From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 491 Second Advent Dungeon

Rao had undergone a year of adaptive training in the tropical rainforest of Banna, and the speed of the exploration team was still slow. Coupled with the incidental request made by Mogu later, they had to be distracted along the way to find some suitable places. "Catch" medium-sized animals.

Wen Tao, as the captain of the escort team, walked in the front with the stand-in mecha connected to his brain, followed by Li Dongsheng, Li Zongqun and others, and finally the other two combat members guarded the team in the middle.

Now that they are carrying heavy robots, there is no need to abide by the dogma of caring for flowers and plants. What's more, once the environmental adaptability test is passed, they will have to use local materials in the jungle to build a living camp.

At that time, the excavator will be on the field directly...

At this time, Wen Tao raised his left hand to warn: "Be careful, everyone, there are a lot of heat sources ahead."

"What is it?"

"It looks like it should be a dinosaur."

"...Leader Wen, be more professional, it's called a dinosaur-like beast."

"The professional name should be KL0101 type creature."

"If it's not a profession, it should be called Dituriana." Wen Tao looked at the outline of the heat source pierced back on the head-mounted display, and said a sentence in Latin with a smile-in the past year, the biological community still couldn't wait to decipher it. According to the usual practice, Latin scientific names and research numbers were given to the animals of Canglan Star.

The reason why the entire biological world is named in Latin is purely because it is a language that "no one uses" and will not cause ambiguity.

The girl behind was surprised when Wen Tao read standard Latin: "Group Leader Wen, do you know Latin?"

"My undergraduate major is biology." Wen Tao turned his head and smiled at the girl: "Otherwise, why would I lead the team for you?"

Girl: "... I thought you graduated from a military school and learned how to fight."

"Well, I joined the army halfway. I thought I could drive a space battleship...I didn't expect to be on a scientific research ship."

Behind him, Li Dongsheng and others smiled.

Only the "team leaders" like them know that these one hundred soldiers, no matter men or women, are really carefully selected, all of them have unique skills, and they have all kinds of specialties...they are absolute compound talents , Once the construction of the base is completed, they will also invest in scientific research.

While chatting, a group of people walked carefully along the opened road to the depths of the jungle.

Gradually, the jungle became visible to the naked eye.


"Wait a minute." Li Zongqun suddenly stopped as everyone approached the entrance.


"You guys look at the ground." Li Zongqun dug a few times on the ground with the spiked "hiking stick" in his hand, exposing the ground covered with layers of dead branches and leaves.

Afterwards, he squatted down with great interest, even with some difficulty, and carefully observed the soil.

The soil showed a dark brown appearance.

"There are traces of being burned here."

"Teacher, is the black carbonized layer?" one of his students asked immediately, and at the same time he raised the camera reflexively.

"Well, and depending on the color, there is also an element of rust." Li Zongqun stood up and looked forward.

Twenty meters ahead was the destination of their trip—the entrance to the underground passage.

"In the previous drone inspection, we determined that the passage was an elevator shaft, so the area around where we are standing now must be a construction area." Li Zongqun looked around with piercing eyes: "It may even be a large area. Building complex—you see, the trees within a radius of 100 meters are obviously smaller, there are no thousand-year-old trees, and the vegetation density is also low, which means that the ground here was once hardened.”


"I don't know. I'll go back and do some analysis. Anyway, even if it's not cement, it's similar to cement. It's a building material."

"Then we'll talk about it later." Wen Tao pawed the ground with his feet and kicked out a pile of dead branches and leaves: "Why don't we just set up camp here first?"


Everyone did what they said, and after removing the equipment and luggage from the engineering robot, Li Dongsheng controlled the robot to start cleaning the ground.

Just as Li Zongqun guessed, even though thousands of years have passed, the ground can still be felt to be solid enough during the cleaning process.

Soon, the engineering robot cleared out an open space with an area of ​​about 30 square meters, and then Li Dongsheng began to call for the delivery drone.

——Ye Ming kept saying that human beings have now stepped into the threshold of the third-level civilization, so it is obviously impossible for the exploration team to be like the archaeology and exploration on the earth, and they have to rely on people to pull cars or something...

