From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 181: : The throne of the **** king

Chapter 182 The Throne of God King

?? Ye Han dressed in white and walked out of Xuanbing Castle.

The tall and straight figure now gives people a feeling of loneliness, full of bleakness, which is very inconsistent with Ye Han's previous temperament.

His temperament comes from his strength. He is usually cynical, like a prodigal son, who doesn't care about anything in the world, that's because his strength is enough to support him to do anything.

But now, he was filled with a sense of powerlessness, looking helpless and desolate.

Walking forward, Ye Han's slender figure gradually merged with the snow-capped world.

The extreme north is very cold, but it is not as cold as Ye Han.

"She should have found out, right?" Ye Han looked up at the sky with a bitter smile on his face.

A lie often requires countless lies to cover up, but he did not cover it up, which led to the **** cruel truth being exposed to her again, and the person she loved most suffered the most grief in the world once again.


Slapped himself fiercely, Ye Han felt that he was so useless, that he couldn't do anything well.

Originally, his idea was very good. Letting Xiao Wu take care of Bing'er would not only make up for a part of Xiao Wu, but also minimize the time Xue Di and Bing'er spent together, so as not to be discovered by her. Moreover, doing so would allow him to have a better life. Having more opportunities to get along with the Snow Emperor can be said to kill three birds with one stone and achieve the best of three worlds.

However, Ye Han counted all the calculations, but did not count the word love.

The feelings between people are too complicated. In addition to friendship and love, there is also a family relationship where blood is thicker than water, which is intricate and difficult to understand.

In order for Arou to become the real Ice Emperor, Ye Han did a lot of tricks, modifying her soul, sealing the original memory that she might revive, and passing on her memory of Binger...

But after doing so much, in the end, she still couldn't change her heart, the tenderness that came from her bones, and her feelings for Xiao Wu.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!~"

A sound of breaking wind rang out.

The golden slender figure fell to the ground, a surprise that could not be concealed flashed in his eyes, and he rushed directly to Ye Han.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Qian Renxue hugged the man's waist with a look of joy.

Is there anything more satisfying than seeing your lover waiting for you as soon as you get home?


The emotion on Ye Han's face had already subsided, he looked at Qian Renxue's slightly thin face, and nodded slightly.

Touching the girl's head, Ye Han looked at his daughter and son who came later, and said with a smile, "How long are you going to stay here this time?"

"I won't leave for now." Qing Qian said.

"Auntie said that the mainland may be quiet for a while, so let's come back and take advantage of this time to improve our strength as soon as possible." Qing Wu said.

Ye Han stepped forward, looked at the three, reached out and touched their heads, and said, "Just come back."

Then, he looked at Ye Chen and said angrily, "After more than a year of absence, I thought how much progress did you have? You only improved one level."

"How can it be so easy to improve after level 100, Chen'er is already very powerful, right?" Qian Renxue said dissatisfied.

Ye Chen heard the words and raised his head unconsciously.

A child with a mother is a treasure, and with Qian Renxue supporting him, Ye Chen froze.

Ye Han glanced at the son who was a villain and was too lazy to care about him.

"You guys are back, is there any problem with Dong'er?" Ye Han asked.

"I don't know." Qian Renxue said.

Speaking of Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue's eyes showed inexorable worry.

A group of people walking and chatting...

"Chen'er, what are you doing there?" At the entrance of the castle, Qian Renxue couldn't help but look at her son who had left alone, her expression full of puzzlement.

Ye Han looked at the direction Ye Chen was leaving, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, this little **** definitely did it on purpose!

"Boy, don't go too far." Ye Han's spiritual voice transmission directly threatened.

"Why did I go back to my own house?" Ye Chen pretended to be puzzled and said through voice transmission.

"Boy, don't pretend to me, your mother is in my hands!" Ye Han continued to threaten.

"You her, she's your wife! What are you doing?" Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, unable to react.

"Have you heard of domestic violence? She didn't teach you well, so I beat her up. Do you know what to do now?" Ye Han asked.

"Well, can you be any more shameless?"

Ye Chen was speechless and was defeated by this cheap old man.

Although he didn't believe that this cheap old man would really beat his mother, he didn't dare to gamble either.

If because of himself, this **** wears mom's shoes, it's not good.

Ye Chen knew that there were many women around this bastard, and his mother was just one of them.

With the mother's love for this man, if the man is not good to the mother, only the mother will suffer.

Ye Chen gritted his teeth, quickly regained his senses, and smiled at Qian Renxue, "I'm thinking about something, I went the wrong way."

The conversation between the father and son was only a momentary thing. Qian Renxue just looked at her son suspiciously and did not ask any further questions.

