Chapter 250

Africa, Zambia.

In the base of the Heavenly Peacekeeping Forces.

Wang Xuan is a member of the fourth squad of the second team of the peacekeeping force.

The chaotic Zambian country, because of its rich mineral resources, has made it a region that many countries want to compete for.

Every country wants to acquire Zambia’s rich mineral rights.


Not only other countries, but within Zambia, there are also many armed forces staring at these mineral resources.

Although Zambia has a government, this government is basically useless and useless at all. ,

In fact, the leaders of more than a dozen armed forces notified the entire Zambia region.

On the 2 million square kilometers of Zambia, there are more than a dozen powerful armed forces, large and small, ruling the destiny of this country.

Wang Xuan’s peacekeeping force is in Alert Province, Zambia, and its main responsibility is to protect the safety of the Celestial mining personnel in Alert Province.

and also,

By the way, maintain the balance between the major warlords in Zambia.

The warlord of Alte Province is a relatively weak one among all warlords. The leader is called General Slut, and he is an African with a higher education.

When this man was young, he studied abroad and forged a deep friendship with the Chinese people, so after he returned to Zambia to take power, he was the only warlord in Zambia who was willing to cooperate with the Chinese people.

For so many years, the Chinese Dynasty has invested huge construction in the entire African region, helped many countries in Africa, and gained the friendship of most African countries and peoples.

But Zambia is an exception.

This local government is useless at all. The country is ruled by more than a dozen warlords, and these warlords do not recognize the celestial dynasty at all, and only benefit in their eyes.

In order to gain benefits, these warlords frequently broke out large-scale battles in order to compete for the rich mineral resources.

Diamonds, gold, copper, silver, and even many rare metal resources.

As long as the resources that can sell money are the targets of these warlords competing with each other.

After taking it, mine it by itself, and then sell it to other countries in exchange for weapons or resources and money.

Because of the war, many countries have sent peacekeeping troops to Zambia to help the Zambian people who have been ravaged by the war and protect their lives.

the other side,

It is also to maintain the safety of citizens of their own country in Zambia.


Peacekeeping forces are not like Zambian warlords. They are bound by international law. Peacekeeping forces cannot take the initiative to fight warlords in Zambia, let alone participate in the struggle of any forces.

This has also led to the fact that the warlords in Zambia are more confident.

Even people who often pretend to be other warlords, harass and ambush the personnel who go out of the peacekeeping forces, hoping to provoke the anger of these big countries, it is best to eliminate that warlord in one fell swoop.

A few months ago, Wang Xuan’s six members in the fourth squad were surrounded by a large number of warlords when they went out.

that time,

The Celestial and America peacekeeping forces were ordered to go to a certain mission at the same time.

On the way home, they encountered a group of hundreds of armed forces, and these people’s weapons and equipment were very advanced,


The vehicle driven by the six members of Huang Xuan is the fifth-generation military vehicle of the Tian Dynasty, the Brave 120 model. This is an off-road armored vehicle that weighs 4 tons and can carry up to 2 tons of multi-weapons and ammunition.

The U.S. military drove a U.S. armored vehicle, a military Hummer.

The Brave 120 model is absolutely excellent in anti-ballistic performance.

But the only disadvantage is that the power system is insufficient, and the body passability is far worse than that of the U.S. Hummer.

It was also surrounded by armed forces, but the U.S. squad relied on the powerful performance of the Hummer, stupefied to come and go freely in the encircled circle, so that the armed forces simply couldn’t help them.

But the team where Wang Xuan was in couldn’t do it.

The Brave 120 series armored vehicle can reach a maximum speed of 100km/h, and the power system is much worse than that of the Hummer.


Wang Xuan’s team was surrounded by dozens of vehicles from armed forces in one place. Fortunately, Wang Xuan asked the base for help in time and gained enough time before finally, with the support of rescue forces, drove away those armed forces. people,

But even so, the Wang Xuan team still sacrificed two members in the battle.

They were deeply surrounded, stupefied, relying on their powerful combat capabilities to almost finish all the bullets, and fought fiercely with those armed forces for more than an hour.

Sacrificing two players, Wang Xuan and the remaining four, was very sad.

As a soldier, casualties in battle are inevitable.

But this time, if they can have a powerful off-road armored vehicle, there will be absolutely no sacrifice.

This is the reason why Wang Xuan and the others are sad.

Also encountered an ambush, but the U.S. army relied on the powerful Hummer military vehicle and left unrestrainedly.

And they are caught in a siege.

Such things have occurred many times during the peacekeeping operations in Zambia for so many years.

This incident made the entire Celestial peacekeeping force eager for a powerful off-road armored vehicle in this chaotic place like Zambia.

And Ye Nanfeng is the highest leader of the entire Zambian peacekeeping force, which is why he returned to China this time.

“` ‖Squad leader, squad leader, hurry up and have a look, our new car is here, that guy, the old man is handsome 々 “!”

At the base of the peacekeeping force, Wang Xuan is studying the route of tomorrow’s travel and the combat plan needed after encountering armed forces.


Zhou Hu, a member of his class, slammed open the door of his room, and came to Wang Xuan excitedly, dragged him and walked outside, talking excitedly as he walked.

“Squad leader, look at our new armored car. It’s really super handsome. I heard that it was a new car specially developed by a big car company after Mr. Ye returned to China. !”

Zhou Hu’s northeastern dialect, coupled with an exaggerated tone, made Wang Xuan feel the excitement in his heart.

Zhou Hu was not only excited, but Wang Xuan was even more excited than him when he heard that a brand-new armored vehicle had arrived.

If the performance of the new off-road armored vehicle is strong enough, even as long as it can reach 80% of the strength of the Hummer, then their team will go out tomorrow for the mission, Wang Xuan will do to ensure that even if they encounter armed forces, they are absolutely foolproof.

“Go, look at the new car!”


PS: The author is moving in the past two days. There are too many things in the house. After cleaning for several days, I have almost got it today. I will resume the update today! ! ! Because of the rush, I have been writing a chapter in a hurry every day for the past two days, and I didn’t have time to explain it to you. Please forgive the author! ! .

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