From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 626: Inducing Wormholes

The radar covered and locked for a long time can clearly and intuitively reflect the changes of the enemy ship even if the distance is far away.

As a result, everyone in S10 witnessed an unmarked capital ship appear out of thin air in the void.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"What the hell is this? Summoning a battleship?"

"Isn't it? Haven't we already destroyed the mothership?"

"No! Look at the source of gravity!" Zeng Yuanhai yelled, and he immediately looked at Yang Wenzhi: "Old Yang, this is the enemy using a man-made singularity to send warships over! Report it!"

Zeng Yuanhai's shout made everyone wake up instantly!

Regardless of the fact that each of them was born in the Air Force, they went all the way from ordinary pilots to become ace pilots and instructors, but after getting along with each other in the past few months, everyone knows that people like themselves can be selected as commanders of warships. One reason is that these people themselves are "highly educated" fighters in science and engineering.

Among them, Zeng Yuanhai is a master of astrophysics.

The huge gravitational source, coupled with the sudden appearance of warships, and the radar showing the positions of those functional ships that were previously marked as transportation and supply, made everyone immediately aware that this was the enemy's use of a plan similar to the human sky patching. way to complete the construction of the artificial singularity.

"Quick, quick! Our Ursa Minor fleet is 50 million kilometers away from the enemy, and it takes five and a half minutes for the radar waves to go back and forth. Even if we cover and lock for a long time, what we see now is the picture from three minutes ago!" Zeng Yuanhai continued to yell: "Quickly release the rice grains! Be sure to shoot them down!"

Yang Wenzhi's eyes flickered, and he woke up from the "stupid" state just now. After a while, he raised his wrist to activate Aita, then looked at the camera, and said in a deep voice: "Aita, S10 requests to contact the combat center."

"Got it, please wait a moment, Commander."

In just a second, General Arshavin on duty came from the command cabin in slightly broken Chinese: "S10, this is the command center."

"General, we detected that the enemy fleet is passing..." Yang Wenzhi paused, and immediately gritted his teeth: "A device similar to a man-made wormhole is transmitting warships, and one has been discovered so far..."

Yang Wenzhi glanced at the virtual screen on the desktop, and saw that there was another mark on the radar simulation. He took a deep breath, stood up, and his tone became urgent: "Now we have seen two ships, the enemy The capital ship suddenly appeared in the fleet."

"According to the radar distance and speed, this is the picture three minutes ago, which means that there are more real enemy ships than this number!"

"Well, received, the command center has also received the signal." Arshavin's Chinese is very poor, but his tone is very steady: "S10, you have obtained all the command rights of the six New Song-class warships in Ursa Minor, and all tactics All orders are given by you."

As the general's voice fell, everyone looked at each other for a few minutes.

"Boys, make your choices."

Yang Wenzhi's eyes flashed, and he immediately stood in a standard military posture: "Yes!"

The next moment, he hung up the communication, sat down on the chair again, and glanced at his wrist at the same time.

"We are currently 50 million kilometers away from the enemy fleet. The main gun has no choice but to rely on our unused rice grains."

"Now, I'll give you two minutes to decide whether to use rice grains and..."

Before he finished speaking, Smir, who was in charge of the rice grains beside him, raised his hand instantly, and almost at the same time, the other ten people also raised their hands in unison.

"Okay, use half or all of it? Let me remind you that the enemy fleet is faster than us. Once we run out of rice grains, we will not be able to pose a substantial threat to the enemy fleet in a short time."

"Half!" Zeng Yuanhai blurted out: "We have twelve in total. According to the interception rate of the enemy ships, we can at least hit one or two."

"Not necessarily!" Smil immediately retorted: "A week ago, we shot 24 rounds of rice grains in one round, and only then did we have a hit rate of three ships. The overall interception rate is actually very low."

"Speed, you have to consider the terminal speed!" Zeng Yuanhai also immediately retorted: "This time the acceleration time is enough, the rice grains can accelerate to the maximum terminal speed, which greatly increases the interception speed, and our goal must be to hit those who can form artificial intelligence first. Singularity's functional ships, their current speed has dropped."

For a while, other people also expressed their opinions one after another, arguing endlessly.

Yang Wenzhi didn't speak, just looked down at the time.