"Small sample, fight with me, you are still tender!

Ye Han smiled proudly.

Not ashamed, but proud, as if the son's deflation is a big happy event.

The five returned to Xuanbing Castle.

Ye Han took a peek at Xue Di and found that her expression was as usual, so he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"As for the rapid improvement of your strength, there are currently two plans. First, Godhead. By absorbing the Godhead, inheriting the Godhead and gaining power."

Ye Han opened his mouth with a slow voice.

"This way, I once said that in the eyes of ordinary people, the status of God represents identity and status, but in my opinion it is an invisible shackle. Once the Godhead is refined, it will be difficult to break through the Godhead for a lifetime. limit."

"The most important thing is that I won't stay here for too long. Once I inherit the throne, I will have a bond with this world and will never be able to break free..."

Having said that, Ye Han stopped and didn't speak.

If it really doesn't work, he clenched his fists, and his sky blue eyes suddenly burst out with murderous intent.

It just so happened that he was holding back an anger in his heart and needed to vent it out.

"Don't force yourself, we will do what we can."

Qian Renxue was sitting next to Ye Han, and when she noticed the change in the man's expression, she opened her mouth softly and clenched the man's fist.

Ye Han turned his head and glanced at the girl, who was met with a bright and relaxed smile.

He slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, the tyrannical aura rising in his heart quickly dissipated, and his mood became peaceful again.

"The second method is that I will start the time acceleration for you, and then use various precious treasures to assist you. During this period of time, try to improve your cultivation as much as possible, but this will definitely not improve much, which one do you choose? Make up your own mind." Ye Han said.

"I want Godhead, the best." Ye Chen suddenly said.

The young man looked firm, did not hesitate at all, and quickly made up his mind.

"I'm afraid you still don't know how to absorb Godhead..."

Ye Han opened his mouth, but he was interrupted by Ye Chen before he finished speaking.

"I'm not an idiot, you explained it so clearly, how could I not know, who can say for sure what will happen in the future? Maybe I'm an incomparable genius, and it's not necessarily the case that I can break the shackles of the godhead, the most important thing is The only thing is, I'm annoyed when I see you, and if you want to leave, leave quickly, I won't follow you." Ye Chen said.

"Chen'er, you, no, you can't absorb Godhead." Qian Renxue said anxiously.

As a mother, she is well aware of the true intentions of her children.

He chose to absorb Godhead for himself and his mother!

Of course, there might also be a reason for not wanting to see Ye Han, but that was definitely not the main one.

Ye Han glanced at Qian Renxue, then at Ye Chen.

The father and son looked at each other, and a tense atmosphere circulated between them, spreading to the entire hall.

Ye Chen's face was calm, his eyes were firm, and he was not shaken by his mother's words.

"you have grown up."

Suddenly, Ye Han opened his mouth and directly injected the godhead of the God of Destruction into Ye Chen's body.

With a bang, a violent aura spread out from Ye Chen's body.

Ye Han's eyes were quick, and he waved his hands to block the leakage of this power, without causing harm to the people or things around him.

"Ye Han, you!~"

Qian Renxue looked at Ye Han, her eyes were red, and her face was full of disbelief.

"Chen'er has grown up, he has his own way to go, we should respect him." Ye Han gently took Qian Renxue into his arms and comforted him softly.

But Qian Renxue couldn't accept it, the tears in the girl's eyes burst, like beads with a broken thread, falling down continuously.

"I, even if I want to merge, it should be me, Chen'er has a bigger future and a future." Qian Renxue burst into tears.

Ye Han was speechless.

Isn't it a divine inheritance?

How can it be like parting from life and death?

What's more, Ye Chen inherited the position of God of Destruction, one of the five God-kings, not an ordinary God! This is what many people dream of and can't get.

Of course, Ye Han definitely couldn't say these words to the current Qian Renxue.

"Mom, I choose my own life, I don't need to be sad, although it will be separated sooner or later, but at least not now, and, in the future, I will be the king of gods, the top existence in this world, you should be proud and happy for me. Yes." Ye Chen opened his eyes and said.

Now, his words are more useful than Ye Han.

Seeing her son wake up, Qian Renxue broke free from Ye Han's embrace. The mother and son were crooked together. Qian Renxue cried and cried, and started talking.

This kind of scene doesn't match her appearance very much, it makes people feel weird.

PS: Created a group, 334752573 interested friends can add it, the answer to the question: Qian Renxue

Finally, thank you bro. , . The monthly pass of the two big brothers and Dao Zun Taishang, thank you big brother!

(End of this chapter)

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