From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 172: : The Little Witch's Prestige

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Three daughters, one son.

In Ye Han's opinion, such a lineup should be enough for the four hundred-level powerhouses to join the Spirit Empire.

After all, neither the three daughters nor the son are ordinary 100-level ones.

It is not a big problem for one person to deal with two or three hundred-level powerhouses who have the inheritance of the first-level gods.

In the past two years, Ye Han has been researching the power of time, and his soul power has also grown by leaps and bounds, and now he has a 100-level soul power.

Moreover, the dead world in his body finally came to life.

In the research of the time field, he has made great progress. Now, he can release the kingdom of God without any loss, and maintain double the time acceleration for a long time.

If he doesn't count the loss, he can accelerate the time to five times, and the time can go back no more than ten seconds, and he can resurrect the dead Soul Emperor.

Of course, time reversal is much more difficult than time acceleration. If you want to resurrect the Soul Emperor, his soul power and inextinguishable soul will be drained in an instant, and he will not have the ability to do it for a certain period of time.

Strictly speaking, this trick is useless.

However, Ye Han is not disappointed, at least he has seen the dawn of time manipulation, and is no longer at a loss as before.

"Big brother, why don't you sit in the Body Refinement Tower, give us time to accelerate, and let us practice?"

When Ye Han took Xuedi and Bo Saixi, as well as Gu Yuena and Bi Ji to practice in the Kingdom of God for a period of time, Zhu Zhuqing raised doubts.

In this regard, Ye Han laughed dumbly.

"If you're not afraid of being seen by me, I can go in and give you an acceleration plug-in." Ye Han said.

Divine blood refining the body, must be naked.

The Kingdom of God is the same as the sense of the gods, even more nuanced. Once the Kingdom of God is opened, every grass and tree in it will not escape Ye Han's perception. If Ye Han cuts off the connection between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God, then the time will naturally accelerate. It no longer exists.

After Zhu Zhuqing learned the truth, the icy goddess Fan disappeared instantly, her face was red, and she did not dare to look at Ye Han.

The other people looked at each other, and finally, Xiao Wu gathered up her courage, bit her red lips and said, "Brother Ye, I, I, I am willing, I am not afraid."

"Xiao Wu is not afraid of me, nor is she afraid."

The Ice Emperor instantly stood on the same line as Xiao Wu.

"Aren't you afraid of any use? You are not using the blood pool alone." Ye Han rolled his eyes and said.

If only Xiao Wu was alone, he could completely shrink the kingdom of God and help her speed up time, but not with an Ice Emperor.

Because she is her husband...

Ning Rongrong pulled Ye Lingling, her face flushed slightly, and said, "Lingling, I, I want to go back to see Dad, and what is the world like now, aren't you curious?"

In order for the two of them to be able to create martial arts fusion skills, Ye Han kept them together, and with their former comrade-in-arms relationship, the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling was the best.

Hearing this, Ye Lingling instantly knew what Ning Rongrong meant, and her little face blushed slightly under the black veil.

She didn't have any relatives, so the reason why she hated the Spirit Empire was just hearsay, and the mainland was chaotic because of the appearance of Spirit Empire, so hostility developed.

But after coming here, her strength has increased day by day, and she has gradually forgotten the existence of the Spirit Empire.

At this moment, when she heard Ning Rongrong's words, she only felt shy, as for the situation outside, she didn't care at all.

"Oh! Lingling, don't do this? We are the best friends, you must help me! Besides, it's just a look, and there won't be any less meat. Besides, you don't even look around your brother Ye. What kind of people are they, and whoever has a worse appearance and temperament than us, people won't like us!" Ning Rongrong said.

"Rongrong, don't say it, be careful that Brother Ye and the others hear it." Ye Lingling said.

The two girls bit their ears, and Ye Han didn't have the heart to listen. However, they were too close to each other and they didn't use spiritual voice transmission, so Ye Han couldn't hear them even if he wanted to.

Still, pretending not to hear, he will.


