From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 588 Are you talking about cooperation with me?

Tara tribe satellite galaxy resource planet B, the pioneer base.

With the phrase "You know nothing about human power", the communication between General Flack and the chief scientist of mankind has broken up, but General Flack did not leave, but sat quietly by the monitor.

There was a sound of kicking in the computer room, and several subordinates quickly surrounded General Flack and looked at the monitor at the same time.

The display screen in the base has up to 2 million pixels (1080P), and the video transmitted by the chief human scientist is clearly visible at ultra-high resolution.

On the monitor, several construction scenes are being displayed. The ubiquitous robots and mechanical arms in the picture are so small against the huge steel creations.

These steel structures have a smooth linear structure, and it can be judged by intuition that they have the same volume and mass as a space battleship—even a fool can see that this is a spaceship that humans are building.

As the video played, spaceships with varying progress came into view one after another.

Everyone in the computer room was dumbfounded.

After a long time, a voice sounded weakly.

" it fake?"

"Your Excellency, human beings are best at doing such imaginary things. This is obviously a scene from one of their film and television dramas!" The person who said this is called Dibia, and he is also the project manager of this resource planet. people.

Dibia's words were quickly recognized by the people around him.

These days, most of the high-level leaders of the Pioneer Base have obtained the knowledge implanted from the analysis of Wisdom Mother.

Although this knowledge comes from the audio and video data of the human world, the powerful analysis ability of Wisdom Mother is enough for them to identify the stage of human technology.

According to the analysis, human beings are currently in a standard stage of ground civilization. A large number of videos show that human beings are still using primitive and backward "gunpowder" weapons in wars eighty years ago--a chemical compound that burns violently Outdated technology that produces energy releases is currently only needed when mining minerals.

Tanks, cannons, airplanes, missiles, and even so-called nuclear weapons... In the eyes of the Tara people, they are just children's toys.

Most of their energy sources are converted from primitive mechanical energy.

As for those technologies that penetrate the universe at every turn, can perform hyperspace jumps, and even destroy galaxies...

Wisdom Mother has long given the conclusion that it is a human fantasy.

——If only a certain field is backward, it can also be marked as an accidental phenomenon, but when all fields are at the same level of backward civilization, then this is the truth that the civilization is experiencing.

And to go from this stage of ground civilization to a star civilization capable of possessing so many space battleships... Obviously, it cannot be completed in 180 years.

Even if we take a step back, human beings can rely on conventional power, or understand the use of more advanced nuclear energy, it is impossible to have such a powerful manufacturing capability!

Just kidding, build hundreds of warships at once...

"Or surface ships." The others echoed, "Their trade depends on water transportation..."

Amidst the chatter, General Flack's brows became deeper and deeper. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "The construction factories in space are not for building ships on the water!"

Following his voice, sure enough, a huge factory built in space appeared on the screen.

So everyone shut up in unison.

"Upload the video to Wisdom Mother for analysis." General Flack closed his eyes, took a deep breath and opened them, "If human beings really have such a strong industrial ability to manufacture spaceships...then it will be a lot of fun."

The general's voice fell, and everyone changed color.

——The main battleships in the entire planet Tara are only more than 300 ships!

As for shipbuilding capabilities, even in the present war period, only ten main battleships can be built at the same time...

In the silence, General Flack stood up.

"Go and pick up the woman named Hailin from the Kara clan. I want to ask about the situation."



The so-called East is not bright and the West is bright, human beings have suffered from the Kerong people, so naturally they have to find ways to make up for it in other places.

The opinion of the entire human foreign affairs department is consistent with Ye Ming's perception, that is, compared with the arrogant and cowardly Zakerong people, the Tara people who have won the "essence" of human beings are actually a better communication partner.

And more importantly, it seems that the Krong people are not slippery, but in essence, because of their reliance on the "wisdom mother", any decisions and decisions made by the Krong people are based on rationality and logic.

Based on this knowledge, humans have formulated a series of plans against the Tara people.

Among them, Aita re-analyzed the information about human film and television dramas obtained by the Tara tribe from the Canglan Star spaceship, so as to judge the extent to which the other party has grasped human civilization.

The result of the analysis... is that the other party really doesn't know anything about the current situation of human beings - if those science fiction films are set aside - it is obvious that the intelligent AI of the Tara tribe can distinguish the subject matter of "science fiction".

Otherwise, those human movies, TV shows and animations that would blow up the planet with one punch at every turn, wouldn't they have to collapse them?

Therefore, any behavior of Ye Ming in the communication is based on the result of this rational analysis.

What's more, he still has more information.

Two days later, Ye Ming received another communication request from the other party.

Compared with before, today's Mr. Flack's face is a little more dignified.

"Hello, Professor Ye."

"Mr. Flack, generally speaking, we don't add the word Your Excellency to the end of the title, but it's not important." Ye Ming stared at the other party, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, with a lazy expression: " And I also want you to understand one thing, the envoys of the Canglan Star are not ours, you cannot use them to threaten human beings."

"I understand, so I have always had friendly exchanges and communication with you."

"I can represent human beings." Ye Ming smiled and asked the other party: "Can you represent your race and civilization?"

"I have received authorization from the highest levels of the empire."

General Flack stood up straight with a serious face: "Standing in front of your Excellency is the commander of the Sixth Fleet of the Tara Empire, a member of the Military Privy Council, Lieutenant General of the Space Force, Flack ben Ludi. Authorized by the Empire, Formal diplomatic engagements with humans from across the galaxy."

Listening to Flack reading a long list of titles in standard Chinese, Ye Ming's pupils shrank slightly, and then he said in a deep voice: "As you can see, I am the chief scientist of the Academy of Sciences of the Human Community. Chief Advisor of the Defense Convention, any dialogue with you will be regarded as a human diplomatic representation."

"Your Excellency Ye Ming, may I ask, how many joules can the energy release of the main gun of the human space warship reach?"

Flack stared at Ye Ming's words: "I hope you can answer truthfully, because this is related to our follow-up cooperation plan with humans."

Slightly stunned, Ye Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Are you talking about cooperation with me?"

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