Provincial Jiaotong Brain-Computer Center, Director's Office.

The early summer sun shone on the back of the chair, making the temperature of the whole room much higher. Ye Ming left the chair and made a cup of tea for Qin Weiguo who had just arrived on the ground.

Qin Weiguo took the teacup and put it on the tea table without any hassle. At the same time, he raised his wrist and glanced at the time, and said bluntly, "I can only stay with you for one hour."

Ye Ming smiled and nodded.

He knew that Qin Weiguo would go directly to the capital in an hour—even when he came to his place this time, he took time to make a time difference. His original itinerary was to go directly to the capital from the moon.

As for why he was commanding the fleet jump at the former enemy command headquarters, but he, the general commander of Taiyue, was not in the command center. Obviously, there was a deep meaning-Qin Weiguo needed to go to the capital to quell doubts from certain quarters.

"Since the battle hasn't started, let's not talk nonsense. I just want to confirm again, when will the super battleship enter the arena, and how long will it take for the anti-matter weapons to be installed?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Weiguo looked at Ye Ming seriously.

Ye Ming hummed lightly, turned his head to glance at the calendar, and raised two fingers.

"Two months?"

"The assembly of the battleship can be completed in two months, and the test will take at least three months - of course, we can also pull it directly to the front line for testing, but it depends on you." As if to make sure again, Ye Ming opened the I glanced at the progress of the S-level project on the tablet, and then handed the tablet to Qin Weiguo: "Since yesterday, the weapon system has been hoisted, and now the Jiangnan factory is working overtime for assembly."

Qin Weiguo just glanced at it and returned the tablet to Ye Ming, heaving a sigh of relief: "What about antimatter weapons?"

"The collection of antimatter has been successfully started, and the collection of the first batch of samples is expected to be completed in a week. However, since there are no artificial wormhole generators in the LY and Auriga galaxies, it will take at least two months to ignite the main cannon Test. But the ignition of the main gun does not mean that it can be used. The follow-up will be the design of the anti-matter engine and the design and verification of the warship of the entire anti-matter system. Even if we move faster, it will take at least a year to see it. weaponization."

"Are you sure? I just told the above?"

Ye Ming smiled helplessly, then nodded.

The biggest problem that Qin Weiguo will face when he goes to Beijing this time is - if the battle comes to a stalemate, or if the human beings fail to attack and have to retreat, how can they open up the situation again, so as to prevent the human beings from being completely defeated.

Ye Ming's answer was newer and more powerful weapons.

"Then I'll wait!" Qin Weiguo let out a long breath, and a smile appeared on his face again. He stroked his gray hair and smiled: "I don't know how many batches I will suffer when I return to the capital this time...... We can only expect the boys ahead to deliver a satisfactory answer."

"Well, I believe them too." Ye Ming narrowed his eyes slightly as he spoke, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: "I've been reviewing the game during this time, why did we win so smoothly..."

"It's going well?"

"Of course it went well—except that we lost the first battle of Auriga because of insufficient weapon power, we actually won the rest." Ye Ming blinked lightly: "Of course, I am a military layman, so I just want to From a layman's point of view."

"..." Qin Weiguo asked curiously: "Then why do you say it is—let's not talk about the cliché weapons."

"Haha, of course not. But..." Ye Ming paused and then said softly: "Is there a possibility that we are better at fighting than Geng and them?"

Qin Weiguo was slightly taken aback, and then began to think.

"Throughout thousands of years of human war history, most of the battles are about tactics. Because everyone's civilization level is the same, there is no difference in generation. But the executors are different... They have been kings and hegemons for ten thousand years! "

"Ten thousand years of crushing war!" Ye Ming sighed: "Compared to 'lower' civilizations, they have crushing technology and the size of warships... Looking at the entire universe, there are no enemies! To put it bluntly, they The status in this universe is equivalent to the establishment of the Five Constants going back to World War II—you say, during World War II, which country can stop the Five Constants in the 21st century?"

"So when they met us, their strategy, tactics and combat awareness had already fallen behind, not as good as ours." Ye Ming breathed out slowly: "That's why I will support the army's rapid advance, taking advantage of the enemy's When you haven't learned how to fight, you will have a huge advantage."