Ning Rongrong glanced at Ye Han furtively, and found that he was chatting with Xiao Wu as if nothing had happened.

Then she hugged Ye Lingling's arm, transmitted her voice, and said coquettishly, "Good Lingling, please, will you help me? I'm really worried about Dad and the others!~"

"I, I, even if I promise you, but Big Brother Ye also said that the blood pool is not used by anyone alone! What's the use of my promise?" Ye Lingling couldn't stand Ning Rongrong's cold and inner heat. Crying voice, blushing.


Hearing Ye Lingling's words, Ning Rongrong's expression of wanting to cry instantly subsided, her lips were red, she hugged Ye Lingling, and took a bite on her veil.

"As long as you promise, I'll take care of the rest." Ning Rongrong smiled happily.

Afterwards, she transmitted her spiritual voice to Shui Binger and Shui Yueer.

Girl, do you know the gap between you and your peers?

Girl, the master is like a father, have you heard of it? understand?

Girl, times are changing, and the opportunity to rewrite history is in front of you. Are you just watching it slip away from your hands?

Girl, as the leader of this era, will be remembered by history in the future, or as the dust in history, scattered with the wind, this is a question worth thinking about, have you thought about it?

Girl, do you want to quickly improve your strength?

Girl, what you have to pay is just a little bit insignificant. Compared with what you get, your contribution is not worth mentioning at all, am I right?

girl, come on!

We are the best support, you are the strongest control, let us work together to create an era that belongs only to us.

Not surprisingly, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er were crippled by the little witch.

Then, the little witch moved the battlefield.

Zhuqing, he is your brother, right?

Well, yes!

Not biological, right?


Is he good to you then?

Big brother is the best person in this world to me.

Then should you repay her?

Um! repay?

Zhu Zhuqing was puzzled.

Yes, it's the answer.

Your big brother has paid so much for you, don't you want to repay him?

I, I think.

That's right, so what do you have to think about now?

I, what do I have?

Zhu Zhuqing fell into doubt again.

Ning Rongrong didn't ask any further questions, just waited quietly.

"I-I have nothing."

After an unknown amount of time, Zhu Zhuqing's decadent and powerless voice rang in Ning Rongrong's ears.

Hearing this, a fox-like smile appeared on Ning Rongrong's face, and said, "No, you have."

Ning Rongrong's answer was firm, unshakable, and extremely firm.

"I-I have, what do I have?" Zhu Zhuqing wondered.

"A man will not help a woman for no reason, especially a beautiful woman, Zhuqing, do you think you are beautiful?"

Ning Rongrong opened her mouth and didn't give Zhu Zhuqing a chance to speak, Ning Rongrong continued, "From what I can see, your elder brother never regarded you as a younger sister, he likes you, now you should know how you will repay him. Bar?"

"Big brother has never regarded me as a sister, big brother likes me."

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned, there was confusion in his eyes, and there was also a trace of unknown joy.

She used her emotions to condense to the yin and practice nine changes, but her emotions were so complicated that it was impossible for her to fully understand them based on her experience, and no one could fully understand them. Ning Rongrong's words directly led Zhu Zhuqing into a ditch.

Finally, there is Hu Liena.

Originally, Ning Rongrong thought that Hu Liena was the most difficult to deal with, but after she stated her purpose, Hu Liena agreed directly.

What Ning Rongrong didn't know was that Hu Liena yearned for strength more than everyone Her teacher was fighting **** outside, her brother was fighting to the death outside, her friends were outside, and her relatives were also outside. .....

The people she admires, loves, and respects all throw their heads and blood for the goal outside. She is the only one hiding here, how can she feel at ease.

Of course, the reason why he agreed so happily was not bad, because that person was Ye Han.

PS: The fourth chapter is here. I am exhausted. At the same time, thank you brother Fenghun for the monthly pass.

Finally, thanks again to SRG and Big Brother Pishen for their rewards and monthly tickets!

It's the end of the month, and the big brothers who have monthly tickets will send one for one, thank you!

Just a few dozen words, let's not pit the big brother's book coins!

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