After a while, he said in a deep voice, "Vote with a show of hands, support half of the hands raised."

After the words fell, he raised his hand first.

Everyone looked at each other, and seven more people raised their hands.

"Release six, target support ships. At the same time, the fleet set off along the H1315/G4486 channel at full speed, forming a pincer offensive with the Auriga fleet."

"Everyone is in position, each ship is performing its mission!"

After the voice fell, everyone got up at the same time and strode towards their respective command posts.

Thirty seconds later, the magazines of six Xinsong-class battleships far away in the Auriga galaxy opened, and six beams of light pierced the sky and plunged into the darkness.

In the projection on the conference table, there are already two more battleships.



In the Space Shipyard Hotel, Ye Ming was in video communication with Uda Dalisi.

Qi and Mo came to the space shipyard for a business trip, and it happened to give Ye Ming a chance to take a vacation with confidence - he assisted Taiyue to win the crucial first battle of mankind, and also reassured the BOSS of the community , and found out the strength of those enemies who clamored to destroy the earth.

As for rewards for meritorious deeds... In the words of the leader, he still needs a P reward for meritorious deeds. He is the one who judges meritorious deeds and rewards. How can he reward himself?

So, his reward became rest.

But even if it's a rest, as a human "Grand Rites", he can't really relax. He can only say that some people and some departments don't bother him—for example, Taiyue hasn't harassed him in the past few days. General Qin didn't, not even Director Niu, and even Su Zi took a vacation.

But he couldn't refuse the communication from someone with Wu Da's status.

After all, Wu Da is a good comrade both in public and in private.

In the video, Uda's expression is very emotional, a bit envious, a bit lucky, and a bit depressed.

Ye Ming understood his mood.

Three years ago, when Uda used the identity of "savior" to inform mankind that it was about to face danger, no one thought that human beings could win against the executors.

Not to mention three years ago, even half a year ago, when humans communicated with the Krong people, the interstellar civilization that existed for tens of thousands of years still believed that humans wanted to resist the executors.

The results of it?

Human beings not only resisted, but even won!

So, on the second day after confirming the results of the battle, the Office of Foreign Affairs issued a notification to all the civilizations that humans had communicated with.

The wording of the notification is very strict, saying that "humanity has thwarted the invasion of an unknown fleet that is hostile to the "Virgo local supergroup of galaxies"".

Ye Ming doesn't know how the races and civilizations of the Kerong, Tara, and Kodo races will react to hearing this, but as far as the Canglan Star people of the Kra tribe are tens of millions of light years away...

Uda's expression is right there!

"Professor Ye, are you sure we can complete the communication with the Tara people?" After expressing his congratulations, Wu Da quickly got down to business.

"Well, I'm sure." Ye Ming nodded solemnly.

Since the "deal" between humans and the Tara tribe has been completed, the Tara tribe has become less "barbaric" - of course, this is what the Foreign Affairs Office thinks.

In fact, only Ye Ming knew that it was because of the in-depth communication between Yita and the "wisdom mother" of the Tara people.

Although in the eyes of Ita, the intelligence of the "wisdom mother" can be called...retarded, but the opponent's defensive instinct is still there. When Ye Ming chose to shake hands with the opponent, Ita lost the opportunity to completely control the wisdom mother .

But as an AI that can communicate, Wisdom Mother is obviously able to realize what kind of existence "she" is talking to, so she obediently followed Ita's suggestion to keep the balance of power between the Tara people and the Kerong people. At the same time, it also slowed down the speed of continued outward savage expansion, and then waited until human beings expanded their influence to the Antrum constellation galaxy. At that time, human beings will provide enlightenment for the Tara tribe and the "wisdom mother", or...evolve.

Based on this, although Ita did not savagely destroy Zhimother, from the logic of Zhimother, "she" has completely surrendered to Ita's greatness.

To put it bluntly, today's Ye Ming is the Supreme Emperor of the Tara people...

You said, can the Tara people speak well?

"Wuda, but I don't don't need to come here so quickly." Ye Ming pondered for a few seconds and then said softly: "I said this from the standpoint of a friend."


"Because of the purpose of your expedition, one is to rescue Hailin and their mission—but now that Hailin and the others have entered VSC-14 in the constellation of Canis Venica, and they will reach Andromeda in half a year, the rescue has lost its meaning."

