In the simulated space, Ye Ming overlooked the fully formed space city above the earth.

Since he determined the upper limit of the super simulation, he has used the super simulation as a modeling tool.

"Tell me, will such a large artificial gravity layer produce a space-time effect?" After observing, Ye Ming asked Ita.

Ita is double-minded, floating in the air with the cartoon look she still likes until now, but she magnifies her look so that it looks a little scary: "It doesn't feel like it."

"Well, but things that don't make sense in theory are always worried about accidents." Ye Ming asked Ita, just for peace of mind, and then sighed: "I think these technologies can only be developed after the unification is completed." Really master."

"Then do your best!"

"I can't add it. First, I don't have enough time and energy. Second, I'm really not good at doing theory." Ye Ming shook his head and said: "What I want to see most now is actually what is after the black hole—super Could the answers be found in the simulations?"

"Can't find it."

"It seems that we can only find out after drilling."

At this moment, Ita asked curiously, "What do you hope is behind the black hole?"

"Me?" Ye Ming was slightly taken aback, then fell silent.

What does he wish for? Of course, I hope that the opposite is... a "super earth" that can be used for human immigration and survival, and no matter whether it is plants, animals, or even minerals, it is the same as the current earth, or even richer.

In this way, most of the contradictions can be resolved, and in the long run, mankind also has hope.

But he also knew it might be a little unrealistic.

The super-simulation reveals that the ship will arrive in 2077, which makes him feel uneasy.

What if the past is a battlefield? Are alien civilizations fighting?

Or what if the past was also a highly developed civilization?

Or, is it a broken planet?

Or even close to a star in the past, or close to a neutron star...

Anyway, everything is possible before drilling.

Moreover, Ye Ming also knows that in terms of the use of energy, human beings have just mastered controllable nuclear fusion, and they are still far from antimatter...

Of course, there is also a voice in the scientific community to see if the power of dimensions can be used, and everyone is focusing on Ye Ming.

But Ye Ming himself knows that there is still a long way to go for the use of dimensions.

He actually communicated with Professor Hollein. If the high-dimensional space membrane is used to resist the gravitational force at the level of black holes, can it be used to resist other forces?

Like a shock wave of pure energy.

But Ye Ming didn't dare to do this experiment.

Still the same sentence, in the case of imperfect theory, any reckless behavior is a child playing with fire-even if it is really done, it is absolutely impossible to do it on the earth, in low-Earth orbit.

In case of space tearing, interlacing of high-dimensional and low-latitude, there is probably no place for Ye Ming to cry.

And Ye Ming also knows that the civilization where the system is located has the technology to manipulate the strong nuclear force - if the power of dimension can barely be said to not need the support of the unified theory, then the strong nuclear force technology is necessary.

But that technology, Ye Ming has not even touched the door so far.

The blueprint only shows a design that compresses a huge amount of energy. As for what can be born and what is the use, it is not clear at all.

"Actually, the more I think about it, the more I'm really afraid." Ye Ming sighed: "I used to think that pursuing the unknown was the vocation and motivation of a scientist, but now...after really understanding that, I feel a little Afraid."

Ita giggled: "Is Ye Ming afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, I'm thinking from a comprehensive perspective, understand?" Ye Ming's mouth was stubborn, but the next sentence said: "It seems that the black hole detector needs to be equipped with a self-destruct device."

Ita: "..."

"Okay, let's do the math, when is the best time to launch the probe."


Not surprisingly, the next day's meeting was postponed.

On the third day, the meeting continued.

Obviously, except for the country that proposed the plan to establish a joint space force at the first day of the meeting, the other participants, even the domestic ones, did not expect it to be so radical.

The reason why it was unanimously approved by the delegates at the conference was entirely because the proposal was so "sweet" that no one would refuse it.

Then yesterday, everyone should have had an urgent discussion with their country.

Moreover, there is one more representative from the highest military institution participating in the country. It can also be seen that the country is very enthusiastic about the initiative, and there is a tendency to strike while the iron is hot to finalize it.

So at the meeting, under the instruction of the leader, Ye Ming sang me and the land with General Lu, and almost confessed the domestic space construction plan.

The reason why it is not kept secret in front of these people is, on the one hand, to show "honesty", and on the other hand, it is because...

Too powerful to be kept secret.

"...In the design, the hangar of the space carrier can accommodate two hundred aircraft of various types, and has a variety of means of self-defense defense-the frigate essentially exists to maintain mobility, rather than the mothership No defense."

Ye Ming released the conceptual design drawing of the mothership.

All the delegates were shocked by the 3D projection of the mothership on the table in front of them and fell silent.

"Isn't that the plan?"

"Yes, this is not a plan. This is a project that is already under construction." The leader took up the words with a smile: "And we believe that the Space Force should not be based on the earth, but should be based on space. And space, based on Space City."

"In other words, the space city is the base camp of the joint space force in the future—we need to build orbital docks and even orbital shipyards in space to truly have a complete space army."

Everyone was silent again.

Including Chikanov, who proposed the joint space force the day before yesterday, showed deep surprise in his eyes.

Good guy, he just took the opportunity to make a pretext, but he didn't expect that there would be a snake and a stick here, and he really wanted to build an army in space!

The establishment of a joint space force and the joint establishment of an army in space are two different concepts!

The former can be built on the earth, and it can even be condensed to a country with two sky warships.

But the latter...

Is that really going to fight aliens?

Facing everyone's astonishment, the leader smiled slightly.

"Since it is the common destiny of mankind, we naturally have to consider how to deal with any choice that promotes the destiny of mankind."

"The black hole is getting closer and closer to us, and the West has also proposed to drill it, so we have to go and have a look-what if? If there is a new universe and a sea of ​​stars over there, shouldn't we Are you ready?"

"Since we must drill, we must also prepare."

After the leader's voice fell, Ye Ming immediately followed up with applause.

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