From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 777 The enemy is on the home planet

Planet Aila, Executor Base.

When the final battle damage was determined, the tsunami-like roar of Hall Mountain gradually disappeared, followed by a strange silence.

Everyone was silent, and the entire conference room was like an ice cave.

Lianna stared hard at Hall's slightly curved back. She only felt that her hands and feet were cold, and the coldness continued to spread, as if her heart would freeze.

She knew... that the enemy's missile attack had certainly brought unprecedented losses to the fleet - especially the last wave of missiles... almost all of which were aimed at the main combat ships, battleships and cruisers, plus two orbital ships. , so the attack power of the entire fleet can be said to have been directly reduced by one-third!

But that's not the point.

The main reason why Hall is on the verge of collapse is that no one knows how the enemy did it!

Hall has said countless times that on the battlefield, the most important thing is intelligence.

So much so that this offensive was launched only after fully understanding the performance and command habits of human warships through various tactics and small-scale battles in the past half year.

It is not simply a comparison of the number of battleships.

What's more, this battle itself also has the mission of luring out the hidden strengths of human beings!

But now, humans are hiding a weapon that cannot be detected, intercepted, or defended...


How to fight this?

Time passed slowly, and everyone's eyes focused on Hall's face.

At this moment, even though there are still 1,500 warships on the battlefield, they can even maintain a 2:1 advantage over the enemy!

But everyone has a look of despair in their eyes...

Gradually, Hall's back lifted a little higher.

He slowly stood up.

"Dika, pick up the legion headquarters."

"Yes!" Dika responded quickly, and then manipulated the control panel a few times.

The next moment, a deep voice sounded in the hall.

"Hall, I saw it."

"Legion Commander, please tell the opponents in the parliament, if they still dare to talk nonsense. Then, even if all of my fleet, Hall, is destroyed in this battle, I will enter the Supreme Council with a small pistol. , drag them out and light the sky lanterns."

"Hall, calm down."

"I'm calm. What I said is the truth." Hall raised his head and his voice was as cold as the cold wind: "Also, don't even think about launching an investigation into me. I will come to find anyone who opens his mouth."

"Hall! Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know what I'm talking about, I'm saying... I'm going to speed up."

Hall's voice fell and he immediately looked at Dika: "All the fleets accelerated with all their strength. Four ships in groups aimed at the enemy ships and fired, two ships in groups aimed at the enemy ships and collided with them. They quickly passed through the enemy ship group! Then moved towards the main star road."

" seems that the fleet in the middle of the enemy is not pursuing..."

"I know they want to intercept us at the main star road jump point." Hall exhaled slowly and looked towards the direction of the main star road.

There, it can be regarded as the "base camp" of the entire fleet. Except for a small escort fleet with only a dozen destroyers and frigates, it is full of various types of support ships and functional ships.

Ten minutes ago, there was an orbital ship over there, which could be considered a complete fleet.

But now... in front of a reorganized human fleet, those hundreds of ships are just a pile of meat! The kind that has no resistance.

Now...according to the enemy's advance speed, they still have at least one day to arrive.

If this support fleet is to be retained, time is sufficient.

"Start now and recharge the jump generator."

Hall spoke almost word for word. He exhaled deeply, then raised his wrist and quickly dialed the communication.

"Chao, I need your help."

"I need your fleet to make the artificial jump within one day."

"The more, the better, but at least five hundred ships..."

"Four hundred? Barely - but let me tell you, how many results you can achieve depends on the speed and quantity of your fleet gathering."

Hall stared at the star map: "I believe that you must be very interested in dealing with a weak enemy fleet."

After finishing speaking, Hall slowly sat down.

Everyone was silent and quiet.

Chao is the chief commander of Executor Base No. 38. He is among the top ten commanders like Hall. He is responsible for various execution tasks of the No. 38 galaxy. His fleet is only much larger than that of Hall.

His relationship with Hall is also quite good.

Of course, none of this matters.

What's important is that North Korea is a staunch anti-"Sumaya" person. He once directly detained Sumaya members who went to his base to conduct investigations for six months, causing a huge disturbance.

If the government had not been on a mission to destroy a pirate civilization at that time, it would have been extremely difficult to calm down the turmoil.

At this time, Hall called for support... and the more support, the better... It was obvious that he had launched a real attack and planned to completely bypass the Legion and the Supreme Council.

In other words, this war has become a personal grudge between him and mankind!

However... everyone present knows that one of the most important rules in the legion is that there is no private cooperation between bases.

Of course, what is more important is what Hall said to the legion commander before.

This meant that Hall, the frontline base commander who had been inclined to "tolerate" those Sumaya ideas, finally couldn't help it and began to clearly demand that the entire empire devote all its strength to the war.

Whoever objects will die!

" this...really appropriate?" Liana gently approached Hall and gently stroked his shoulder: "Are you really planning to..."

"All data and simulated videos are illusions. Only by truly facing human beings can we know how terrifying our enemies are."

Hall stretched out his hand to hold the back of Lianna's hand, and his voice finally returned to normal slightly: "Stopping humans in Sophie's galaxy is my bottom line, and it will also be the bottom line of all our executives."

With that said, Hall looked away from the star map.

There was deep exhaustion and a well-hidden hint of despair in his eyes.

Without the battleship, even he, the chief commander, would lose his status.

The only way to maintain his influence is to drag the entire legion into this war in his defense zone.

Not to mention sending a few cruel words to the legion commander, he would not hesitate even if he really killed a few Sumaya Supreme Councilors!

"Ana, why don't you go back first?"

"What should I do when I go back?"

"Go back and tell the real battles and the real enemies to those Imperial people who are still dreaming about the Spring and Autumn Period, let them know... how terrifying and terrible our enemies are... and let them know the real enemy that caused all this. ,actually……"

Hall's voice began to grow cold as he spoke.

"On the home planet."

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