Zhang made a gesture of invitation to Ye Ming.

"I would like to invite Professor Ye Ming to answer this question."

As Director Zhang's voice sounded, everyone's eyes swiped to Ye Ming.

Kobayashi Yukata immediately grasped the pen.

His heartbeat subconsciously accelerated.

"Well, thank you Director Zhang for giving me this hot potato."

On the rostrum, Ye Ming held a water glass and said with a smile: "Indeed, in the past year, the Kuafu project team, in addition to conducting experiments on helium-3 fusion, is also testing the helium-3 fusion engine."

"The success of the helium-3 fusion experiment this time is actually the success of the fusion engine. That is to say, we have realized the foundation for the dream of human space travel in terms of technology and theory."

Ye Ming's voice fell, and applause immediately burst out from the audience.

Kobayashi Xiongfang took a deep breath and quickly applauded, but then, he immediately raised his hand.

Soon, everyone raised their hands high again.

"Friends from the Agence France-Presse." Director Zhang quickly called his name again.

A blond beauty stood up and said, "Professor Zhang, hello Professor Ye, my question is, next, will you plan to use fusion engines to build spaceships for space travel? For example, landing on the moon or Mars. "

"Yes." Director Zhang nodded with a smile: "The engine can't be built and put there, right?"

"What about the time plan?"

"I can only tell you now that everything is going according to plan." Director Zhang ended the topic with a smile, and immediately pointed to the next person.


When Kobayashi Xiongfang heard Linda clicked beside him, he immediately unfolded his notebook to Linda, revealing his question.

But the other party turned a blind eye and just quickly asked his own question.

"Hello, Professor Ye, I'm Linda from Lianhe Zaobao. My question is, will the aerospace department participate in the Human Space Convention proposed by NASA a few days ago, and will a new convention organization be formed?"

Hearing this female reporter directly ask her by name, and it was such a sharp question at first...

Well, he likes it.


Ye Ming looked at the smiling face of the other party, and smiled slightly: "This question should be answered by Director Zhang, but as far as I know, we have not received an invitation from NASA."

"Also, I don't think NASA is representative of all human beings, so that's my answer."

Following Ye Ming's words, Linda's eyes flickered: "Does that mean rejecting NASA's invitation?"

Ye Ming exhaled slowly, and after a few seconds of silence, he smiled again.

"Just as NASA has excluded us from the International Space Station for decades, how can we have the willingness to cooperate with NASA?"

"In the past few decades, in the eyes and mouth of NASA, we were not even qualified to go to the International Space Station."

"Therefore, NASA is not qualified to represent all mankind at all-it is estimated that in their eyes, we are not considered human beings."

"Therefore, the so-called 'human' space convention is nothing more than a farce of some countries forming gangs in space."

"We don't accept this kind of farce."

"We will strictly follow the existing policy and route of win-win cooperation, joint development and utilization of space resources, and the benefit of mankind."

Listening to Ye Ming's "extra" gift, Linda's eyes flashed, and she smiled again.

"Thank you, Professor Ye! My problem is gone."

"You're welcome." Ye Ming nodded with a smile: "Next."



The details of the "Space Day" press conference spread all over the Internet that night.

And because the press conference of Space Day happened in a "special period" and attracted global media, it quickly spread to media all over the world.

Whether it was the cover-up in the country, the direct and generous admission that the ignition test of the controllable nuclear fusion engine had been completed, or Ye Ming's unceremonious, even categorical decision when faced with the issue of the "Human Space Convention" answer.

Each one is enough to detonate public opinion.

"NASA has excluded us from the International Space Station for decades"

"NASA is not qualified to represent all mankind"

"The human space convention is just a farce of some countries forming gangs in space"

These words, without any doubt, express the attitude of the two major fields of domestic spaceflight and controllable nuclear fusion towards NASA without any ambiguity.

That is……

——You are not qualified.

In other words, boss, times have changed.

Now is no longer the era when you NASA can cover the sky with one hand in space.

Of course, such a tough statement was unsurprisingly met with criticism on platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and INS.

Those well-known media—such as those who boasted NASA's "Human Space Convention" as a paladin-like organization of light in the world earlier, all published commentary articles on the same day, saying that this means that the domestic aerospace sector is ignoring the sharing of space by human beings. The rules, wantonly trampling on the future and well-being of all mankind.

In addition, some environmental protection organizations also joined the battle, and began to talk about the domestic environmental protection, climate, and wild animals from the time when Pangu created the world... In short, it started with meat, egg and milk, and detailed domestic crime .

But now, this country is disregarding the interests of all human beings, wanting to destroy the environment of the moon and space...

Anyway... If you only read some of the comments of some people on certain platforms, then you will have an illusion that if you don't drop a few nuclear bombs to the provincial capital, you will be sorry for God!

But in China, it is a completely different picture.

Everyone was immersed in the joy that the Kuafu project team took the lead in completing the controllable nuclear fusion engine.

Except for a very small number of people who are dead ducks and still talk about the cost and difficulty of mining helium 3, as well as the resources and environmental protection of the moon-yes, these people also mentioned the environmental protection of the moon-except that almost Everyone is in fantasy mode.

——The controllable nuclear fusion engine has appeared, so is the spaceship still far away?

Of course not far!

Domestic netizens, especially those who "know" Ye Ming very well, know that Professor Ye Ming has always been the kind of character who "talks a lot about people". He not only loves to hate people, but also produces results. Realization is absolutely unambiguous. It has never been said that a theory will not be realized until decades later...

Well, wait and see!

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