Qin Weiguo's eyes gradually lit up, and he said in a deep voice: "That's right! We used to attribute the ease of winning to the fact that the enemy underestimated the enemy, but now it seems that there are certainly factors of the enemy underestimating the enemy, but the enemy will not engage in a frontal legion duel, which should be the main reason. The reason—especially when we raided and wiped out the enemy's reorganization of 400 warships, the enemy was completely messed up, and they were pure rookies at all."

Ye Ming nodded with a smile.

After all... Now he and Qin Weiguo can be regarded as "grasshoppers on the same line", both "radicals".

It is everyone's responsibility to find reasonable reasons for the "radicals" to convince the higher-ups of the community.

Of course, the reason is the reason, the most important thing is, as Qin Weiguo said, everything depends on the boys in the former enemy headquarters!

At this moment, there were hurried footsteps outside the door, and a moment later, He Mo pushed open the door with a document in his hand.

"Mr. Ye, General Qin, the Foreign Affairs Office received another long reply half an hour ago." He Mo's voice was a bit serious.

Ye Ming raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew that if he just received a reply, He Mo did not need to notify him. He immediately said in a deep voice: "Is it written by Gloria? Is there any hidden information?"

"Yes." He Mo took a slow breath: "Based on the information contained in the previous letter, the content roughly includes that the enemy has dispatched fleets from three bases to launch a counterattack against humans, and one of them wants to cut off the passage - according to According to analysis, the target should be the LY galaxy."

"The most important thing is that the enemy wants to put the battlefield in the Sophie galaxy where we are currently fighting."

After finishing speaking, He Mo handed the document to General Qin who was nearest to her.

This information must be passed to the former enemy headquarters as soon as possible.

General Qin and Ye Ming looked at each other, and they both frowned at the same time.

At this moment, Ye Ming's wrist suddenly moved. He glanced subconsciously and immediately chose to connect to the three-dimensional video communication.

A ray of light descended from the center of the office, and a moment later, Uda's figure appeared in mid-air in the office.

There was a slight smile on Uda's face. He first waved his hand to Ye Ming to say hello, and then asked with a smile: "General Qin is here too?"

Ye Ming composed himself, regained his composure, and smiled: "Looking at you like this, is there any good news?"

He and Uda haven't been in contact for a while.

"Well, it's not particularly good news. I just want to tell you that our high-power artificial wormhole is almost completed."

As he spoke, Uda took a long breath, with a lot of emotion on his face.

Ever since he realized that human civilization has far surpassed the Holy Star civilization, he has always advocated communication and learning with humans. He first sent an envoy, and then immediately established an artificial starting point with humans for long-distance communication, and then without hesitation, Helko The fleet they brought was given to the command of humans, and then they used almost the entire family's efforts to cooperate with humans to build high-power artificial wormholes...

It can be said that he has tightly tied the entire ethnic group to humans.

Fortunately, humans are reliable and trustworthy allies.

Now, the high-power artificial wormhole is about to be completed, which means that the Kra people will be able to embark on the journey home easily!

Ye Ming was slightly startled after hearing this, and then heartfelt joy rose on his face.

After pursing his lips, Ye Ming whispered: "Wuda, how many battleships do you have?"

"Including the two flagships, there are fifty-six ships in total." Uda answered, and the expression on his face instantly became serious.

He knew that Ye Ming would never act aimlessly.

Ye Ming went to Qin Weiguo.

Qin Weiguo frowned deeply, but nodded slowly after just a moment.

"Can I join the war?"

Uda took a deep breath, then smiled slightly: "Yes, of course I can."

In the Ivan Galaxy, the Mercury has left the orbit of the giant planet in its hiding place and is slowly moving towards the wormhole leading to the Zipline Galaxy.

Surrounding her was still a convoy of 13 ships from Helko's Blue Fleet, as well as a huge formation of logistics support ships.

In the mothership command room, the previous debate had ended, and everyone was deep in thought with serious expressions.

Halko also frowned deeply and looked at the star map covered with battleship logos for a long time without saying anything.

