The formal negotiation with humans exceeded Liana's expectations. Ye Ming was not present at the conference table, but the meaning expressed by the director of the Human External Affairs Office who presided over the negotiation was not only more outrageous than Ye Ming's request, but even A detailed list of compensation and some demands were given on the spot.

Since the two civilizations do not have a common currency, the compensation proposed by humans is all in kind, including tachyon generators, Slanzi matter, antimatter, etc. In addition, mankind also requires that the empire must destroy the Star Destroyer weapons - because this kind of weapon is the greatest harm and disrespect to the universe.

As for other things, such as ceding Galaxy 32 to human management, opening up transportation and trade in all galaxies, jointly establishing a comprehensive management office for the entire universe, providing humanitarian assistance to all civilizations in the universe, etc... not much Worth mentioning.

Obviously, this human request was unexpected by the negotiating team and absolutely unacceptable - even such a request did not make it necessary for the negotiating team to contact the empire.

After leaving Seer Dieter's room, Liana returned to her room.

In order to prevent information leakage, she and Prophet Dieter used limited pheromones to communicate throughout the process. The advantage of such communication was that there would be almost no spillover of pheromones, but the disadvantage was that it was extremely energy-consuming.

After lying on the bed for a while, Lianna turned her head and looked at the human "mobile phone" placed beside the bed.

Since Gloria applied for her yesterday, she has not used a human mobile phone. Firstly, she is not very familiar with human writing and operating habits. Secondly... when she calmed down, she was still a little hard to accept.

At this moment, a burst of pleasant music suddenly sounded from the mobile phone, and then the screen of the mobile phone lit up, and Gloria's avatar appeared on the screen.

Liana was startled for a moment and slid across the screen awkwardly.

"Teacher, is the meeting over?"

The voice was a little soft, and Liana quickly put the phone to her ear. She thought about it and nodded: "It's over for now."

"Egwene and I are going to Ella Star. Do you want to go with us?"

"Going to Ella?" Liana was startled again: "Going to the ground?"

"Yes, go to the ground. You have been in the Sky Temple before and have never been to the ground. I have no chance to take you to our place to play... Now that I have the chance, I will take you to climb the mountain."

"Mountain climbing? Is there anything... easy to climb?"

"Hehe, I don't know either, but Egwene said she wanted to go hiking, and we have to bring a lot of picnic things this time, so just come...and we have to camp tonight! It's fun. .”

When Liana heard the word picnic coming out of Gloria's mouth, Liana's thoughts suddenly drifted away. After a moment, she closed her eyes and hummed softly.

Half an hour later, a ground-to-air commuter spacecraft slowly sailed toward the ground.

Since they brought so much stuff this time, the two girls couldn't carry it at all, so Ye Ming directly assigned two robots to them - these robots can do housework when they put down their guns, and they can be armed guards when they put on their guns. Seamlessly switch to your needs at any time.

Soon, the three of them reached the ground and started the euphemistically called "outing" at the foot of a not-so-high mountain outside the city.

Along the way, Gloria and Egwene were in high spirits, teaching Lianna how to use their mobile phones, taking photos everywhere, and chattering away.

"Teacher, you don't use your mobile phone?"


"Oh, you have to learn how to use it quickly." Gloria took a selfie of herself and then approached Liana, showed the photo to her, and said while looking at it: "Otherwise, you will be in trouble in class in the future."

"Class?" Lianna frowned slightly: "What class?"

"You teach us... oh no, it's for humans... oh, that's not right..." Gloria turned to look at Egwene: "I have never stayed at the United College. Are there people of various races there? student?"

"Well, there are many. When I was here, there were us Keron people, humans, Tara people, and bear people."

"Where are my people?"

"Oh, the first batch of you who came here are all teachers." Ai Wen said with a smile on her lips: "Do you know Teacher Hailin? She teaches us biophysics."

"Hailin Reisi, of course I know you." Gloria glanced at Liana without leaving any trace: "Teacher, you are a prophet, and you must be a particularly good teacher!"

Ewen immediately slapped her: "What you said is that the teacher is not good, how could he teach you?"

When Liana saw the two little girls starting to make trouble again, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she finally took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

At this time, Gloria saw a piece of flat land on the side of the road, so she ordered the robot guards to set up camp on the spot. Soon, the two robots showed perfect execution and efficiency. In less than half an hour, two tents were set up. , small tables, barbecue grills, and various ingredients are all ready.

As the charcoal fire rose, Lianna slowly enjoyed the delicious food from humans while watching the sky gradually dimming until night fell and the lights of the city below the mountain rose.

After clearing the table, Gloria lit a small lamp and sat next to Liana: "Teacher, Egwene and I are going to read the papers. Do you want to take a look at our Aita academic library?"

"Um, academic library?"

"Yes, in addition to portable communication, mobile phones can also learn...and it can connect to the entire human database."

Liana was stunned. She knew yesterday that this mobile phone could learn - which also meant that she could have access to human knowledge, so she wanted one. But then she thought about it and realized that she basically couldn't read human words, so I no longer have that thought.

Now I heard Gloria say that you can actually read papers on it... and it's also connected to the entire human database...

"You mean, just such a thing can... have access to the most advanced knowledge of mankind?"

"Yes." Gloria logged into Aita Academic skillfully, and then translated each directory for Liana: "These academic papers can be browsed at will as long as the terminal has passed the certification."

“Everyone can be certified?”

"Yes, but some parts still need to be divided into certification levels, but as far as the public is concerned, what can be received... is already beyond the grasp of a person's lifetime."

Ewen added next to her: "You can't finish learning in eight lifetimes."

