Ella Star, the executor's base.

Goliath looked at the multi-person picture rising up on the screen, suppressing the tension and excitement, and quickly described the information in the language that had been prepared in advance.

These people are all human beings, and she only knows three of them, one is Ye Ming, the chief etiquette chief of human beings, the other is called Director Niu, who should also be one of the chief etiquette chiefs, and the other is He Mo. She doesn't know the others.

But she fully believes that these people must be "big shots" in the human world! Because the human liaison officer said very early on that she is the most important "eye" in the human world and has the highest security level.

In other words, she is extremely important.

And the Human Grand Master personally listened to her report, which is the best evidence.

"Hall left half a month ago. Before leaving, he had a long discussion with Liana. The two of them also drank a medical drink that can paralyze the nerves. During the period, Hall said something like this: The empire is too rotten, and the Legion is too rotten, and this human event is a good opportunity."

"Then, Hall also reminded Liana that she must stop a few impulsive executives, maintain concentration, and when necessary, even make a necessary sacrifice to let the high-level know that the power of human civilization is different from the past. all civilizations. He also wants Liana to learn more about the human condition, especially the technological one.”

Following Goliath's introduction, the human officials all nodded and took notes. Goliath also paused for a while, and took a sip from the water glass.

However, when she raised her head again, she only saw a strange face of the Carat tribe suddenly appearing in the picture sent by the human beings.

She was slightly taken aback, and immediately looked at the newly joined compatriot.

"Gloria, hello, I am the current successor Dali Siwuda, you have done a good job, please continue."

As the voice of Uda Dali Division sounded, Goliath immediately clenched her right fist on her left chest and lowered her head slightly: "Master Dali..."

"Well, you're welcome, your safety is the top priority. Let's continue with the introduction."

"Okay, Master Dali."

Goliath's excitement can be imagined when she saw the Chief of Rites from her clan, but she also knew that now was definitely not the time to be excited. She took a few deep breaths, calmed down a little and continued to report.

"Therefore, Dika is currently in charge of the base in name, but in fact Liana has a lot of power to speak. On the one hand, she is the team leader of the investigation team, on the other hand, she has a good personal relationship with Hall, and she Already nominated a prophet, everyone else is going to fawn on her."

"But compared to Hall, Liana is more interested in the form of human civilization, and at the same time worried about the safety of the two investigators who were captured by humans. She once discussed the history of human civilization with me and asked if we still have information about There are no human records. I answered her completely and truthfully according to the instructor’s last training requirements, including the current attitude of the clan towards the Executor Legion.”

"Basically, that's all I want to report. The most important thing is that Hall returned to the home planet of the Holy Empire and plans to cooperate with the Enlightenment Association to upgrade the weapons of the army."

After finishing speaking, Gloria took a few deep breaths, waiting for questions from these big shots.

Then she saw that these big figures had exchanged with each other a few times, and finally the Human Chief of Rites started to ask questions.

"Gorlia, is your communication safe now?"

"Go back to the Department of Rites, it's safe. Liana has just gone to the maintenance warehouse for intensive care. The time is two hours."

"Very good, then please answer a question for me—what kind of substance is the god-given steel, and how much is it produced on the planet Ayla? Is it difficult to mine? When was it mined? Where did it go?"


Half an hour later, Gloria ended the communication.

The human meeting continued, and Uda remained present.

"It seems that we have to re-evaluate the situation." Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Ye Ming pondered for a few seconds before slowly saying: "Let's put aside the substance of God-given steel first, and what the other party can say The empire is too rotten...I personally think that this Hall is a bit ambitious."

"It doesn't matter if you have ambitions. The important thing is what he said, human events are opportunities." Director Niu went straight to the topic, looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "From the various analyzes known so far, including two The confessions of the two captives and their deciphered private communications still show that they are absolutely sure of their victory over humanity."

"Judging from the fact that Hall said that he wanted to upgrade his weapons, I think that the CEO of Base 31 is probably hoping to make human beings a powerful target. Then let the legion gain more power, And bring him a greater status and income." General Qin said, looking back at the people looking at him, with a smile on his lips: "As a professional soldier, I still understand this kind of hand. The mentality of a man with a gun."

There was a deep smile on everyone's face.

Anyone who can sit here must have an online IQ. Of course, he can judge the many reasons and behaviors of the executive named Hall in an instant. In essence, he wants to use human events to create a wave." big.

And if the soldiers want to make a big wave, what else can they do besides admonishing them? Naturally, it is self-respect to support the bandits.

Humans have played these little tricks for thousands of years. The main reason why everyone is still pretending to discuss is that there is currently the largest army leader of mankind here.

Lao Qin is the commander-in-chief of the Taiyue Operation Center.

You have to consider Lao Qin's face!

Now that Qin Weiguo has clarified his words, everyone’s discussions became much more heated. After a while of haha, Ye Ming first said: "And judging from the current intelligence summary, the Holy Empire should have three forces. The first one is the executive power." The second branch is the Prophet's Academy, and the third is the Enlightenment Association, in which the Legion holds weapons of war, the Prophet's Academy masters technology, and the Enlightenment Association is a bit complicated."

"If you follow the description, the Enlightenment Association is an organization gathered by the Holy Mother, and it is its mission to spread civilization and technology in the universe, but I prefer to call them an organization of adventurers in the age of great voyages...they have the most detailed resources in the universe in their hands , star maps and other information, and because they are running around, they also have good technologies and resources in their hands. Even these technologies are still biased towards practical application."

"The Tula and the Enlightenment are the most typical examples. If all the enemies we face are the Tula and the Enlightenment... then we have no chance to get out of the solar system."

Everyone nodded.

Everyone has witnessed the speed of the Tula, and knows that if the Executor Legion uses this to attack humans, then the best ending for humans is to rely on the high-dimensional space membranes of the six sky-patch ships outside the YE-2023 wormhole. on one's last legs. Strategic time and strategic space have no meaning in front of a high-speed warship like the Tula.

"Therefore...at present we seem to have only three ways to deal with the possible weapon upgrades of the enemy." Ye Ming said softly after a moment of pondering: "The first way is to destroy the cooperation between the Enlightenment Association and the Legion."

"Second, we pre-emptively complete stronger weapon upgrades before the enemy completes their weapon upgrades."

"Third, use the fastest speed to wipe out the enemy's advanced weapons in their infancy, so as to gain more strategic initiative."

After speaking, Ye Ming closed his mouth.

He only makes feasible suggestions and is not responsible for decision-making.

Everyone was lost in thought.

And at this moment, Uda Dalisi, who had been listening quietly all this time, suddenly said: "The enlightener, is it really so... unbearable?"

As his voice fell, everyone looked over in unison.

It seems... Everyone has forgotten that the Canglan Star civilization achieved its true brilliance only under the enlightenment of the enlightener!

They are the "benefactors" of the Canglan Star people!

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