Chapter 253

The mobility of the beast is not comparable to these pickup trucks.

Even with full load of ammunition, the instant acceleration ability is very strong, and the anti-ballistic performance of the beast itself, but it reaches the fourth level of NATO, even if the vehicle has a tyre, it can travel at the maximum speed of 50 kilometers, which guarantees their retreat. Back road.

Basically, these heavy machine guns can’t help this car in a short time.


As long as a few people cooperate well, this group of people can definitely be wiped out!

“Squad leader! Let’s do it!”

“Black donkey hoofs, if you don’t leave you all here this time, Laozi will be sorry for the two dead brothers.”

When the distance between the two parties was several hundred meters, the other party suddenly found a beast vehicle hidden among the trees.


This group of armed forces did not hesitate to shoot long-range beasts.

“Zhou Hu, go!”

At the moment when the opponent opened fire, Zhou Hu started the vehicle, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the 800-horsepower V10 engine roared, and the big man jumped out in an instant.

Jingle bells!

The bullet hit the heavy steel plate and bulletproof glass on the beast car, making a grinning sound.

However, these people’s bullets hit the beast car, except for a little spark, there is nothing to do with this car.

“Heavy machine gun, shoot me this car!”

Among the armed forces, a tall black man with a blindfold over his eyes gave orders through the walkie-talkie.

His name is Mopu, the leader of this group.


Several armed pickup trucks equipped with heavy machine guns turned around and chased after the beast, and the heavy machine guns on the pickup trucks burst into flames.

Da da da……!


Numerous bullets hit the beast car immediately, but without exception, they were all resisted by the heavy bulletproof steel plate on the body.

“Zheng Qing, call me!”

Zhou Hu’s driving skills were not unbelievable. Under his control, the beast was driving at a speed of up to 150, and it circled steadily around those armed pickups.

When the opponent was within range, Zheng Qing, who had been aiming for a long time, squeezed the trigger of the heavy machine gun severely.

Da da da!

Zheng Qing didn’t hit anyone. The place he aimed at was the location of the engine or fuel tank of the opponent’s vehicle.

In short, if you can see the fuel tank, hit the fuel tank, if you can’t see it, hit the engine.

These people’s pickup trucks are not bulletproof, they are just ordinary pickup trucks.

Under the cover of Zheng Qing’s powerful firepower, a pickup truck that was driving was unfortunately hit by a bullet in the fuel tank.


With a bang, the pickup truck and the armed elements in the truck were all finished in the explosion.

“Good job, continue!”

A pickup truck was scrapped in an instant, and several people were very excited.

On the other side, Wang Xuan and others blasted a pickup truck, but instantly annoyed the one-eyed black man.

“Sika, with rockets, I must destroy that car!”

As soon as they met, Mopp dismantled an armed pickup truck and a few men in the car, which made him very annoyed.

They came this time indeed for the purpose of rushing to grab resources, because the leader of Mopu received a large order, which required a lot of rare metals and had to deliver them in a very short time.

However, their own rare metal inventory is insufficient. If they are mined, they will miss the delivery time, and the other party will not pay so much money.

Therefore, this group of people focused their attention on a rare metal mine in the Alte province, which was being mined by the people of the Celestial Kingdom.

Because this metal mine has not been mined for a long time, and the construction of defense facilities is not complete, it is the most likely to be grabbed.


These people have studied that in the entire Zambian peacekeeping force, only the Chinese peacekeeping force has the worst equipment.

Last time, Mopu and the others also attacked a vehicle of the Chinese peacekeeping force, surrounded them, and even killed two soldiers.

Therefore, the leader of this task was handed over to Mopu who was the most experienced in dealing with the people of the Celestial Kingdom to carry out.

This time, Mopu was very sure that with the firepower and mobility of his own people, he would definitely be able to break into the mining area by surprise, grab resources, and then retreat steadily.


Before entering the mining area, an armored vehicle suddenly appeared and turned in fire with them.

What’s more Damn it is that this armored car is like a hard tortoise shell, and their heavy machine guns hit the body and it doesn’t work at all.

But the other party installed a heavy machine gun in the car. This kind of operation, Mopu swore that he had never seen it in his life, and someone installed a heavy machine gun in the car.

