From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 352 Unmanned Colonization

Two days later, Ye Ming set off for Jiangcheng.

At the same time, experts from aerospace, military and other fields also arrived in Jiangcheng.

In the afternoon of that day, a research group code-named "Xia" was quietly established and the first discussion meeting was held.

Before the meeting, Ye Ming announced the news that inter-dimensional and long-distance communication had been realized.


"The realization of inter-dimensional communication means that we can build a complete strike and defense system relying on Aita, and the whole ship can be intelligent or even unmanned."

Ye Ming waited until everyone had a break from the discussion and continued: "Of course, it is always human who holds weapons. This is the principle."

Everyone nodded in unison, but someone immediately asked, "Will interdimensional communication be disturbed?"

"If the electromagnetic shielding directly affects the circuit and components, it will definitely be, but as far as the signal itself is concerned, it will not be possible, unless someone has mastered the dimensional weapon."

"Is there no delay in interdimensional communication?"

"The delay measured so far is the delay of the terminal's data processing, which is within 3 milliseconds - this number does not increase with the increase of distance."

"That means the missile can change lanes in time?"

"Yes, in theory."

Professor Huo Liang immediately pursed his mouth: "Then you need a bird's plane, it would be great to directly cause a fully enclosed missile to launch a hedgehog."

"All missiles do not have the deterrent effect of launching aircraft in the entire airspace, which is contrary to the original design intention." Ye Ming smiled and looked at Huo Liang: "Mr. Huo, let's think about how to design this engine."

Professor Huo Liang, as the chief scientist of the first lunar landing of the Yaoyue, has not stopped working in Jiangcheng even though he has arrived on the moon. He is paying attention to the progress of the helium-3 commercial reactor every day.

It is obviously unrealistic to rely on the engine to push the space carrier of tens of thousands of tons. The only way to lift it up is by the anti-gravity force field, and then use the attitude engine to slowly accelerate into the air.

Therefore, the main discussion today is to determine the tonnage of the space carrier.

100,000 tons, it's no problem to fool the old beauty, but if you really want to make such an exaggeration, it's unnecessary.

"There is nothing to think about. The core engine must be designed as a generator set." Professor Huo Liang pursed his lips and frowned slightly: "Now our commercial reactor is designed to run at a full power of 45,000 megawatts, which is close to the two Three Gorges Power Stations. .But if you generate a gravitational field, you can only..."

Professor Huo Liang looked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming lowered his head slightly, quickly asked Ita to calculate in his mind and gave the answer: "35,000 tons."

"But the reactor itself takes up a lot of space, basically half the size of the Yaoyue, and an additional heat dissipation module must also be taken into consideration." Professor Huo Liang frowned again: "The project is's really bigger than that." A nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is much more difficult."

"Yes, but Party A has needs, and we will try our best to meet them." Ye Ming held the pen and tapped lightly on the notebook: "Let's finalize the rough specifications first."

Someone immediately said: "Three engines, exactly 100,000 tons."

"No, take into account engine overhaul and redundancy."

"The four engines?"

"What if two of them are damaged? And what about the hull's electricity and laser weapons?"


The first meeting lasted for three hours, everyone discussed for a long time, and finally decided on the design plan of four engines and 60,000 tons.

Because considering maintenance, hull power consumption, power weapons, and redundancy guarantees in extreme cases, etc...

This is no different from a spacecraft like Yaoyue, which is either in orbit or on the ground, and there is not much time to really use anti-gravity.

It's a suborbital vehicle that's constantly fighting gravity.

But even so, its construction cost has been roughly estimated, and it has gone straight to 300 billion-this does not include the design cost and other technical field costs.

Of course, because of the existence of Aita, the cost of technology research and development has been greatly reduced now, especially many technologies and modules on Yaoyue can be used directly, so the 300 billion is basically the same.

During the meeting, there was a heavy rain in Jiangcheng, but after dinner, the heat disappeared completely.

Seeing that the weather was cool, Ye Ming didn't want to use the air conditioner all day long, so he took a walk in the institute with Professor Huo.

"Ye Ming, do you really support this space carrier project?"

Although the research center is heavily guarded, the environment inside is really good. Between the office building and the dormitory center, there is a garden full of flowers, a small gazebo and a pond.

After walking to the gazebo and sitting down, Professor Huo Liang looked at Ye Ming and asked seriously.

"Huh? Don't you support it?"

"I support it, but it costs so much money to build such a big thing." Professor Huo Liang frowned slightly, and shook his head slightly: "Isn't there a warship being built over there? How is it going?"

"Well... it's coming soon, maybe next year it will be able to take a test flight."

The warship that Professor Huo Liang is talking about is a 3,000-ton missile airship built with the same engine and the same idea as the Yaoyue. In the design, the warship not only has laser weapons, but also has Four strategic missile launch windows, twelve conventional missile launch windows, and twenty anti-aircraft missile windows.

Corresponding to intercontinental strategic attack, medium-range strategic defense, and air self-defense attack respectively.

In Professor Huo Liang's view, in terms of practicality, this is enough.

"The main reason is...our deterrence is not enough." Ye Ming was silent for a few seconds and then said softly: "We have only established a helium 3 factory on the moon, and now the world's relations... have changed. You may have heard these days Right? The European Union intends to increase the number of places, and then South America is also planning to establish the SAARC, and when it’s over, the old Americans jumped out and called for American integration..."

Ye Ming shook his head slightly as he spoke.

Frankly speaking, he really didn't expect such a big chain reaction after Yaoyue successfully landed on the moon and then established a helium-3 factory...

The current situation seems to be that everyone is a group of monkeys living in the pit, and one of the smart monkeys took the lead in finding a way out of the pit.

This smart monkey told the other monkeys, I have found a way out of the pit, and I will take you out, and the other monkeys agreed well.

But when the smart monkey really climbed to the mouth of the pit, and even reached the ground with its hands, the other monkeys grabbed its hind legs at once.

It's not that the smart monkeys want to take them up, but they don't let them go up.

So now, what should the smart monkey do?

The best way is not to persuade and educate, but to hold a stone in your hand.

Anyone who dares to drag it back will be smashed in the head.

Professor Huo Liang frowned again, and after a while, he let out a long breath.

"In this case, hurry up and send the industrial robot to the moon next time."

"Well, I'm already doing it." Ye Ming pursed his lips, looking at the half moon gradually rising in the sky: "One day, we will realize the colonization of unmanned resource planets."

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