From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 728 Humans want to teach us how to do things?

"Just like the last message sent back by our Enlightener, after passing through the transition point of the 31919 galaxy and arriving at the ancient base, the Enlightener and we have entered the sphere of human influence."

"After human beings tested our biological adaptability, together with the scientific research ship that humans explored and analyzed the battlefield in the 31911 galaxy, we went through 20 days of space voyage in human time, during which time we passed the 31931 galaxy—called by humans. The space fleet defense circle for the Triangulum galaxy, and then arrived at the 31928 galaxy, which is called the Andromeda galaxy by humans, and made a short stay."

"In the civilization belt of the 31928 galaxy, there is a habitable planet that was initiated by the No. 31 base. Now the habitable planet has been occupied and colonized by humans. It is here that I met the chief scientist of humans, Ye Ming. The identity is equivalent to the chief prophet ranked number one in the Prophet Council."

Following Crozier's slow report in the screen, Liana's brows knit into a ball. When she heard him mention the 31928 galaxy, she subconsciously glanced at Gloria standing beside her from the corner of her eye.

She believed that this clever sinful girl should understand what Crozier was talking about.

Sure enough... All she could see was an uncontrollable surprise on Gloria's face, and then she stared closely at the screen.

Liana withdrew her gaze, feeling a bit more at ease—it seemed that her judgment was indeed correct.

Immediately afterwards, Crozier's report continued: "Just as you are full of curiosity about human beings, human beings are also full of curiosity about us. Your Excellency Ye Ming asked me a lot about the foundation and frontiers of science, and I told you the truth. .Because I found that human beings are indeed a highly developed civilization, both in scientific exploration and in culture and art.”

"And after a short stay for a few days, we returned to the home planet of mankind together with the chief scientist of mankind."

"In space, we can see that human beings have created a prosperous era of interstellar development only relying on the resources in their main-sequence star civilization belt. Thousands of spaceships shuttle back and forth in the sky, and huge space shipyards are working day and night. Warships are being built. According to them, this one shipyard can build twelve new-style warships within two months."

"And when we arrived at the human home planet, we saw that the human home planet Earth is a highly livable natural planet. They even multiplied tens of billions of ethnic groups, and huge cities spread all over the entire planet..."

Liana pursed her lips tightly, listening to the report that she didn't know whether it was true or false - because until now, she still couldn't judge whether what Crozier said was true.

Humans allowed him to pass back such detailed information?

"According to our observations, human beings are a civilization that likes to communicate very much. In the entire civilization belt of sequence 319, they have established contact, including the Krong people."

"And judging from the history of human civilization, they are indeed like this. Even in the wars within civilization, they still maintain a certain degree of contact."

"Therefore, they believe that Ms. Grena and I are the representatives of the communication between the sacred civilization and human beings. At the same time, they also hope that they can send a communication ship to restore the instant communication with the base. When the communication is restored, they promise that we can communicate with You have instant, face-to-face video communication."

Crozier's voice stopped here, and then he and Grena stared at the camera until the end of the scene.

Liana fell into a long silence.

After a while, she adjusted the headset.

"Did you hear that?"

"I heard." Hall's voice came again.

"What do you think?"

There was a moment of silence in the earphones, and then Hall said softly: "In the backward civilization area, there is a profession called wandering knights-in fact, they are space pirates. Coercing and capturing those merchant ships that are backward civilizations without the ability to resist to intercept supplies."

"But sometimes, these space pirates don't get what they want every time, because the merchant ship may resist, or it may be empty. Therefore, they will try to capture the crew of the merchant ship as much as possible to obtain rewards."

"And before that, the first thing they did was to contact the captured crew members with their families and organizations."

"You mean, Grena and the others...are hostages?"

"Yes." Hall replied slowly: "It's just that they didn't ask for a ransom, but they asked for contact restoration."

"Then what does that mean?"

Hall fell into a long silence again, and then Hall responded with a tone that he didn't know how to describe.

It was an emotion mixed with doubt, disbelief, and a little heartfelt laughter.

"I think...probably...humans are trying to teach us how to do things?"

Liana's pupils widened instantly.

After a while, she took a deep breath, and the scenes of communicating with humans in the past few months flashed in her mind.

Human beings must talk about rules, a few sentences are the mechanism, and after a while it is the truth...

"You mean, humans have developed a psychological advantage over sacred civilizations?"

"Yes." At this time, Hall's voice had already raised a smile: "Anna, I think... can meet the requirements of human beings, and even allow them to 'communicate' with the Supreme Council."

"Let those gentlemen, especially those from the Enlightenment Association, take a look at the demeanor of human beings."

In the headset, Hall laughed heartily: "That's it! You arrange it!"



Gloria lowered her head slightly, and glanced at Liana from the corner of her eye from time to time.

At this moment, she didn't know what state to use to "disguise" her emotions.

It stands to reason that when she heard the situation on her home planet, she should have shown a sad and shocked expression, but when she heard that the communication with humans was going to continue, she couldn't hold back the joy in her heart.

Being able to re-establish contact with humans means that she has a mission and can reflect her own value.

It's just that she couldn't show this joy. So she had to keep her head down, trying not to let Liana see her face.

But at this moment, Liana, who ended the communication, turned around.



"Call me teacher."

"Teacher." Gloria pursed her lips, lowered her head and said softly.

"You already know that the legion will launch a war-level attack on human beings, which means that this civilization will be completely wiped out from the universe, and your former home planet..."

"Teacher..." Gloria clenched her fists and raised her head to stare at Liana: "Do we... still have a chance?"

Liana stared closely at Gloria. At this moment, she could even feel the accelerating heartbeat of the girl in front of her.

Gradually, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"You mean, you return to your home planet?"

"Is it possible?" Gloria took a deep breath: "You said... we have paid enough..."

"Well, I said so."


Liana sat back on the chair and looked away at the same time: "Look at your performance."

"Look at the performance of your entire ethnic group."

As Liana swayed away, Gloria clenched her fists tightly.

She didn't know how to "behave", she only knew that these high-ranking imperial executives did indeed have the power to determine the life and death of a civilization and a race with a single word.

This kind of power comes from the holy empire behind them that is so powerful that they can't even understand and imagine.

And now, this actually forced by humans to start a full-scale war!


Is it to make myself and my people become slaves and servants for generations to cling to the Holy Empire?

Oh no... A sinful descendant like myself is not qualified to attach to the Holy Empire at all, and can only attach to the No. 31 execution base.

Taking a deep breath, Gloria quickly tidied up the room, then picked up the electronic equipment that Liana "gifted" to her and walked out of the room.

She knew that this woman was especially good at being a teacher.


In the following days, Gloria has been carefully collecting all kinds of information, especially about Hall's communication from the empire's home planet, and she tried her best to write down every word exactly.

So she knew that the Holy Empire had dispatched three legion bases to start the "encirclement and suppression" of human beings. Among them, base 32 even dispatched a huge fleet to the starway where Crozier and Grena disappeared.

She also knew that the Supreme Council of the Holy Empire would send a support team led by the Prophet to Base 31 to provide technical upgrades and support for the base and the servant galaxy.

At the same time, she also knew that this time, the Prophet seemed to have brought special weapons aimed at those unmanned warships of humans...

This made her feel a little restless.

All the signs indicate that this time, the Holy Empire is really going for it.

Time passed day by day, and the high-speed communication ship of human beings was about to arrive at the Frost galaxy, one of the slave galaxies-this was the last meeting point for the probes that the base could give to human beings after discussions.

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