From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 508 Humans' crooked technology tree

About how to communicate with the Canglan Star people, what to communicate, what to show... In the previous meeting, everyone had a long discussion.

First of all, it is definitely impossible to fully reveal the technology, and human beings are not short-hearted...

But it’s definitely not enough if you don’t show any technology. People from the Canglan Star have mastered the ability to store technology in their genes five thousand years ago, and also mastered strange substances... Why should they teach you these things unconditionally?

Therefore, it is more appropriate to negotiate the communication as a transaction.

Moreover, human beings have a huge advantage over the Canglan Star people. Humans have dug up the "ancestral graves" of the Canglan Star people and know a lot about the Canglan Star people. But the Canglan Star people's understanding of human beings... Apart from guessing, they basically don't know much about it.

They have no idea of ​​the direction and route of human technology development.

Therefore, the videos shown by Ye Ming are carefully selected.

By showing the state of human life on the earth, and judging the current social and living conditions of the Canglan Star people, and finally judging the technology that the Canglan Star people are best at, or what shortcomings they have-this is actually I realized it after Director Ye Mingniu said "Could the human technology tree be crooked".

So he saw that when he saw the night view of the city displayed, the eyes of the female Canglan star named Hailin were clearly showing incomparable surprise—no, it should be said to be shock!

"Their population size hasn't come up." Ye Ming stared at the female Canglan Star, and said softly to Mr. Huo Laien: "We evaluated before, if they are survivors who escaped by spaceship, the initial population will be the highest." It’s a lot more than a thousand or eight hundred, plus their lifespan is generally more than two hundred years old...It’s difficult to reproduce iteratively.”

Professor Huo Laien immediately asked: "Long life means a long reproductive cycle, why is it difficult to reproduce?"

"Perhaps the more developed the civilization...the lower the willingness to reproduce. The archaeological team has deciphered some of their written works, and I have a general understanding of their living conditions five thousand years ago...the willingness to reproduce is indeed not high." Said Ye Ming paused: "The simplest example, according to the exploration of their space city, can only accommodate about 50 million people. And you have seen the underground city, at most hundreds of thousands of people scale."

Professor Huo Laien nodded after thinking for a while: "No wonder the reaction on the other side is so strong when you say that the earth has a population of more than nine billion people."

"Yeah, think about it in another way. If there are only 1,800 people left on the earth... What I am most concerned about may be the number of individuals and how to keep human beings alive."

Professor Hollyn nodded approvingly.

"Also, it seems that the opponent's grasp of electromagnetism may be limited." Ye Ming stared at Hailin and continued softly.

"How did you get it?"

"We have been translating the golden drawing board left by Canglan Star. The chapters on mathematics, astronomy, and biology occupy most of the chapters, and the chapters on chemistry and physics are less. This can also explain why their 'bandwidth' is limited. .Look just now, the girl asked a lot of questions about the biological field, and only asked about the 'non-bioelectrical field' in passing—I guess this is the electromagnetic field."

As the two talked softly, the video from the night scene of the earth also played to the end. The time of the video has also reached daytime, and the angle returns to the sky.

Between the clouds, countless flights shuttle quickly. Above, there are huge space carriers and frigates, and above that, there is a corner of the space city.

The video has obviously been carefully processed, because compared to the huge space city of the Canglan Stars, the current space city of human beings can only be regarded as a shack in the city, which is not worth mentioning at all.

It's just that when the video has been processed and the whole picture of the space city cannot be seen, it still feels quite weighty.

In short, this video not only introduces that mankind has officially entered the space age, but also does not reveal too much information-after all, the root of the communication between the two civilizations is to deal with the crisis.

You can't take a picture of a tile-roofed house in the countryside for people to see, and then say that I will not leave, I am very civilized... Isn't that fooling the ghost?

Then, Ye Ming noticed that when he saw the human battleship and the space city, his expression didn't change much-obviously, these were normal things for them.


Hailin quietly finished watching the video.

