From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 334 Coordinate System Across Dimensions

An hour later, Ye Ming sent the three of them away, and asked Ita to come back from the office of the teaching building.

Since the year before last, Ita has been teaching for him, and has become a respected Ita teacher in the school, not to mention, he has also become a good "colleague" of the teachers in the office - Ita can communicate with teachers of any subject. Conduct any academic and teaching exchanges.

Therefore, even if Ye Ming came back, she only "watched" it in the morning, and then stayed in the office, enjoying the fun of being a teacher.

Ye Ming and her were able to communicate through consciousness, and even allowed her to control the camera in the office to observe, but after all, it was still more intuitive than what she saw "with her own eyes".

With characteristic footsteps, Ita appeared at the door.

"It seems that it is a vector pattern produced by a stress point, but if I guess correctly, this stress point is actually a singularity in the interdimensional model."

Ye Ming handed Ita the cube made of T-TAVNC material, while talking about his guess: "You try to model a 3D projection."

"Okay." Ita lifted the cube to the front of his camera, changed the angle to complete the scan, then put down the cube and stretched out his arms.

Two green lasers were fired from the palm of her robotic arm. After adjusting the posture, the lasers formed two AR models in the air.

Both models are identical.

It's just that one model is calculated and one model is scanned.

"It seems that this acrylic-like material does indeed embody our previous singularity conjecture."

Ita tilted her head curiously: "What's the use of that?"

Ye Ming pursed his lips, and was silent for a few seconds: "We can adjust the frequency of 'Weibo' and observe the models at different frequencies, so as to summarize the information carrying formula."

Speaking of which, Ye Ming glanced outside the door, then turned to Ita in his mind and said, "Can you see if my dad is in the workshop? If not, you can control the mechanical arm and make more devices like this."

"No, he's watching TV!" Ita's voice became visibly excited: "Are you planning to send information into High Dimension?"

"Hmm... give it a try and send some invalid information." Ye Ming exhaled softly as he spoke.

Since Sheng Fei inadvertently created this device last year, the academic community has quickly reached a consensus, that is, if it is not absolutely necessary, do not try to send information simulation - because everyone's knowledge of dimensions is extremely limited.

There is only one Hollein-Ye hypercube model, which provides a theoretical basis and ideas for information retention in high dimensions.

But to complete the technologies and theories based on high-dimension long-distance communication, information encoding, information path and coordinate system establishment, and information reception, there is no clue at all.

And there is endless debate in the academic circles about whether to introduce string theory-string theory looks very beautiful, but it undoubtedly cannot solve engineering problems.

In short, one year has passed, and interdimensional communication is still at the most basic stage.

Many scholars believe that if we really want to understand the theory, we must wait until the four forces are unified.

But Ye Ming didn't want to wait any longer.

The Yaoyue has gone to the sky, and the task of breaking through gravity has been completed.

A new task was also posted, called [Towards the Star Sea].

[Current task: Go to the sea of ​​stars - you have successfully broken out of the gravitational shackles of this planet, it is time to break through the gravity of the sun, please prepare your team, go to the more distant sea of ​​stars, to a new galaxy]

[Task Level: S]

[Task progress: 10%]

[Task reward: 95,000 free experience, 9,000 exchange points, node simulation X10]

Frankly speaking, Ye Ming has never had much "interest" in the tasks given by the system. The main reason is that these tasks are too BT, and cannot be done by one person casually. It can even be said that one person can't do it at all!

Now Ye Ming has actually become very calm about completing tasks and spawning tasks—since he came to the conclusion that the super simulation of the system is not "omnipotent" and can only be used exhaustively within limited rules. You know, the system is not omnipotent.

The system is also... man-made.

The so-called tasks, and even the system's experience, levels, rewards... these are actually just the system's guidance to itself.

Ye Ming and Ita had discussed many times whether to listen to the system's "arrangement".

The final conclusion is... if conditions permit, I still listen.

Because such a great and powerful system, if it is only used to deceive oneself and human beings, it would be too illogical-logic is the essence of all systems.

After completing so many tasks, Ye Ming also summed up an experience, that is, the system will not be aimless, and the tasks it arranges must be based on his existing technical level, and then he can complete it with a little "effort" !

For example, the [Annihilation] task that Ye Ming has been ignoring all the time, this task was created because Ye Ming pulled out the antimatter confinement well.

Obviously not.

Humans have long been able to knock out anti-materials, but the cost is staggering, and Ye Ming is too lazy to do it.

Another example is this latest mission [Towards the Star Sea], which requires entering a new galaxy.

To enter a new galaxy, according to the current engine, fly to the nearest neighboring galaxy...

hey-hey! 4.2 light years!

Trisolarans are so awesome that they have to fly for hundreds of years!

Humans can't be dehydrated yet, they won't hibernate, you fly over?

So obviously, the system will not let Ye Ming take this path, but a shortcut.