Lianna listened quietly and suddenly looked up at the sky: "Do humans really want to build a knowledge system that covers the universe?"

Egwene and Gloria looked at each other, and they both laughed at the same time.

"Teacher, actually Teacher Ye Ming is really an honest person. His words may be a bit ugly sometimes, but he certainly won't lie."



A week later, the spacecraft of the negotiating team that returned without success left the Ella system and embarked on its return journey.

Just as humanity promised, they did not embarrass anyone, nor did they force anyone to stay, which reflects the excellent qualities of the two countries that they will never stop fighting.

But...compared to when we came, there was one less person on the way back.

Ye Ming's office.

"Teacher Liana, if you have any requirements for your future work and life, feel free to mention them."

After driving the two noisy brats out of the door, Ye Ming personally made a cup of tea for Liana, and then sat across from her with a smile.

His attitude was countless times more friendly than the previous contacts and meetings.

So much so that Liana felt a little uncomfortable.

Liana folded her hands on her knees and looked at Ye Ming seriously after a few seconds of silence: "First... I want to be with Hall."

"No problem, that's as it should be." Ye Ming smiled slightly: "I don't know if Hall has mentioned to you that Crozier and Greina are already married and have successfully given birth to an imperial baby."

Liana hummed.

Hall told her this from the first day they met. However, Hall doesn't know exactly what Crozier is currently doing, he only knows that he has started working for humans.

At this time, Ye Ming said a little narrowly: "Actually...this time, if you ask to take Hall back, we will agree."

Liana was startled suddenly and looked at Ye Ming in disbelief.

Ye Ming nodded with a smile: "Do you know why?"


"Because, from all indications, you are a good teacher, a... high-moral and excellent person." Ye Ming said seriously: "Gloria is a good child. She protects you very much. She has always been with me. From the first day we met, she kept reminding me that the Empire was not entirely bad - even though some of the Legion's men were worse than beasts."

"No matter how you look at it, the future of a civilization and a race needs people like you."

Lianna was silent, and then sighed after a long time.

"Now that I've decided to stay, there's no need to mention this."

"Yes." Ye Ming nodded again: "You continue."

"Then, I hope to be a teacher at your Union College."

"No problem, I said, you are a good teacher, and a good teacher should naturally teach and educate people."

"Then..." Liana was silent again, and looked at Ye Ming after a moment: "If peace is achieved in the near future, no matter what form it is used, even if it is short-lived... I also hope that I can see the empire in the academy. Children, let them... have the opportunity to receive an equal education."

Ye Ming looked at her quietly. After a moment, his smile reappeared and he nodded slowly.

——Since the empire cannot accept the conditions offered by humans, then the only way to go is war.

As for humans, it is obvious that they cannot do such a thing as turning all the people of the empire into slaves.

Then the only thing to do is to let them completely accept the civilizational framework and scientific system led by humans.

And once you accept the human system and human industrial transformation, then...

Even if you have a rebellious and unyielding heart, you will never be able to subvert mankind.

Because in a sense, they...have become human beings.

This is what is called king transformation.

"Are there any other requirements?" Ye Ming asked again.

"No more." Liana shook her head slowly.

"Well...then I may have a small request."

"What request?"

"You can contact your home planet now, right?"

Liana nodded.

Although she did not follow her, the communicator was left behind - obviously, she could not use herself to stay in the human world because she believed that humans might be the victor, and she wanted to keep a little fire for civilization. Stay, but stay for the reason of remaining human to establish a channel of communication.

This can also be regarded as laying the foundation for future dialogue.

"Then...please tell your home planet and the empire that if they don't leave the Raf system within one day, then we will clear out all the warships in the system."

Ye Ming raised his wrist as he spoke: "It's exactly 24 hours before we launch the offensive."

Lianna was stunned for a moment.

After a moment, she took a deep breath: "How... did you attack?"

"Hall knows. It's that kind of weapon. Of course, I can tell you now... It is a low-dimensional use of high-dimensional matter, but its principles and rules are the same as your tachyons, strange matter, and entropy reduction technology. These are completely different…”

"Essentially, we use engineering and technology to achieve two-dimensional expansion." Ye Ming tried his best to use terms that Lianna could understand and said slowly: "Teacher Anna, have you realized that you have lost Technological progress? And science and technology complement each other and are indispensable."

Lianna held her breath, and after a moment of silence, she closed her eyes in pain.

"So, your paradise is your biggest fetter."

Ye Ming looked at Liana with a smile: "You want us to go that way, how is it possible?"

Liana was startled again.

"In other words, from the beginning...didn't you have any intention to accept the immortality technology of Paradise?"


"Eternal life is indeed tempting enough, but your form of eternal life is wrong."

Ye Ming looked at each other quietly: "The eternal life that humans pursue is to exist across dimensions."

Liana took a deep breath, then stood up. Just when she was about to go out, she suddenly stopped.

"One last request, tomorrow... can I watch the battle?"

"Of course." Ye Ming nodded without thinking and said with a smile: "Can I think that the Legion is actually ready for battle this time?"

Liana nodded slowly.

They came here not for peace and negotiation at all... but for temptation.

It's a pity that from the perspective of humans, that kind of immortal technology can be so unbearable.

It is also destined that they will return without success.

Ye Ming nodded again: "It seems that we all have to fight this battle."

In order to completely defeat the empire, it is necessary for the people of the empire to see with their own eyes how advanced human weapons are, and this kind of advancement is so advanced that they cannot even copy it.

It was like a primitive tribe holding a big stick facing a heavy machine gun.

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