Her gaze crossed the video screen and landed on Udalis. After seeing the latter nodding to her, she immediately smiled slightly: "Very good stage of civilization—is that your ground city?"

"Yes, just one of them."

"What drives the vehicle on the ground? Abiotic electricity...magnet kinetic energy conversion or biological body structure?"

"Generally speaking, there are various driving methods. There are internal combustion engine driving and electromagnetic driving. As for biological body structure driving, it refers to simulating the biological muscle structure to perform work, right?"

Hai Lin looked at Udalis again, who still nodded slightly.

"Yes." Hai Lin also admitted frankly: "Using the biological body can obtain enough reciprocating driving force. It is essentially a biological behavior, but it just uses the labor-saving rule."

Hai Lin paid attention, and the face of Dali Secretary opposite was full of surprise.

There was also pride in her heart.

As a civilization that is five thousand years ahead of the earth, how can it be possible to lag behind the blue star humans? !

But she still did not forget her mission, so she immediately asked: "Then how much energy output can your non-biological electricity and magnet kinetic energy conversion design achieve? What is the service life?"

"This... I won't be able to explain it clearly to you in a while. For now, there is no clear design upper limit for human large-scale machinery, only an upper limit of demand. But generally speaking, the source of human power comes from chemistry. Energy combustion as well as electricity."

As he spoke, Da Lisi smiled and said, "Your bio-energy drive technology is worth learning."

Hailin glanced at Udalis once again, and immediately asked, "Can you show off your skills?"


As he spoke, the other party played a video again.

It was a gigantic steel behemoth as large as a hill, and it was digging against the pitch-black mudstone with its constantly rotating bucket gears.

As the camera rotates, the vehicles and human beings behind are so small that they are barely visible.

Hai Lin's pupils shrank instantly.

Not only her, but also the Rites and scholars on the opposite side were deeply shocked.

Human beings...could it be that these huge machines planed and planed on the blue star...that's how to feed nearly 10 billion people?

After watching the video, Hai Lin unconsciously shook her hands, and then she took a deep breath.

Although she is young, she is one of the few non-biological electronic control experts, and before today, she was performing the control of the brain, and she immediately thought that to drive such a huge machine, in addition to the mechanical design In addition to itself, the control process must be extremely cumbersome and high-end.

So how do they control it? Is it also mind control?

At this time, Udalisi on the opposite side of the screen nodded to her again, indicating that she could show some real skills.

However, at this moment, the Human Grand Master suddenly called her name: "Haileen."

"Master of Rites, please tell me." Hai Lin looked away, and replied politely after she collected herself.

"May I ask if your civilization is now in a space city or on a habitable planet?"

Hearing this, Hai Lin looked at Udalis again.

In her communication plan, the question of where she is is not involved.

Udalis was also slightly taken aback, and then nodded for her to answer directly.

"We built a new holy city in the habitable zone of a galaxy."

"Sure enough, it is a great civilization." Da Lisi sighed with a smile on the opposite side: "Humanity has developed for thousands of years, and now it has just stepped out of the solar system. In the future, I need to ask you for more knowledge about the universe."

"You can communicate." Hai Lin nodded, and then asked: "Designer Dali, I have another question."

"Please say."

"From the machine just now, it can be seen that your non-biological electronic control technology is very strong, and your mechanical structure ability is also very strong, but a lot of calculations are involved behind it. Then how do you ... concentrate your calculations?"

When Hai Lin's voice fell, she observed the expression on the other side without blinking her eyes - she had already figured out that although human beings and Saint Star people look different, their expressions reflect the same inner reflection.

"Centralized computing?" Da Lisi on the opposite side was stunned for a moment.

Helene suddenly felt a bit confused.

On the other side, is it still necessary to decompose the huge amount of calculations, and then rely on individuals to use simple computing tools to perform distributed computing?

Hmm... No, human beings have touched the taboo civilization of artificial black holes, and have a strong development in the field of non-biological electricity.

