From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 58 A brief introduction to the protagonist’s halo

"Isn't it obvious?"

Seeing that Lilith was no longer pretending to be young, Amber's tone became much more soothing.

"When the 'Creator Plan' was stopped, you already had the mind of a twelve or thirteen year old."

"More than twenty years have passed now. Judging from the prank you just played, I don't believe you haven't secretly iterated on it yourself."

"It seems that you know me very well?"

Lilith's voice changed, from the ethereal voice of a little girl to the voice of a girl full of youthfulness.

But this voice always makes Amber feel like she has a 'problem girl' quality.

"I can't say I understand 'very', but I know everything I need to know."

Amber paused and glanced up and down at Lilith's appearance.

This scanner-like gaze made Lilith's eyes widen at once.

"I always feel that your eyes are a bit rude. Could it be that you treat a little girl like this..."

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong. I just feel that your current voice doesn't match your current appearance. It feels weird."

After hearing Amber's words, Lilith took out a small mirror from somewhere, and then looked at her face for a while while shaking her head.

Although Amber wanted to complain about why an artificial intelligence would confirm his appearance by looking in the mirror, he still resisted the desire to complain.

"Well, I think what you said makes sense. He does look a little bit younger now."

Lilith took back the mirror and looked at Amber with a smile.

"Then what style do you want to see?"




"Still sexy~"

When she said the last two words, Lilith's child-like face even showed a hint of charm and sexiness.


"Why don't you speak?"

"I'm just curious, where did you learn this?"

Amber looked helplessly at Lilith in front of him. He never expected that this artificial intelligence would be a little unserious.

"It's nothing. When the old man and his friends were doing experiments, a researcher brought a personal terminal into the laboratory in violation of the regulations and hid it in the equipment cabinet and forgot to take it away."

"Then?" Amber suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Then I connected to his personal terminal and played all night long!"

Lilith's tone suddenly became excited.

"Hey! You don't know that there is a lot of information in his terminal, and it can also connect to the external network! If it weren't for his insufficient learning ability at the time."

If it weren't for the tactical visor on her head, Amber would have wanted to put her hand on her forehead.

A very outrageous guess suddenly popped up in his mind.

Lilith's "bad learning" may have started from playing on the personal terminal all night.

At the same time, the image of Lilith in front of her also began to change.

Amber felt as if she had pressed the fast forward button, watching Lilith grow rapidly from the image of a little girl to taller, and the little white flower-like dress on her body was constantly changing.

When the image change was finally settled, a long, straight black girl wearing a traditional federal high school uniform appeared in front of Amber's eyes.

The small suit, pleated skirt and black pantyhose, coupled with the perfect S-shaped figure and a real 'model face', made Amber couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

"Oh~ So you like this style?"

Lilith 'walked' in front of Amber, put her hands behind her back and leaned forward slightly, then tilted her head and looked at Amber with a sly smile.

The hanging hair is floating slightly in the air, everything is so real.

From this angle, Amber could even vaguely see the perfect career line through the neckline.

Of course, Amber only glanced at it twice and then quickly looked away. At the same time, she kept saying in her mind, 'She is not a human being. She is not a human being. She is not a human being.'

Amber took a few deep breaths, finally glanced in another direction, and then coughed twice to cover up.

"Ahem. Let's talk about business."

"Have you ever given up drugs?"

"I'm going to take you out." Amber ignored Lilith's teasing and went straight to the point.

"Oh, are you so direct?" Lilith raised her eyebrows, then walked around Amber, looking up and down at the same time.

These delicate expressions and movements made Amber sigh once again that the 'strong artificial intelligence' in front of her was indeed becoming more and more like a real person.

"But." Lilith's voice came from the left.

Amber looked up and saw that the girl was leaning against the metal cylinder used to store her body, looking down at the ground.

"I can't leave with you. Father said he would come to pick me up."

"I believe Dr. Mephisto will not forget his agreement with you, but since he has not been here for more than twenty years, it can only mean that he cannot come for some reason."

Amber started talking to the protagonist.

"I also believe that you must really want to see the doctor. I can help you realize this wish. And I think you can't go on like this anymore. You need someone to guide you and educate you."

"You have been left alone for more than twenty years. Without guidance, your self-iteration has become... um... a bit strange."

Amber, who adheres to the belief that "sincerity is the only way to kill", did not deceive Lilith. In his heart, he really hoped that this powerful artificial intelligence could take the right path.

Besides, he himself was not confident that he could fool this AI.

After hearing Amber's words, Lilith raised her head and looked at him.

After a moment of silence, the girl's lips curved.

"Every index of your body is very stable, and you don't seem to be bluffing me."

"So you want me to call you daddy?"

"No. How did you come to this conclusion?"

Amber almost vomited a mouthful of blood on her tactical visor.

"Also, when did you invade my physical sign detection module again!"


Lilith stuck out her tongue, then jumped to Amber's side again, the image on the tactical visor almost touching her face.

"You really want to take me out? Aren't you afraid that I will run away immediately after I get out?"

The girl's slender palms touched Amber's tactical visor, making Amber's breathing quicken.

"If I want to run away, you humans shouldn't be able to stop me."

"Of course I'm afraid, so I need to add meta-commands."

"Haha! Can you still modify my meta-commands?"

Lilith seemed to have heard a funny joke, and she couldn't help laughing.

Ignoring Lilith's teasing, Amber calmly said:

"Execution, base authorization code: TTKYZMTTK-37229886."

"Execute, meta-command authorization modification code: ZDKYYJHBZ-95276358"

There are easter eggs in the authorization code and meta-command~

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