From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 246: : smooth hair

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Bang bang bang! ~

Yunzhi's heart was beating wildly, and she took a deep breath, as if to make up for what she had just missed.

Her beautiful eyes were full of astonishment, and everything she had just seen was madly impacting her mind, causing her three views to be severely attacked.

If she is not mistaken, she saw hundreds of sixth-order monsters just at that moment.

You must know that the sixth-order monster is equivalent to the powerhouse of the Douhuang realm!

There are only a few Douhuang strongmen in the entire Jiama Empire, but now, Yunzhi thinks that she has misunderstood.

However, she only played against the sixth-order demon not long ago, how could she admit her mistake.

She was completely insane, and she didn't know how she got back to the cave.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Han asked Yunzhi knowingly.

"I, you..."

Yunzhi looked up at Ye Han, and suddenly there was a hint of doubt in her eyes, and said, "There are so many monsters outside, how did you come and go freely from here?"

"Let go of me, I'll tell you." Ye Han said.

Yunzhi's pair of beautiful eyes swept carefully over Ye Han's face, as if trying to see through him.

However, except for Ye Han's outstanding appearance and temperament, and his extraordinary clothes, everything seemed so ordinary and unremarkable.

However, Yunzhi always felt that he was carrying a big secret, but unfortunately, she couldn't see through him.

"You'd better give me a satisfactory answer, otherwise..."

With a cold snort, a long sword appeared in Yunzhi's hand, directly splitting the shackles on Ye Han's body.

Ye Han got up from the ground, moved his numb limbs, pulled the clothes on his chest, and a small footprint bruised appeared.

"Did you hit?"

The corners of Ye Han's mouth were slightly raised, and he smiled evilly.

"Uh, no, it's not me." Yunzhi replied, but her expression was a little unnatural.

Obviously, she rarely lies.

call! ~

Ye Han suddenly shot and grabbed Yunzhi directly.

He has never been a loser. He was beaten for no reason, and naturally he would be beaten back.

After two hours of rest, Yunzhi's vindictive energy has not recovered, but her condition is much better than before.

Seeing Ye Han shot at her, her eyes narrowed, her body swayed, and the long sword in her hand turned sharply, slashing directly at Ye Han's palm.

Ye Han smiled slightly, without dodging or evading, he directly used his arm to grab Yunzhi's long sword.

Yunzhi was slightly startled, she made the move subconsciously, without reservation, if this sword slashed, I am afraid that one of Ye Han's arms would be useless.

"A guy who doesn't know what to do."

Yunzhi cursed inwardly, turning the long sword in his hand again, and hitting Ye Han's arm with the spine of the sword.

The Douhuang strong man's use of his own power has reached a very strong point. At this moment, although Yunzhi is weak, he has burst out all his remaining power.

Ye Han's palm that was grabbing Yunzhi's shoulder was sunk by her, and then he started with a soft ball...

Yunzhi's body froze, he didn't expect such a situation at all, and Ye Han was stunned, but his reaction was quick. At the moment when Yunzhi's body was stiff, he grabbed Yunzhi's wrist, quickly stepped forward, and came Go behind her and restrain her with the long sword in her hand.

Originally wanted to teach this woman a lesson, but the kindness of the woman's temporary change made Ye Han inexplicably a little unbearable.

"Forget it, it's not an example." Ye Han let go and let go of Yunzhi.

Although Ye Han's current physique can't stop Yunzhi's sharp sword, the clothes on his body can. After all, they are clothes made of silk from a million-year-old soul beast.

If Yunzhi was in full bloom, Ye Han would definitely not dare to take her sword, but now, she is too weak, whether it is skill, fighting spirit, or physical strength, Ye Han suppresses her in all directions.

After Yunzhi was released, he immediately opened the distance between Ye Han and himself, his cheeks blushed, and he looked at him with vigilance.

Ye Han rolled up his sleeves and couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth. The Heavenly Silkworm Treasure Clothes could protect against sharp weapons, but it couldn't protect against blunt weapons. Yunzhi seemed to be merciful, but for Ye Han, it actually aggravated him. 's injury.

At this time, the bruise on the arm was so conspicuous.

Glancing at the woman fiercely, Ye Han felt depressed and didn't want to pay attention to her.

"You, you haven't told me why?"

Yunzhi bit her thin lips and looked at Ye Han, who was meditating cross-legged and wanted to practice again, and couldn't help but ask.

"The reason is actually very simple, they are afraid of me." Ye Han said.

Yunzhi rolled her beautiful eyes, obviously not believing his nonsense.

"Come closer and tell you a secret." Ye Han waved his hand and said mysteriously.

Yunzhi approached with suspicion, then leaned over slightly hesitantly, and at the same time did not forget to press the clothes on her chest with her palms to prevent the spring light from leaking out.

A trace of disdain flashed in Ye Han's eyes, as if I had never seen it before. I had just felt the size.

"The co-owner of the monsters is my woman, and I have her token on me. Shouldn't these monsters be afraid of me?" Ye Han said.

"Warcraft... co-owners, do monsters have co-owners?"

Yunzhi was puzzled and doubted Ye Han's words.

"Forget it if you don't believe it, remember, if you want to get along well in the future, fawn on me, and my brother will cover you in the future." Ye Han said.

After knowing which world this is, although there are still some worries, Ye Han is not as cautious as at the beginning, and even worried.

Now he is quite casual, really indifferent and out of the dust, like an exiled immortal detached from above, he seems to be indifferent to everything.

"Oh, it would be nice if Xueer and the others hadn't been sealed into that world."

Ye Han sighed faintly and closed his eyes.

Two days passed in a flash.

The Wan Yaowang and others returned one after another and told Ye Han a piece of good news.

The Xiao family in Wutan City, the Douhuang strongman is still there, and there is no abnormality in his behavior.

"Ye Han, are you really free to come and go?"

Yunzhi looked at Ye Han who came in carrying a prey. Even though this was the second time, she couldn't help but be surprised.

Ye Han glanced at the woman and knew that she had something to ask of him, so he didn't talk to him, just started cooking on his own.

He was tired of drinking animal milk for several days, so he decided to change his taste today.

"That, Ye Han, you, can you take me out of here?" Yunzhi said.

Ye Han glanced at her, smiled, and said in an ambiguous tone, "Isn't it bad here? There is something to eat and drink, and a beautiful man like me to be with you. It's great, you are lonely, I can still discuss life with you, I Lonely, you can stay with me for a long talk all night, why do you want to leave?"

"What's so good here, you are so young and flourishing, do you plan to live here and live in this dark cave for the rest of your life?" Yunzhi's face flushed, and then it seemed as if she hadn't heard the ambiguity in Ye Han's words. Same, righteous words.

"Are you praising me and worrying about my future?" Ye Han said with a bright smile.

"Do you still need to praise? He looks so This is a fact." Yunzhi said.

She can see it now, the guy in front of her is a hedgehog, you can only smooth it, or you will definitely be stabbed all over your body, and your body will be broken.

"I should be older than you. It should be fine to be your sister. It's normal to worry about your future. Don't think too much about it."

After playing the emotional card, start playing the family card.

But older than me, are you serious?

Ye Han was speechless, even if he did not count the fifty thousand years before he changed shape, he was also in his 80s. Now you are a yellow-haired girl who came to me and told me that he was older than me?

"It's impossible to take you out of here. I don't want to leave right now, but it's not impossible to take you out for a walk." Ye Han said, everyone started to befriend him, and he couldn't be too ruthless.

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