The flagship of the First Fleet, Hongye.

With the assistance of her handmaidens, Azshara put on a new uniform.

The white tunic made of snowbird down is extra slim, and the thin threads of golden velvet run along the edge of the skirt, showing undulations like waves. With the slightly loose bottoms embellished with rice silver thread texture, she looks elegant and a bit capable.

After all, this is a dress that is only worn when meeting the king, and its workmanship and texture are top-notch.

The maid looked at the satisfied expression in Aishara's eyes in the mirror, and immediately pursed her lips into a smile: "Your Excellency is so beautiful."

But in an instant, Aishara's face darkened: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

The maid immediately shut her mouth, then took a step back and put her hands together.

Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, Elshara closed her eyes, took a deep breath and strode towards the door.

When she came to the door, her eyes suddenly turned to the door wall where her commander's saber hung.

After pondering for a few seconds, she reached out to take off the saber, and buckled it directly into the holster on the left side of her uniform. Then, holding the saber with one hand, she strode out the door.

At the gate, all the senior commanders of the flagship had already gathered, and they all looked at her with solemn expressions and nervousness.

In the silence, Azshara took a deep breath, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Are you worried that humans will detain me? Or are you worried that I will betray you?"

This joke is obviously not very appropriate now, and everyone is still silent.

As the senior commanders of the flagship, most of them grew up with Azshara, and made great achievements in the battle against the Tara people—in other words, they have seen death .

As a race with an average lifespan of three hundred years, they know the value of life better than those backward civilizations—humans are a race with a lifespan of less than a hundred years.

"Don't worry, although I really don't understand why these bad things come to me, I still believe in the judgment of His Majesty and the Institute of Wisdom. Humans, a new civilization that has never experienced the power of time, although they are arrogant, they are not Tara. People like barbarians. Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about the Tara people taking the opportunity to attack."

Hearing Azshara's words, everyone looked a little better.

"Okay, Sarya, Timis, you go on the landing ship with me, and the others return to their posts."

"My lord...then what if they..."

"Just wait for His Majesty's order."

After speaking, Azshara strode towards the release chamber.


Time passed minute by minute, and when Azshara was awakened from sleep by Sarya, the landing ship was already less than 5,000 kilometers away from the Auriga fleet.

"My lord, we are about to slow down."

"How long will it take to land?" Azshara looked forward, and because the distance was close enough, he could already see the light of the opponent's warship in the dark space with the naked eye.

More than 70 battleships are like more than 70 satellites, guarding the largest and brightest star.

"There are about five hundred seconds left. According to human time, it is close to ten minutes."

"Has there been a message from the other side?"

"Two channel beacons sent."

"Yeah." Azshara nodded and closed her eyes again.

Of course she wasn't sleeping.

Along the way, she has been thinking about the true intentions of human beings, and using this to determine the bottom line that the Silver Moon Kingdom can accept.

There is no doubt that launching an attack on the human fleet and provoking a war with an arrogant, even daring civilization... From the perspective of the Silver Moon Kingdom, this is irrational and not in the kingdom's ultimate interests.

Not to mention that human beings themselves have the largest enemy executor army, even the barbarians next door, in fact, the kingdom’s initial consideration was to resolve disputes at the lowest cost—someone even suggested that as long as the Tara people don’t send warships, Then the distant planets and star circles can be jointly developed with the Tara people, and trade can be established.

But later, the Tara people became more and more excessive, and the other party was also an arrogant young civilization that had just risen recently, and did not have any powerful weapons, so the kingdom finally decided to use warships to expel them.

In Azshara's view, the war with the Tara people is feasible and meaningful. Because if the army does not fight, not only will the soldiers have no status, but their combat effectiveness will also plummet—the Karatu galaxy has been peaceful for thousands of years. I don't know how to fight the battle.

In silence, Azshara sighed deeply.

Not long after, the spaceship has dropped to a speed that can be controlled by the attitude engine, and at the same time, the bright star has gradually become clear, turning into a huge space "fortress".

That's right... Compared to the landing ship, it is a fortress in space!

The huge main gun shone faintly in the side light, and the hulls on both sides were covered with small secondary gun weapons. Countless engineering drones were surrounding the battleship for inspection and maintenance.

As the landing craft approached, a huge hatch opened on the side of the battleship, revealing the brightly lit release cabin.


The hatch of the human flagship was closed, and Azshara also stood up, quietly waiting for the arrival of humans.