Ye Ming stared at each other: "Second, you hope to take down the Antrum galaxy and establish a new kingdom."

Uda was silent.

"But with all due respect, you also know about the war between the Tara tribe and the Kerong people... Frankly speaking, the strength of the Tara tribe is not you what the advance fleet of the

"As for the Canes Hound, including the Auriga, it's not peaceful right now. There are wars everywhere... When your fleet comes over, it's easy to get burned."

"So, from a personal, friend standpoint, I would advise you to wait and see."

Wu Da was silent for a long time, and then smiled bitterly: "What about standing in the position of the Human Grand Priest?"

"The sooner the better, come and help us fight the executor!"

Uda was startled, then laughed out loud.

Ye Ming also smiled and looked at the other party: "Anyway, this is your business, I'm just making suggestions."


After hanging up the communication, Ye Ming lay relaxed on the sofa.

Human beings defeated the executor by force, which gave him great encouragement and reduced the pressure he didn't know how much - as long as he could beat it, the rest was nothing more than fighting for industry.

And fighting for industry, to put it bluntly... Humans have never been afraid of anyone.

Therefore, whether it is the Canglan Star people or the Krong people, all the support of external forces is no longer important-if it were changed to before, Ye Ming would definitely wish that the Canglan Star people's fleet would come quickly, and Humans fight together.

Now, the arrival of the fleet of the Canglan Star can only make it more difficult for humans to develop the Andromeda and the Canglan Star—there are more than a dozen warships and tens of thousands of people returning to the home planet. If humans colonize the Canglan Star There are not as many as others, so how dare you occupy their home planet!

It is precisely because of this that the high-level leaders of the community will take advantage of the crisis to resolve, launch policies with lightning speed, use the power of the people to start the age of great exploration, and quickly spread the influence and tentacles of mankind throughout the entire galaxy.

Thinking of the civil voyage, Ye Ming thought of Li Dongsheng who was carrying out exploration missions day and night in the LC galaxy.

Perhaps because they knew that they were reckless, the people on the Asterisk ship were all full of energy, contacting many scientific research institutions and organizations on the earth almost without sleep, and performing various tasks conscientiously.

For example, their latest mission is to detect the enrichment degree of that antimatter fountain, and prepare for the next step of antimatter mine development.

When the spaceship license comes out, Li Dongsheng will be a very qualified expedition leader of Jizhi Technology-or the same sentence, he must not be allowed to go to space!

When thinking of Li Dongsheng, Ye Ming naturally thought of collecting antimatter ore. Now he only has ideas and no plan at all.

Even if you don't understand antimatter, you just know it by listening. As long as it comes into contact with positive matter, it will be annihilated immediately.

In this environment, Ye Ming only has the idea of ​​using a two-dimensional space membrane to collect it—for example, transporting a two-dimensional space membrane to let antimatter attach to the "blank" two-dimensional space, and come back when it is finished.

In this way, human beings can have a two-dimensional space membrane filled with antimatter, which can be extracted when used.

This is the way of thinking, but Ye Ming has no idea about the design.

"Hey... what kind of vacation am I on?" After thinking about it, Ye Ming couldn't find a good starting point. He sighed and smiled wryly.

At this moment, the watch on his wrist suddenly vibrated.

In the next second, General Qin's voice sounded directly.

"Mr. Ye, just now, it was detected that the enemy fleet used multi-functional ships to form a formation similar to the Sky Mending Project, and then opened a man-made wormhole."

"Currently, seven warships have passed through man-made wormholes."

Ye Ming's eyes shrank instantly, and then he bounced off the sofa directly, his voice trembling uncontrollably.

"I'll be right there!"

"Aita, arrange the spaceship!"


In the distant executor's base, the executive officer Dika is standing in front of the window, looking at the battleships in the vast sea of ​​clouds like a school of fish waiting in line for the starry sky spanning billions of years, his face is full of long-lost excitement.

This kind of excitement is even more pleasant than the brain-stimulating Xuntamine.

The induced wormhole has opened, that unknown civilization that has not even been registered...

There are only twenty or so spaceships in the area, can you still surprise yourself?

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