From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 534 Two-dimensional Reactor

Half an hour later, everyone who had prepared everything left the experimental building. At the same time, several robots cooperated with Aita to enter the building and began to check and clear the room one by one.

Not to mention the energy release involving atomic fusion level, even if it is a black powder, safety is the most important thing in this kind of place.

Back in the meeting room of the Brain-Computer Center, Ye Ming played the monitoring of the underground laboratory.

Finally, several robots completed frequent inspections and cordoned off the building.

That means, everything is ready.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Ye Ming took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice to the microphone: "Aita."

"I am here."

"Experiment EW2031082601 starts, start the two-dimensional space membrane generator."

"Received, the experiment EW2031082601 has started. It is starting, it has been started."

As Aita's voice fell, everyone saw that an indescribable light was generated in the center of the ring. If the high-dimensional space membrane is colorful, then this two-dimensional space membrane is monochromatic to the extreme. opaque space.

"Proceed to the first stage of deployment."

"Expand and begin."

In the picture, a ring-shaped constraint force field device located on the platform below slowly rises.

Except for Ye Ming and Sheng Fei, it was the first time for everyone present to see what a three-dimensional object looks like when it is "two-dimensionalized"—everyone has seen the result of a three-dimensional object entering a high-dimensional space.

"Will it extend infinitely?" Professor Huo Liang sat beside Ye Ming. Although he knew the result would be known soon, he still couldn't help asking.

"Yes, but it will be constrained - we can even think that this is a three-dimensional object that materializes the projection in two-dimensional space."

Ye Ming stared closely at the screen while talking.

I saw that with the activation of the anti-gravity force field, the most important constraint force field device quickly rose into mid-air, and then completed contact with the two-dimensional space membrane.

Everyone held their breath for an instant.

Visible to the naked eye, the restraint device began to become "thinner", and finally completely disappeared in the three-dimensional world.

Correspondingly, on the two-dimensional space membrane, a fuzzy projection of the cut plane of the constraint device appears.

Professor Huo Liang stared at the picture, and kept muttering: "It's really fucking unbelievable-the density inside, if understood from the perspective of three-dimensional space, it can't be explained at all."

"Actually, we can't use the laws of three-dimensional space to understand it, we just need to establish projection coordinates." Ye Ming also stared at the two-dimensional space film, and said with emotion: "To be honest, it's also thanks to us Only creatures in the three-dimensional world can easily use mathematical tools to describe the two-dimensional world."

"Yeah... dimensional isolation."

While speaking, the next stage of 2D deployment also started—the reason why it was divided into several sections was entirely because of the haste, and the 3D device design based on 2D projection could not be completed, so the current assembly form could only be adopted Finish.

As the continuous "parts" are two-dimensionalized, the entire experimental device is also announced to take shape.

The two-dimensional space suspended in the air also changed from an absolutely colorless opaque shape to a section with countless shadows.

"Inject fusion fuel."

"Fuel injected."

"Exfoliation of graphene substrates."

"The substrate has been stripped."

Ye Ming clenched his fists and took a deep breath: "Perform substrate attachment."

"Perform Substrate Attach."

Aita's voice fell, and a moment later, a piece of graphene the size of an A4 paper began to rise slowly.

Driven by the force field, the two-dimensional space membrane also floats down at the same time. During the falling process, it begins to shrink slowly until it shrinks to the size of graphene.

Eventually, the two became one.

One of the laws of two-dimensional space is that it cannot exist independently, and it will dissipate by itself within a second after breaking away from the constraints of the force field.

Aita's voice sounded again: "The attachment was successful."

Ye Ming took a long breath.

Seeing that he had relaxed, the rest of the crowd immediately started applauding regardless of the situation.

Amidst the applause, Ye Ming smiled slightly: "Don't worry, everyone, we have to attach it again. After all, graphene is also fragile."

While talking, an experimental assistant robot carefully placed another piece of graphene on top of the force field.

When the two attachments were completely completed, the test robot lifted out a lead box and placed it under this fragile "two-dimensional space".

Immediately afterwards, the two pieces of graphene slowly fell into the lead box.

Ye Ming took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Wireless charging starts."

"Wireless charging has started, waiting for feedback..."

Following Aita's words, everyone looked at Ye Ming at the same time.

Although this verification design was mainly developed by Ye Ming, they almost all participated in the whole process. They know that to start cold fusion, the energy needed is not as horrific as thermonuclear fusion, but it is not something that can be "created out of nothing".

Even if the special properties of two-dimensional space are used, even if it is cold nuclear fusion, the essence of its fusion is high pressure. And high pressure can only be generated through the two-dimensional force field.

The generation of a force field requires energy.

To be precise, electricity is needed.

Now to put it bluntly, it is wireless charging—or, wireless interdimensional charging!

Time passed by second by second, and everyone's heartbeat continued to speed up.

Professor Huo Liang kept looking at the time, and then at Ye Ming. Finally, when a minute passed, he couldn't help it anymore.

"Can't you charge into the electricity?"

"Theoretically, it is possible to rush in." Ye Ming replied in a deep voice, but his eyes fell on the screen without blinking.

Wireless inter-dimensional charging essentially uses the principle of inter-dimensional communication, using gravitational waves at the microscopic scale to carry energy. It works in principle.

but now……

Ye Ming's brows slowly frowned.

Is something wrong?

Just as he kept recalling the design and principle, Aita's voice sounded again.

"Feedback received, communication established."

Ye Ming's eyes shrank! Immediately shouted: "Great job! Aita, conduct equipment self-inspection!"

"Received, self-inspection."

As Aita's voice sounded like the sound of nature, a virtual three-dimensional fusion reaction structure design began to appear on the conference table.

At the same time, a long list of green data began to appear.

This means that Aita has successfully entered that two-dimensional space, and successfully controlled the cold fusion reactor in the two-dimensional space!

"The self-inspection is complete and everything is fine."

Ye Ming closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths and then opened them.


"Perform ignition."

"Ignition complete."

Following Aita's voice, everyone in the conference room saw that a shining light suddenly rose from the simulated fusion reactor.

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