From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 329 The choice of crushing defeat

ten minutes later.

NASA posted a short message on its official website.

——"The first landing of the Artemis program failed to meet expectations, and the Artemis has now returned to lunar orbit."

With the announcement of this news, no one knows what the mood of the onlookers is.

Because NASA's live broadcast did not switch the satellite monitoring screen, it only used data modeling to simulate the state of the moon landing, so the live broadcast screen only showed Artemis landing and then taking off again.

Therefore, the viewers who watched the live broadcast did not realize that Artemis dropped a large amount of things when it was lifted into the air.

Xichang Command Center.

All the engineers who were about to squat for a while gathered in the conference room.

When seeing the screen, the Artemis went from a perfect posture at the beginning to a sudden convulsion at the end, dropped the supply cabin and took off again, everyone was as dumbfounded as Ye Ming's performance before.

Director Zhang's eyes were bloodshot, but he was very energetic. He looked at Ye Ming: "The other side hasn't contacted us now, right?"

Ye Ming shook his head immediately: "No."

Director Zhang let out a heavy breath: "That shouldn't be a big problem, it's not tearing off."

Everyone nodded.

They are all engaged in aerospace. No matter how dissatisfied they are with Lao Mei, they also shouted slogans of non-cooperation.

But...if something really happens in the sky, as long as you can help, you will definitely abandon your grudge.

——The fierce confrontation decades ago did not affect the rescue plan for astronauts in the slightest.

Therefore, the first thought that comes to everyone's mind is whether the hull of Artemis is damaged and whether the astronauts are safe.

If the hull is damaged and the lives of the astronauts are in danger, they have to be fished no matter what.

And NASA will definitely contact Xichang as soon as possible, there is nothing to say.

Now that Lao Mei has not contacted here, it means that the problem is not too big. I guess Lao Mei thinks that she can handle it.

Someone laughed: "I don't know where their material cabin fell."

"Ye finally figured it out." Director Zhang immediately looked at Ye Ming.

"The south pole area of ​​the moon is about 20 kilometers away from the place where we landed on the moon." Ye Ming asked Aita to mark the location of the material cabin on the display: "I don't know what's inside."

"If you eat it, you're finished."

"It shouldn't be food, it's probably a building tool for various instruments and observation points."


"Then you say, will they return directly or will they stay in the sky for a while? Are they still capable of landing on the moon?"

"Probably gone."

"I'm not sure. If they voluntarily abandoned it, then Lao Mei can launch some more supplies. If they dare to change the plan temporarily, they must have a plan."

With the discussion, everyone gradually calmed down.

Indeed, behind changing the plan, there must be a strong guarantee arrangement—especially when a task becomes a political project, it will definitely be guaranteed by the whole country.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the Yaoyue went to the sky this time, and countless plans and contingencies were made, taking into account all aspects of the landing failure-of course, there was also a contingency plan to seek help from the West in the end.

For example, the members of the original Chang'e project are now in Jiuquan, and they also stay up all night.

After all, to let the astronauts return safely is at all costs and above all else.

"Then it's up to Lao Mei to choose, but let's make a backup plan."

Following Director Zhang's voice, the office phone rang.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ming also received a message from Director Niu.

Whether it is the Chang'e project from Jiuquan or CNY, they have already known that there is a problem with the landing on the Laomei side.

After a brief discussion, the decision-makers issued instructions, saying that since there has not been a request for help, the Yaoyue will carry out the mission according to the scheduled plan. In case Lao Mei really needs help, leave the H plan of the Chang'e project to They are fine.

Now that the higher-ups have spoken, the Yaoyue will continue to do everything as usual.

Time passed minute by minute, and Yaoyue also arrived at the predetermined orbital position, ready to land.

At this time, the eyes of all the people in the world were once again focused on the Yaoyue.

Because NASA has not issued an announcement of the failure of the moon landing, but temporarily interrupted the live broadcast.

Everyone believes that this should be just a technical failure.



Everyone has gathered at the command center.

After half an hour of chaos, order has been restored in the hall.

At this time, the live broadcast has been interrupted, and the video has also received the vision of the crew of the Artemis.

In the video, it is obvious that Artemis is decelerating after re-entering orbit. And it can be seen that the outer hull of the spaceship is in good condition.

"Artemis, please report the situation again."

"Kennedy, this is Artemis. The interface of the material cabin is slightly damaged, and the insulation tiles of the cabin seem to have scratches."

The command center was silent.

When they saw that Artemis had stopped landing, everyone realized that...the mission could not be completed this time.

Then all that remains is to see if he can come back successfully.

"Artemis, please make sure the message is clear and tell the crew that we will bring you back safely."

"Artemis understands."

Director Bowles unbuttoned the button and strode towards the conference room next to him.

At this time, the phone that had been off for less than a minute just rang again.

"Don't let me answer all the calls!"

"Especially the White House!"

"BOSS, it belongs to the White House." The operator covered the microphone.


A few minutes later, Director Bowers slammed the door of the conference room.

A group of engineers have already been in place and are constantly discussing and calculating.

"Mommy Falk, you actually asked if you could go to the moon!"

Everyone looked up and looked at him in astonishment.

After such a big accident, shouldn't it be thinking about how to get back safely?

Musk also looked at Director Bowers, frowning: "Now the structure of Artemis is not damaged, but there are scratches on the heat insulation layer. In theory, it is indeed possible to complete another moon landing, but it is not possible to carry spare materials. cabin."

"Then what are you going to do this time? Go for a walk? And do they have enough energy?"

"By calculation, it is enough, and there is no problem with the fuel tank."

"The problem now is that Artemis cannot be used for Earth return if the insulation is severely damaged."

"Then, to send those 18 astronauts back, we will rely solely on our strength..."

Musk didn't finish his sentence.

But everyone present understood.

In fact,'s not so much that Artemis is forced to venture back, or enter the earth's orbit again, waiting for rescue...

The most convenient and also the safest option.

Actually landed again.

Then, take the boat back.

But everyone knows what the consequences of doing so are.

It's a choice that flops.

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