As the first manned spacecraft to step into outer space, not only the design of the Asterisk represents the most advanced level of mankind, but also the equipment it carries and the solutions that these equipment can achieve are also the crystallization of all the high-tech of mankind .

For example, ground and space engineering robots, unmanned carrier aircraft, unmanned detection aircraft, multifunctional scanning robots, large carrier helicopters, unmanned excavators, unmanned loaders, multifunctional mountain bikes, etc. Also only belongs to construction machinery.

The sound of the helical wings of the heavy-duty carrier aircraft breaking through the sky, and three carrier drones hoisting three large boxes slowly entered everyone's sight.


Brain Center.

Ye Ming was half lying on the chair, wearing holographic glasses, because he was choked by Mo Gu and said that he had nothing to do and was just peeping... He was still a little embarrassed to "sneak" into other people's cameras for the first sight, so he had to pass through the Cameras at the entrance of the passage watched the progress of the camp.

Hmm...well, he's still "peeping".

But there was no way, he was really worried.

Because after this camp is built, it is going down to the ruins of the dungeon.

Although the detection team is armed to the teeth, and has now built the camp, and even simply cut down some low trees to make a fence, the occasional calls of large animals remind everyone that this is A territory that does not belong to humans.

In addition to the dangers of the camp, the act of going down to the ruins of the dungeon itself is full of dangers—it is an elevator shaft as deep as 100 meters!

Seeing Li Dongsheng swiftly directing the construction of the lifting frame, and then jumping into the transport box with a whoosh, Ye Ming finally couldn't help it. He immediately switched to the channel of the exploration team: "Captain Li, take it easy!"

" scared me." Li Dongsheng held the cable, looked around and said, "I'm just testing it."

"You have to abide by the safety law when you test..." Ye Ming couldn't laugh or cry: "You don't know how to let the robot go in and try?"

"How can the center of gravity obtained by a robot be compared to that of a human? Well, don't worry about it, you will not accept the external king's fate." Li Dongsheng smiled and climbed out of the transport box by himself: "You might as well worry about me." Worry about Brother Qun, he said he’s going down tonight.”

Ye Ming: "...nonsense."

"Well, but... it's dark down here anyway. It's the same going down during the day and at night."

"How can it be the same? Don't you rest?"

"Hey... If you've come here, you'll know you won't be able to sleep—what we are seeing is a relic of civilization! You can hear the echo of history inside!"

Ye Ming: "..."

"Okay, I don't want to brag with you. The asterisk side has already served dinner, and we have to eat too."

" careful."

"Yeah. I know."

Hang up the call, but Ye Ming did not terminate the video connection.

The number eleven people gathered in a circle, picked up the vacuum-packed "toothpaste tube" and stuffed it directly into a small hole under the helmet, and then swallowed it.

Hmm...everyone looked disgusted.

The corner of Ye Ming's mouth curled up slightly.

In order to prevent contact pollution, human beings and Canglan Planet are now completely isolated from each other, and these people who are on the field... have only this stupid way to eat.

Fortunately, Mogu's adaptability experiment went very smoothly. A few days ago, Mogu drove two pigs to the ground, and specially "simulated" the environment, which is equivalent to letting them live in the base laboratory. Same as the jungle below, including flora and viruses and so on.

In the past few days, the two pigs are alive and kicking.

According to experiments, pigs, like the previous mice and pet dogs, can also adapt well to the environment of Canglan Star.

The only thing that needs to be considered now is whether the microorganisms on the earth will bring extinction disaster to the creatures here, especially those large animals-frankly speaking, this is the most serious.

Of course, if it can be determined that the organisms on both sides can adapt to the environment without obstacles... the significance is also huge-that means that the organisms on the blue planet and the earth have the same origin, or convergence, is a certainty.

And is this "natural formation" or "human intervention"...

Well, it is impossible for such a situation to form naturally.

Although Ye Ming is not very willing, he still has to admit that perhaps in the process of human evolution, people from the Canglan Star have interfered - this can also explain why the "descendants of the Canglan Star" will come and go again and again. Three warnings, fishing for human beings.

