From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 241: : My name is Yunzhi

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After dealing with the problems of the girls, Ye Han couldn't help but feel relieved and looked up at the space-time tunnel in the sky.

Suddenly, Ye Han was startled.

He actually saw another person, a woman, a woman who inspired the will of heaven and earth.

After the rules of heaven and earth disappeared, the woman did not die, but spewed out a mouthful of blood, tilted her head, and fell directly from the sky.

"Di Tian."

Ye Han looked at the black-robed man beside him.

Di Tian nodded, his body flashed away, instantly caught the woman, and then returned to Ye Han again.

"Is this, that female tyrannosaurus?" Ye Han was suspicious.

Ye Han has never seen the real person of Liu Erlong, but he has seen her portrait.

Real people look better than portraits, but that's about it.

Mainly because Ye Han's vision was too high.

Liu Erlong is not not beautiful, but also one of the best beauties, especially her hot body.

However, no matter how hot his body is, can he be hotter than Zhu Zhuqing?

Therefore, Ye Han's heart was like still water, without the slightest fluctuation.

After letting Ditian put her down, Ye Han frowned deeply as he looked at the soul beasts all over the mountains.

There are too many soul beasts coming to this world this time, at least more than 5 million. I am afraid it will not be so easy to hide from the natives of this world.

After thinking about it, Ye Han had an idea and made a decisive decision. He called all the transforming soul beasts to his side, and asked them to find suitable living places for the soul beasts in all directions and draw a map.

"Try to avoid the sight of human beings. If the situation allows, you can check the number and strength of the nearby powerhouses. Remember, if there is no need to provoke the natives of this world, go and return quickly." Ye Han explained.

Strong dragons do not overwhelm local snakes, not to mention that they are not really powerful in the perception of rules.

It is better to keep a low profile when you are new here, everything is just for survival, not for aggression.

Ye Han put Liu Erlong into the storage space, and began to instruct Ditian to sort out the soul beasts in the mountains and fields, and scattered them in the huge soul beast mountain range...

This great migration, before and after, took eight days, enough to go down in history, and the cross-world teleportation that shook the two worlds finally came to an end.

The energy of the Myriad Realms orb was exhausted, and there was no way to continue it. It turned into a ray of light, penetrated into Ye Han's body, and turned into a cracked sphere again.

Except for the existence of hundreds of thousands of powerful and Amethyst Winged Lion Kings, and the countless third-, fourth-, and fifth-order soul beasts equivalent to this world, there has been no change in the Demonic Beast Mountains.

The darkness is overwhelming, and the mountains and plains are full of spirit beasts. If other people are here, they will definitely faint from fright. It is too terrifying, far beyond people's imagination.

You must know how many Douhuang are there in this piece of land under your feet?

But now there are not one or two, nor one or twenty, but hundreds of thousands. Is this outrageous?

However, if you think about it carefully, this is the power among all the soul beasts in Douluo Continent, so it seems to be normal.

After another two days, a map appeared in Ye Han's hands. This was the route map that the hundred thousand year soul beasts had gathered together based on what they had seen along the way. It clearly marked dozens of suitable soul beasts for survival. Settlements.

"Okay, according to your investigation, this piece of land has not been able to threaten your existence. Since you have transformed into human beings, then in two groups, send all the soul beasts to these mountains, and then you will be free. If you don't want to come back, just go to the waves!"

Ye Han looked at these tall and burly figures in front of him, or enchanting and charming figures, and smiled.

Some of these creatures like freedom and don't like to live in groups, some are lazy by nature, some are brutal and bloodthirsty, and have different personalities. Ye Han gives them full respect.

"Giggle, do you need a bed-warming maid? What do you think of me?"

The woman in the shape of a black widow has a slender waist and hips, a gorgeous face, wearing black clothes, her waist as white as jade is exposed, her round belly button looks extremely cute, and her voice is even more squeamish. Makes the body numb.

However, no one here does not know that their family likes to eat raw husbands, who would dare to provoke her.

"I advise you to restrain your disposition. After all, you are a human now, not a beast. I hope to see you next time." Ye Han smiled.

This is definitely advice, otherwise, with her character, I'm afraid she won't survive just a few episodes before dying.

Black Widow was stunned for a moment, then looked down at her body, then put away her coquettish attitude, nodded solemnly, and said, "Well, I understand, thank you for your teaching, but just successfully transformed, this body is pure and clean, Do you really not want it?"

The first half of the sentence is still solemn, but the second half of the sentence is a bit sour.


Ye Han laughed and cursed.

"Hey! I'm so beautiful, so beautiful, I really don't know which **** will be cheaper in the future, or the cheap bastards, I really want to taste the taste of adults!" Black Widow frowned.