Ordinary bullets didn’t work, so Mopu decided to use rockets.


To his horror, the rocket did hit the opponent’s vehicle, but it only left a trace of fire and black on the opponent’s vehicle.

“Damn, what kind of monster is this? Rockets can’t penetrate it?”

Mopu and his subordinates were a little confused.

“Hit the tires!!”

If he couldn’t hit the steel plate on the car, Mopu had people hit the tire of that car.

“Boss, the opponent’s speed is too fast, we can’t hit the tires!”

The voice of his men made Mopu very angry.

Because at this time, they had already been scrapped by the other side with 10 armed pickup trucks. Needless to say, all the men in those cars were dead.

One car, in less than half an hour, caused Mopu to lose ten armed pickups and dozens of men.

In this situation, Mopp instantly affirmed that what he had encountered was definitely America’s troops.

Because in his impression, only America has such a powerful armored vehicle, and only America’s people will counterattack as soon as they encounter danger.

“Damn it, why did you order this car to be attacked, maybe the other party just passed by!”

Mopu regretted why he wanted to attack in the first place.

Well now, because of this stupid decision, he lost ten armed pickup trucks and dozens of his men. This time the mission is over.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

For the first time, Mopu ordered the rest of the people to retreat.

The subordinates, as soon as they received the order, slammed on the accelerator after turning the front of the car, raising the speed of the pickup truck to the highest, and retreating in the direction of 0………

“Want to run? There are no doors!”

And Wang Xuan and the others in the beast car were willing to see the other party about to run.

The one-eyed black man was not dead yet, and Wang Xuan would not let him run away.

Wang Xuan roared: “Zhou Hu, let Laozi catch up from the side, Liu Li and Zheng Qing find a chance to shoot freely. Today, none of these people can escape!”


Zhou Hu grinned, stomped the accelerator directly to the end, and chased after the escaping pickup trucks from the side.

The maximum speed of the Beast can reach 200km/h, which is not comparable to these pickup trucks that can only drive around 150.


In the despair of Mopu and others, the angry Wang Xuan and others, relying on the powerful ballistic performance and super power performance of the beast, in the chase battle, they blasted all the remaining ten armed pickup trucks. .


Those who were not killed in the bombing were all in the process of escaping, and Zhou Hu drove them to death one by one.

Especially Mopu was crushed by crazy molesting. Zhou Hu drove the car and chased the opponent for several kilometers until Mopu was exhausted and gave up resistance.

Wang Xuan got out of the car, and then in Mopu’s shocked eyes, he said something in Zambian language.

“Remember, anyone who violates my heavenly power will pay back the blood debt!”

Until this time, Mopu didn’t know.


This single car and four people destroyed 20 armed pickup trucks. The 100-plus people belonged to the peacekeeping forces of the Chinese dynasty.

It turned out that there were such powerful armored vehicles in the Chinese dynasty.

And he also knew that the reason these people were so rushed to extinction was because the last time they took their own people to attack a peacekeeping team in the celestial dynasty, they also killed two soldiers from the celestial dynasty.

“If there is an afterlife, I will definitely not provoke the heavenly people again!”

Whether there was 3.7 in the next life, Mopu didn’t know, he only knew that he died with endless humiliation in the last second before he died.


He was pressed directly under the wheel by Zhou Hu and turned into meat sauce.

This cruel method made Wang Xuan and the others very relieved.

When the final battle is over.

No one survived in the place, all were wiped out by Wang Xuan and others.

When the last enemy died, Wang Xuan, Zhou Hu, Liu Li and Zheng Qing in the car had tears in their eyes. At the same time, they also knew that such cruel behavior by themselves and others would have serious consequences. .

The peacekeeping forces have provisions for the peacekeeping forces, and the actions of Wang Xuan and others will definitely go to a military court after returning.

“Brothers, if nothing happens, we will go to the military court after we go back. The consequences are serious. Do you regret it?”

Wang Xuan shrugged helplessly and asked.

Hearing this, the other three burst into laughter.

“Who is afraid of who is a grandson!”

“Finally avenged Xiaolong and Heizi! Even if he goes to jail, Laozi admits it!”

“The big deal is off Laozi for a few years, and after he comes out, he is a hero again!”

“Ha ha……”.

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