If it were human beings who were the descendants of the Canglan Star, they would do the same.

That night, Li Zongqun and the others did not go down hastily, but rested in the camp for the night—it was a bit troublesome to travel through the three-kilometer jungle. Fortunately, there were enough oxygen tubes, and everyone had a good rest.

Early the next morning, Ye Ming directly shared Li Dongsheng's head-mounted camera, and at the same time added himself to the channel of the archaeological team.


"Tao, the two of us will get off first." Li Dongsheng stepped into the transport box again, and as the box swayed, his camera image also shook, making Ye Ming dizzy for a while.

"Well, who's in command then?"

"I'll do it, I'll control it with a head-mounted display."

At this time, Ye Ming's voice sounded: "Let me do it, you concentrate on maintaining balance."

There were bursts of laughter from the team channel, and Li Zongqun said "flattering": "Mr. Ye will be safe when you come—Mr. Ye, I have used your YM-5D open source project... Aita's Is machine vision based on YM5D?"

"Well...the theory is based on YM5D, but the implementation method is different, mainly reflected in the way of thinking. Aita's way of thinking is the way of human thinking."

Li Zongqun laughed loudly: "It's... I don't understand."

"Well...Actually, I don't understand what Aita thinks." Ye Ming smiled and called Ita in his mind.

The job of controlling the elevator with his own hands... he is too lazy to do it.

It would be better to hand it directly to Ita.

After the inspection was completed, Yita directly took over the control and started the motor with Li Zongqun's order.

Amidst the creaking sound of the steel cables, the car descended slowly.

Even though Li Dongsheng and Wen Tao turned on the lights to the brightest, they could still feel the endless darkness and depth below.

Ye Ming could clearly hear that Li Dongsheng's breathing became more rapid as the descent got deeper and deeper.

"Captain Li, are you nervous?"

"A little bit." Li Dongsheng held the guardrail tightly and exhaled heavily: "Damn, I just realized... I'm a little afraid of heights!"

"'ve even been on the moon, are you still afraid of heights?"

"That's different. When I went to the moon, I also worked on the ground... Do you know this feeling... It's like going down into the abyss."

"...Then why don't you go up?"

"Are you kidding me?"

While the two were talking, the transport box also slowly descended, and soon, Ita sent a warning that it was about to reach the ground.

Ye Ming: "Pay attention, there is a large pile of garbage below, and there are probably steel products."


"Well, it's almost here."

After his voice fell, the metal cave wall that had been close at hand suddenly disappeared, and the light of the searchlight shone on the far-reaching underground city.

With a soft crash, Ita immediately stopped landing.

With a creak, the hatch of the transport box opened.

Below, a pile of waste with no visible material and composition piled up.

Wen Tao had been listening to the conversation between the two, knowing that Li Dongsheng was a little afraid of heights, so he greeted Ye Ming immediately, then turned around, stepped on the ruins, and then slowly walked down the ruins.

In the channel, Ye Ming's joking voice sounded: "Captain Li, look, the first human being to step into the city of the Canglan Star, you will lose this title."

Li Dongsheng was startled, then went mad: "Boss, does this count?"

"Hahaha, why doesn't it count?"

Following Ye Ming's joke, Li Dongsheng also stepped out of the car, then raised his searchlight and looked at the ruins of the city.

Before, they could only see through the drone's vision, and the drone's lights.

Now, under the powerful searchlights, the ruins of the entire city can be seen, which is particularly shocking.

This is a huge karst cave with a radius of two kilometers. In the city built on the karst cave, countless broken eaves and broken walls are shocking, telling the traces of time.

"Come on, let's find a way to the factory first!"

The two didn't sigh for a long time, but after taking off all the equipment, they immediately started to act.

They all know that the reason why Ye Ming has been staring and even controlling the elevator himself... is to decipher the entire mathematics and physics of Canglan Star as soon as possible.

Because this involves how to contact the masters of the Weibo information—the descendants of the Canglan Star people.

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