The creaking sound of inflation quickly disappeared, and then, the sound of a door opening faintly spread into the landing cabin. A moment later, the commander of the human fleet who proudly asked the First Fleet to release its posture a few hours ago appeared at the door .

The landing hatch opened, and Azshara supported the weapon. After taking a deep breath, she stepped on the floor of the human flagship.

At the same time, a gentle and pleasant voice rang in his ears.

"Ms. Azshara, on behalf of Bai Qihao, welcome Your Excellency and the friends of Kron civilization."

Azshara was a little stunned. When she saw the human fleet commander looking at her with a smile and stretching out her right hand to herself, she felt puzzled—she knew it was a human handshake. What puzzled her was the gesture of the human commander.

Not only this Commander Yang Wenzhi, but even the other humans standing behind him looked at him and the others with smiles on their faces.

The hesitation in her heart was only for a moment, and Azshara immediately returned to normal, with a smile on her face, stretched out her right hand, and shook Yang Wenzhi lightly.

"This way, please." Yang Wenzhi withdrew his right hand and pointed to the passage with his left: "Our conference room is over there."

"Thank you." Azshara remained calm, maintaining etiquette and followed the other party to the door.

The moment she stepped into the gate, she exhaled softly, slowly and without leaving any trace.

It seems that His Majesty and the Institute of Wisdom are right. Humans really do not come to war. Their goal is clear from the beginning to the end, which is to resist the executors—if they fight with their own civilization, the sacrifice will become Pointless.

That's why His Majesty deliberately told her not to try to prove the strength of the Executor Legion to humans, otherwise humans might turn their backs.

After realizing this, Azshara's mentality relaxed a bit, and he also had more energy to pay attention to the human situation and the human warship.

There is no doubt that human beings are very similar to the Kerong people in terms of appearance and body shape, even the height is about the same - don't underestimate this similarity, except for the subjective factor of "aesthetics", if the appearance is similar, it is It means that the two races are similar in the emotional expression of expressions, that is to say, they can easily use the experience of their own race to judge the emotions of the other.

For example, the goodwill released by human beings now, and the recklessness and strength before.

At this time, there were bursts of cheers and the sound of "puff" from the end of the passage.

Yang Wenzhi's voice came kindly from the side: "Your Excellency, the front is our living and resting area, as well as the dining area."

"Hmm." Azshara remained calm, following Yang Wenzhi out of the passage, her curiosity made her immediately look forward.

A moment later, a huge and incomparably large hall appeared in front of my eyes.

Then with just one glance, her eyes froze in an instant!

In the hall, several humans wearing numbers and several robots are running and chasing in a field painted with various collection shapes, and one of them is even walking like flying while slapping a ball.

On the edge of the venue, a group of men and women of various ages are applauding and watching.

As the man stood still while running, he raised the ball high and threw it towards the ring of a square board in front of him.

The cheers rose again.

Farther away, several robots were busy behind a row of half-person-high counters, and occasionally flames would rise.

"Oh, this is their robot competition." Yang Wenzhi smiled gently: "It seems that the robot team let go today."

Azshara held her breath and tried her best to let out a soft "hmm".

Human robots... have reached this level?

It's not that she has never seen a human robot, and she even knows that the Institute of Wisdom and Engineering once demolished a communication facility submitted by a human robot!

But that robot... is just a crawler-like toy car!

And the robot in front of him, no matter in terms of movement or reaction, seems to be no different from a real person!

But Yang Wenzhi didn't intend to stay here for too long, and soon he led Azshara to another door.

This time it's the elevator.

Of course, it is not surprising to install an elevator in the battleship, but Azshara can clearly see that the screen in the elevator is quite high-resolution and the picture is extremely clear.

After getting out of the elevator, Azshara began to pay attention to the facilities and layout of the entire battleship.

She saw that human warships did not have exposed wiring, control instruments, or huge pipes at all. If it weren't for the airtight doors and control panels that can be seen everywhere, she would even think that this is an advanced office space—no, even if there are These, too, resemble an office space, not a warship!

And those anthropomorphic, bipedal robots can be seen everywhere, and they can even communicate with ordinary human crew members in language and body movements!

Azshara became more and more silent, and when the last door opened to reveal a wide downward gangway, she finally couldn't help asking.

"How many robots are there on your battleship?"

"Oh, our warship... there are no people. Except for this flagship, the others are unmanned warships."

Yang Wenzhi looked at her with a smile, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

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