On today's star map, the number of enemies has increased to about 300, and humans have also jumped 200 warships over there. Although the two sides have not yet exchanged fire, since everyone is here, they are also rushing to fight... ...It will only be a matter of time before we start doing it.

It's just that...according to humanity's deployment, this battle is probably not going to be the turn of our own fleet—unless the intelligence just sent by the commander-in-chief of Humanity Taiyue shows that the enemy has gathered warships from two or three bases for a heart-pounding battle. duel.

Of course...if that were the case, I'm afraid humans wouldn't dare to fight.

For example, right now, the commanders are considering whether to retreat.

Of course, Herko would not speak - as a soldier, or even a military leader, he knew best that without a battleship in hand, it meant that the soldier had no weapons. Even if he had the right to speak, his voice would be too weak to be heard.

"I think we can still use high-speed warships and rice grains to fight the enemy while maintaining the reconnaissance intelligence. At worst, we will run away after the fight." Smil's voice sounded: "Although it says that the enemy has at least two bases fleet... But it’s not like they can directly cross over to the battlefield! As long as we can capture the wormhole to the east, all that’s left is just a fight with firepower. Is there anything we can’t fight?”

"I agree!"

"I don't agree." Olaf expressed his rare objection. He looked at Yang Wenzhi and said solemnly: "Old Yang, how much rice grain reserves do we have now?"

"There are still more than two hundred, but the next round of replenishment is coming soon. And we still have a lot of second-generation rice grains. When the replenishment comes, there will basically be about thirty. It will definitely be no problem to eliminate the core threats at targeted locations. ." Yang Wenzhi quickly reported the numbers, paused and continued: "Our main problem now is that we don't have enough strength... Even if we take the wormhole to the east, if we want to cooperate to hold it, at least two reorganized units will be needed. Only the fleet will do.”

"Only in this way can we free up three fleets to complete the superior encirclement of the enemy and complete the tactical strategy." After finishing speaking, Yang Wenzhi frowned again: "And according to the intelligence, there is also a force from the entire base at Lao Zeng's side to invade. —Where did the command center get the information? Even the enemy’s movements are known?”

Everyone was silent, and there were doubts on their faces.

After all, this level of information about the enemy's movements and arrangements... can't be obtained through investigation and analysis, at least it must be revealed by a core insider - even the two captured by humans It is impossible for the people of the empire to know!

"But the information cannot be wrong." Olaf continued: "It is impossible for Taiyue to tell us unconfirmed information..."

"Well, that's for sure." Yang Wenzhi was silent, his fingers kept tapping on the table, and his face fell into hesitation and a little bewilderment.

Now he doesn't know what the real attitude of the above is - is it supporting them to fight? Or support them not to fight?

If the higher-ups felt it was dangerous, they should obviously be ordered to withdraw and continue to defend.

But now it seems that the above only gave the information that should be given, and then let them make a decision...

This... You know, if the information is true, it means that they may face 2,000 to 3,000 enemies!

Although these enemies did not come in a swarm, even if they came in would be a bit overwhelming.

In the silence, Aishara suddenly said: "Old Yang, have you thought about a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"If we retreat, when we are about to jump out of the star gate next time, there may be two thousand battleships facing us...even orbital ships are waiting for us!"

Azshara took a deep breath, slowly looked at this human companion whom she admired, and said softly: "I think the reason why Taiyue headquarters didn't issue a clear order is...they want to see it too, Can we do it?"

"They chose to believe us!" Azshara's eyes slowly swept across the crowd.

At this moment, there was a sudden buzz in the meeting room.

Everyone looked at the source of the voice, and saw that Heerke, who had been listening quietly and not expressing his opinion, raised his hand in doubt.

After a while, Haierke straightened his expression and quickly connected to the communication.

The meeting room was so quiet that those who were close could hear the faint voice coming from Haierke's headphones.

"Hercules, a week later, I will pass all the warships of the New Holy City, including the flagship, to the human frontline through the artificial wormhole and hand them over to you. Please be sure to cooperate with the command of the former enemy headquarters."

Haierke was taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes lit up instantly!

He slammed his fist on the table: "Okay!"

"Old Yang! My fleet is coming! Fight!"

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