From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 465: : something happened, something happened

"Your grandfather ran away early."

Ye Han smiled and seemed to understand what he was worried about.


Hu Jia heard the words and let out a long sigh of relief, but then her expression changed and she said, "How do you know, what kind of strength are you?"

"How do I know? Hehe, you don't even look at who I am. As for my strength? Just like your grandfather, I can slap him to death with one hundred slaps." Ye Han said.

Casual tone, but with seriousness, like a warning.

For this girl, Ye Han didn't plan to be soft at first, and now her compromise is undoubtedly the best of both worlds for each other.

Ye Han can use her connection to enter the inner courtyard of Canaan College, and if she wants, Ye Han doesn't mind giving him some benefits.

Hu Jia looked at Ye Han, her red lips parted slightly, she wanted to say that her grandfather was not weak, but she opened her mouth several times, but she didn't say anything.

There was a strong intuition deep in her heart telling her that the young man in front of her was not lying.

He had already fought many times, but Hu Jia faced Ye Han, still looking up at the mountain, looking at him, he couldn't feel his depth or details at all.

The strength of this man is like the dark night sky, and there is no limit to it.

"You, do you really want me to be your girlfriend?" Hu Jia bit her lip, and her face suddenly became serious.

"Yeah! Of course." Ye Han nodded with a serious expression on hearing this.

"The reason why I don't like men is because the peers I met were too weak, even those elders were nothing to me, but your strength conquered me." Hu Jia said.

Ye Han smiled, then lowered his head, and unceremoniously kissed Hu Jia's red lips, and said with the same serious expression, "I will never let you down."

Hu Jia's face was blushing, and she shyly hid in Ye Han's arms, her little daughter's posture was unmistakable.

"What are you talking about?" The group of people who had just been kicked out by Hu Qian gathered together again and looked at Hu Jia's dormitory with puzzled eyes.

It's too quiet, completely different from what it used to be.

"Maybe that guy has been beaten to death!"

"I don't think so. The vice president has left. Maybe he acquiesced to that grandson-in-law!"

"You fart, don't think that you can slander my goddess at will if he can successfully confess after you put down ten gold coins."

The voices of all kinds of guesses and curses sounded one after another.

At this moment, Hu Jia's door opened with a creak, and the two figures appeared in front of everyone hand in hand.

The red clothes fluttered, the long black hair fell straight to the waist, the bumpy figure was extremely hot, and the beautiful and charming face was unique.

It was Hu Jia.

But what is surprising is that at this time, Hu Jia is no longer indifferent and domineering in the past, but has a shy, cowardly and affectionate look, secretly looking at the man who is holding his palm from time to time.


The people who were watching from a distance were dumbfounded, wondering if they had hallucinations. Seeing the academy goddess who seemed to have changed into a person, someone subconsciously swallowed, and the voice was so loud in this silent environment.

Everyone looked at him at the same time, and the man smiled, shrank his neck, and said, "It doesn't seem to be an illusion."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at him with a bad look.

"Yes, someone, you, will you let me go first?" Hu Jia noticed the crowd of onlookers in the distance, her head lowered involuntarily, her pointed chin almost buried in her chest, and she glanced at Ye Ye secretly. Cold and shy.

"What are you afraid of? You are my girlfriend, are you afraid that others will know?" Ye Han smiled slightly, not only did not let go, but instead hugged the waist of the beautiful woman beside him and nibbled on her face.

Hu Jia involuntarily let out a low exclamation, her little face twitched like a sunset in the sky, her little head was buried in Ye Han's arms, her red face was so beautiful that it made people drool.

"Your grandfather doesn't know where he went. He has such a big heart. Are you really his own?" Ye Han opened his mouth and looked around, but found that the old guy Hu Gan had already disappeared, so he couldn't help but whisper softly. .

Hu Jia shook her head when she heard the words.

"Uh! I'm just joking, this is really a sad story, but if it's not, it's not!"

"What are you thinking about! Of course I can't be my grandfather's biological son, I am my father's and my mother's biological son." Hu Jia punched Ye Han's chest with a small fist, and said with an angry expression on his face.

"Are you playing tricks with me?"

Ye Han was speechless.

Holding Hu Jia's palm, the two left the dormitory, and there was a howl of ghosts and wolves behind them.

Looking at the two holding hands, even those who won money by betting, felt instantly upset, not to mention those who lost money.

However, no one dared to come up to trouble Ye Han.

Not to mention what means Ye Han has, just a Hu Jia, they will not be able to pass that level.

The scorching sun is in the sky, the sky is high and the sea is wide, the wind is calm and the waves are calm, and there are bursts of insects and birds chirping around, making it even more quiet and peaceful.

Ye Han took Hu Jia's little hand and walked on a tree-lined path in Canaan College, with a pleasant look on his face, enjoying this rare silence very much.

Hu Jia was held by him and followed closely, with a pair of wonderful eyes that always stayed on Ye Han's face, with countless stars shining in his eyes.

"How handsome!"

The girl sighed inwardly.

He was originally a handsome dog, and he was convinced by his strength. Naturally, the more he looked, the more handsome he became, the more pleasing he looked, and his little heart was beating wildly.

"Why are you looking at me like this? It feels weird and infiltrating." Ye Han finally couldn't stand the scorching gaze, so he couldn't help but look back at the girl beside him.

While talking, Ye Han gently took the delicate body beside him into his arms, his eyes were like the vast sky, clear and transparent, but he couldn't see the end at a glance, he couldn't help but feel of intoxicating.

"I, I want to..."

The girl looked at the handsome face in front of her, her cheeks were slightly red, and she hesitated.

After that, Yin Ya bit his teeth, and then tilted his feet in Ye Han's arms, raised his head, and gently kissed his lips.

"I don't feel anything!"

Two or three seconds later, the girl snorted with a puzzled look on her face.

"Pfft! Kissing doesn't end when two lips touch each other." Ye Han couldn't help laughing. Looking at Hu Jia who suddenly became cute in front of him, he couldn't help but smile, "Come on, I'll teach you."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han lowered his head, his kiss was warm and domineering...

Click! ~

Hu Gan's face was gloomy, and his fists were crunching. Looking at the two people who were kissing together, he felt that his brain was not enough. He didn't expect that he had only been away for so long, and this time he saw such a scene.

What does it feel like to have my cabbage be humped by a pig? What does Hugan feel like now?

Just when he was about to step forward to stop the fire between the two of them, suddenly, a deafening loud noise came from the vast mountains behind him.

A huge mushroom cloud rose from the sky, and at the same time the sky shook and shook people's hearts.

Hu Gan turned his head to look, a pair of tiger eyes showed horror, just because that place was the Canaan Academy, the inner courtyard.

Something happened, something happened.

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