Hai Lin looked at the image acquisition equipment in front of her, and continued to analyze in her mind—since the opposite side can communicate with her image, there must be non-bioelectric encoding and reduction equipment.

Then, they must also have a good understanding of the electronic motion of non-biological things.

Well, tube calculators, they must have.

But...Even if Hai Lin is not an expert in the field of bioelectricity, she still thinks that in the face of an intelligent brain that can gather an entire group...a ​​vacuum tube calculator is simply a child's toy.

"Excuse me, what kind of centralized calculation method is it?" After being stunned for a moment, the opposite party asked the doubts in his heart.

Hailin glanced over the image collector and looked at Lisi and scholars who were listening in the opposite direction—a reserved smile appeared on everyone's faces at the same time.

Obviously, the human technology tree is a bit crooked.

The brains of so many independent individuals are not is indeed a waste!

If there are more than nine billion saints now—no, even if there are only one billion saints! Then the computing power of the brain... will reach an unimaginable height!

However, when Hai Lin cast her eyes on Udalis' face, she saw that Udalis frowned slightly, and then motioned her to explain for Dalisi opposite, and show it as planned.

So Heilene paused: "When our ancestors arrived at Blue Star five thousand years ago, they conducted research on your ancestors who were still in the...early civilization, and found that we are very similar to your biological structure."

On the opposite side, Da Lisi nodded expressionlessly.

"We all rely on our brains to think, compute, and create."

Director Dali on the opposite side continued to nod.

"Therefore, the use of bioelectrical signal aggregation technology allows the brain to conduct concentrated calculations and thinking on a complex problem. The network formed by it is called the brain."

"You have such a huge number of individuals..." Hailin smiled, but there was a hint of tone in her words that she didn't know how to describe.

Some regrets, regrets, and a little bit of "hate iron but not steel".

What a shame to waste...

As she spoke, she also observed Ye Ming's expression.

I saw that unexpected "astonishment" rose again on the opposite face... Afterwards, an inexplicable smile rose on his face.

It seems to be smiling, but also a little mocking.

Hai Lin stared, and when she wanted to take a closer look, she found that the expression on the other side had returned to normal.

"We don't have the technology - but can you demonstrate it?"

"Yes." Hai Lin was a little "alert" because of the previous observation, but she still nodded: "The brain can do a lot of work, for example, the machines you used before can be completed by the brain—even, it can control it. Mechanical constructs replicate human behavior."

Saying that, Hai Lin nodded slightly to the side.

A mechanical structure slowly walked behind her.

"This is a structure controlled by the brain. It can replace humans in various tasks in a vacuum and in harsh environments. At the same time, you can interact with it at any time, introduce the brain to perform calculations, and obtain answers."

After speaking, Hai Lin looked at Ye Ming quietly.

She saw that Ye Ming's eyes had been staring at the structure, which made her feel a little proud again.

It seems that I may have been dazzled before - anyway, the opposite is Da Lisi, how could he have the intention of mocking himself.

"Well, good structures, especially bionic bodies, are worth learning."

After reading it, Da Lisi nodded with a smile on the opposite side.

"We also have similar mechanical constructs."

Hai Lin was slightly taken aback: "Do you have them too?"

"So do we."

As Ye Ming's voice fell, he played a video again.

This time, it's a daytime street view of a city.

In the picture, countless human and mechanical structures are constantly flowing on the street, walking peacefully, as if they were born in harmony.

Ye Ming's voice sounded outside the screen: "As of now, humans have put nearly 100 million robots into the market, and now they have become an indispensable helper for human society."

As his voice fell, Hai Lin was startled for a moment.

Nearly 100 million units? !

At this time, Udalisi stood up and asked loudly, "How did you manage to control so many structures?"

"We have Aita."

"what is that?"

"Probably equivalent to your brain."

"What about the calculation speed? No, how long does it take to complete a 730,000-digit prime operation?"

Ye Ming: "..."

"If the prime number you mentioned is a translation, the quality I understand is probably..."

"One second?"

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