And the fastest shortcut is naturally to drill the black hole that is slowly approaching the earth - Ye Ming has the dense gravitational constant current guidance technology in his hand. Ye Ming has not yet fully understood the principle of this technology, but the design is there, that is, the spaceship It is temporarily sent into a four-dimensional space membrane, thereby avoiding the gravitational force of the black hole.

But what if it is sent over?

The ghost knows where this wormhole will send people...

Therefore, long-distance communication is necessary.

"I think it's time to draw a wave of technical drawings."

Ye Ming looked at Ita, and said softly: "Now we still have five blueprints. If we can't draw out the technology that can be used, I will buy another five to draw. If we still can't draw out, we will stop and pass nodal simulation to directly model."

Saying that, Ye Ming called out the system panel.

【Super Engineering System】

[The system has been launched: 43 months and 16 days]

[Host: Ye Ming]

[Theory: 6 (13250/130000)]

[Engineering: 6 (21580/130000)]

[Free experience: 103500]

【Current Enhancement Status: None】

[Available exchange points: 36430]

【Available number of lucky draws: 3】

[Random Blueprint X5]

【Craft Breakthrough X5】


"Node simulation is very expensive, 20,000 points once, but this is really useful, as long as we can find a little bit of logic and design on how to receive information from high-dimensional, we can use it to force it out!"

Speaking of which, Ye Ming took a deep breath: "What do you think?"

Ita's attitude was as firm as ever: "Good!"

"Don't keep saying yes, you have to analyze, analyze!" Ye Ming looked at her helplessly: "Ita, in the confrontation with the system, I have no one to rely on. You are my only teammate."

"So I've already defected!" Ita shrugged, "I thought I could try."

Ye Ming: "..."

Well, indeed, from the perspective of "fighting wits and courage" with the system, Ita has indeed "defected".

"Well, it seems that I can't count on you." Ye Ming smiled and sighed.

Although Yita has extraordinary abilities, she is indeed immature in terms of "mind". She might as well flip a coin by herself if she expects her to analyze it for herself.

"Then start smoking."

"The lottery starts! Do you want to use random drawings?"

"Don't blot."

"Obtain [Weibo and O-Grct crystal resonance interference design]"

"Obtain [Dense Gravitational Space Maintenance Technology]"

"Acquire [Compact Energy Constraining Field]"

"Acquire [Proton Aggregation Design]"

"Obtain [material DH-DVET synthesis technology]"

Following Ita announced the names one by one.

Ye Ming raised his eyebrows instantly.

These five drawings do not seem to have any technology related to long-distance communication.

But then, he immediately looked to the first one.

If he remembers correctly, the first blueprint he got from the system was the Vibo and bioelectricity interference resonance technology—this allowed Ita to complete the embodied function by controlling his bioelectricity.



"Is the first drawing..."

"Yes! Exactly! It means that the system can achieve resonance interference with the O-Grct crystal through the Weibo!" Ita's voice was extremely excited.

Ye Ming was stunned. He immediately thought that the O-Grct crystal was the first crystal called "Ye Dy" by Sheng Fei.

Afterwards, he thought of what ita said earlier, "Super simulation can create an infinite number of interferences".

But soon, Ye Ming frowned slightly, and asked softly: "Is it theoretically possible for the system to communicate with ordinary people through Ye Di?"

"Yes, I can too."

Ye Ming fell into silence.

Obviously, this is ultra-distance communication technology.

And it is not only long-distance communication, but also long-distance communication with the "system".

Obviously, in the civilization where the system is located, not everyone should have a direct consciousness dialogue with the system, but it should be done through chips.

In other words, as long as he designs according to the drawings, people all over the world can enjoy the system's services.


In silence, Ye Ming sighed softly.

Don't say that the system cannot be seen or touched.

Even if it is Aita, the country has all the authority and data of Aita.

Moreover, Academician Pan's line of "making great efforts to create miracles" has been going on. It can be said that, in essence, the country is still not completely at ease with Aita.

Ita didn't notice Ye Ming's depression, and still said excitedly: "Ye Ming, this means that my body, even if it's light years away, can share my vision with you."

"Well... But, it can't be popularized! And if it's just me who can use it, I need to tell a lot of lies to dispel doubts... I don't like it very much." Ye Ming shook his head firmly: "Lying to an engineer and For scientists, it is the greatest natural enemy."

"You can try the reverse!"

Ye Ming was startled, then looked at the drawing.

Ita reminded him.

He doesn't believe that the system can be so powerful that it can directly "remotely control" a semiconductor crystal - that must be done by receiving solutions!

Sure enough, after the drawing was opened, it was an extremely complex circuit and electrode design.

Staring along the circuit, Ye Ming's smile gradually filled the corners of his mouth.

He saw the antenna markings.

So... there seems to be only one problem left.

How to establish information paths and coordinate systems across dimensions.

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