Ye Han was speechless, and said, "I still have something to do, you all hurry up to do it, and then, go or stay, just feel free."

After speaking, Ye Han walked into the cave behind him.

The purple lion with flames all over was lying there with a little lion. Seeing Ye Han, the big lion's eyes were filled with awe that could not be concealed, while the little lion's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Go outside and watch." Ye Han said.

"It's your lord." The Amethyst Winged Lion King respectfully said, daring not to hesitate at all.

Then he let out a low roar to the little lion behind him, and took it out of the cave quickly.

Ye Han found a clean place, waved his palm, a cyan streamer swept across, and a woman appeared on the ground out of thin air.

The storage space made by Ye Han himself not only has the function of storing living things, but also allows the time inside to change according to his mind.

After the woman entered the space, the time inside stood still, and everything was the same as when she first entered.

The woman was dressed in a cyan robe that wrapped her plump and delicate body and had a beautiful face. Although the phoenix hair accessories were a bit messy, they couldn't hide her noble and elegant temperament at all.

This is the first time Ye Han has carefully looked at this woman. Unexpectedly, he is quite a woman, and just came over and met a stunning woman.

Taking a pulse, Ye Han glanced at the blood on the woman's chest, and understood that she had injured her heart and was accidentally injured by the rules of the Great Dao. Fortunately, her life was not in danger.

Stab it!

"Tsk tsk tsk, your figure is really good." Ye Han secretly praised, and then took out the Jinchuang medicine to help her apply it.

Ye Han's fist was like a spear, and he directly hit the woman with a chill, and a terrifying penetrating wound appeared on his chest.

Fortunately, there was no real heart injury, otherwise, with Ye Han's current state, she would definitely die.

Using a bandage to wrap her wound, Ye Han took out a healing medicine that she had refined a long time ago and gave it to her.



Ye Han rubbed his stomach, a little distressed.

Now he is a down-to-earth ordinary person, and three meals a day are essential.

He gave all the supplies to Xue Di and the others, and now, his survival is quite difficult.

Fortunately, he still has some subordinates that he can use, such as the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

Soon, a prey was sent to him.

The bonfire was crackling and burning, and the aroma of meat slowly drifted away, making people salivate.

Ye Han couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Despite the lack of seasoning, high-end ingredients often only require simple processing to make extraordinary deliciousness.

Ye Han took a deep breath, his face showing intoxication, and then his stomach made a dissatisfied protest sound again.

"Alright, alright, don't scream, just do it right away, otherwise, if you eat a bad stomach, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud." Ye Han rubbed his belly, which was constantly protesting, and said helplessly.

Finally, the barbecue is ready.

Ye Han was about to start when suddenly, with a bang, the woman woke up.

Dazed eyes looked around, and then, she saw a man with long, golden legs in both hands coming to her side.

The woman was startled, and her soul was instantly possessed.

"Who, who are you?" She wanted to ask, but her voice was inaudible.

Ye Han came to the woman and sat down, holding his long legs in both hands. He devoured it, his mouth was full of oil, and he said vaguely, "My name is Ye Han, what's your name?"

"I, my name is Yunzhi, what is this place?" the woman asked with difficulty.

Glancing at the cave, the woman named Yunzhi began to look at Ye Han.

His white clothes were spotless, his sky blue hair was a little too long, and his face was handsome and elegant, which was very incompatible with his current gobbling image.

Gum! ~

Yunzhi swallowed her saliva involuntarily. She hadn't eaten for a long time, and now Ye Han's devoured food has evoked greed in her stomach.

Ye Hanhu ate Haisai, as if he didn't notice the woman's longing eyes.

After filling his stomach, he tore off a piece of the remaining barbecue and handed it to Yunzhi.

Yunzhi shook her head slightly, expressing her refusal, because there were traces of Ye Han's bite on the barbecue.

Seeing this, Ye Han thought she was So, he directly stuffed the barbecue into the woman's mouth.

Then came the funny scene.

Yunzhi's mouth was limited, so he couldn't bear such a large piece at all, and was directly propped up into a hamster, with a large piece left outside.

"This, Sao Run, Sao Run, uh, sorry, sorry." Ye Han quickly apologized, and then took out the barbecue.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Yunzhi's stomach was churning for a while, because Ye Han had just hit her throat with the barbecue.

PS: Thank you eldest brother, Dongyi is ruthless, the myth of fate, and whoever does not know the monthly ticket of eldest brother in traditional Chinese characters, sorry. Thank you three big brothers for the monthly pass.

Finally, thank you brother 854***788 for the reward, thank you brother!

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