Chapter 372

Since the beginning of economic society, the acquisition of goods has been obtained through equivalent exchange, until later there were value-added services and star effects.

Value-added services can continue to reap a lot of benefits after a commodity is sold, which is a long-term benefit.

The celebrity effect usually can make a commodity’s value soar in the short term, and the artwork is the best embodiment of the celebrity effect.

When the two were concentrated on a single product and they were vividly and exquisitely embodied, the Marengo generation of supercars was born.

As a high-tech product, the after-sales service of Marengo supercars obviously includes more aspects, so it can generate more value-added service content and generate higher service costs.

At the same time, after Lin Feng’s publicity, Marengo supercars were given a “cultural” meaning, which amazed the public and became a star product.

The two superimposed together, the Marengo supercar is said to be the world’s first supercar, and it is not too much now.

“As time goes by, the valuation of the artwork will always be lower than the artwork itself.” Lin Feng said.

“Baoao is to create the Marengo generation with the heart of creating artworks, so its valuation will always be lower than its value~”

“I announce that from this moment on, the Marengo generation of supercars is officially on sale.” Lin Feng pointed to the colorful Marengo supercars. “The price range of the flagship Marengo will be around 7 million U.S. dollars. This is an identity. Symbol, worth-owning.”

“There is also the King Exclusive Edition, pure black blasting.” Lin Feng pointed to the black Marengo supercar next to him, “Limited to 100 units, 1,000w US dollars, the king’s will, lonely respect-enjoy.”

When they heard the quotation, many people took a breath. This kind of price is really not what they can imagine.

Suddenly, someone recalled that Baoao’s boss had just stepped on the Marengo pure black blast, which was worth 10 million US dollars, and was willing to treat it as a prize for the game without feeling distressed.

Sure enough, the idea of ​​the big boss cannot be guessed, and the actions of the rich can really do whatever they want.

However, most people still understand such a quotation, and such a price is not surprising at all.

The reason is also very simple, it is simple and strong.

First of all, after the introduction of the commentator, Marengo’s generation of supercars is in the powertrain, no less than any brand new sports car in the world, with full scores in running performance.

Secondly, the exterior design almost satisfies the aesthetics of all car owners, which can be called the art level, and it has achieved perfect performance in every detail.

Finally, the super-intelligent driverless function, full 3D map display, precise navigation, OLED front windows, and a series of undiscovered black technologies that other cars don’t have, are truly tempting and worthy of expectations.

Therefore, when Lin Feng broke the price, even if someone felt it was expensive, he understood that there was no objection at the scene.

“Then such a supercar can be said to be the world’s top supercar. It is basically certain that it was built for the rich?” someone asked.

“Not exactly. The expensive car is well known, and the price will always be an insurmountable gap.” Lin Feng replied,

“However, the creation of the Marengo generation is not with the original intention of ‘serving the rich’. On the contrary, it is hoped that everyone will have the opportunity to be exposed to the realm of higher-end sports cars.”

“We don’t understand what you mean, can you explain it in detail?”

“All the answers are here.” Lin Feng took out a black card from his pocket. The card was engraved with the words “Battleship Club”, and the pattern was the same as the membership card sent out, except for the number in the lower right corner. It is No.X, representing the president of the Battleship Club.

“The Battleship Club is a luxury car club established by Baoao Group in conjunction with many famous banks in the world, with financial services as the main nature.” Lin Feng continued to introduce.

“The main banks are Swiss Bank, which is responsible for the EU sector; China Sky Bank, which is responsible for the Asian sector; HSBC Bank, which is responsible for the America sector and so on.”

“Every bank’s entry has been carefully considered and has a reputation in the world, ensuring absolute sufficient funds and providing absolutely high-quality auto financial service projects.”

“The Battleship Club sends an invitation to all car owners or car owners in the world. As long as you have an idea, you can become a club member and enjoy higher quality services.”

Finally entered the theme, many people were interested in this “battleship club” from the beginning, and some people have already guessed that this is most likely a luxury car club, but they did not expect it to be so big.

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“Then what are the conditions for joining?” someone couldn’t help but ask.

“The conditions are very simple. As long as you own a private car worth more than US,000 and register with the club, you can pass the review and become a member of the’battleship club’.” Lin Feng replied.

“In order to uphold the principle of reasonable competition, the cars that need to be registered here do not have to be Baoao cars. Any brand of car can be registered as long as it is privately owned. Baoao never competes for privileges.”

“Then how much is the annual membership fee? And what kind of benefits can members enjoy?” Someone asked.

This is what everyone is most concerned about, and everyone is looking forward to it.

.. …. …

“The Battleship Club will only charge each member a nominal one hundred dollars as a service fee each year.” Lin Feng stretched out his index finger, “After paying the service fee, what you will enjoy is that you can buy a car with an interest-free loan without collateral. Luxury car rentals, low-interest auto finance loans, luxury car consulting services, club gatherings and a series of services that are not usually available.”

“In addition, if you are a student, if you show your student ID, you can apply for a one-year student membership card without registering at the Battleship Club, enjoy car purchase discounts, three-year interest-free loans for the first car, and other services. After the loan is paid off , Can apply for full membership.”

“The Battleship Club will also adopt a fee-free policy for students to provide more preferential treatment for potential car buyers.”

This is simply a huge benefit, and the interest-free loan to buy a car has already made many people fascinated.

You should know that the interest paid on loans is often ridiculously high. This is also one of the ways for banks to make money. As a necessities of modern life, cars have to be bought. Very often people have to borrow money to buy cars because of capital turnover problems. That would have to bear a large amount of interest, as well as the depreciation of the car.

Cars are also the reason why many people have been reluctant to buy a car, but if interest-free loans are implemented, they will have no worries about the future.

One hundred dollars a year, for the loan interest, I don’t know how much lower it is.

What’s more, the people-benefit policy of the Battleship Club is more than that.

Therefore, almost everyone’s heartbeat index has soared, and Lin Feng’s plan has taken another big step. superior.

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