
The sharp palm knife slashed at extremely fast speeds, the air was cut open, and the edge of the palm broke through the fish skin and flesh and blood penetrated straight down from the seam between the spine, and was deeply embedded in the stone layer below.

In the previous combos, Leng Kong had completely mastered the physiological structure of the Deep Sea King, and it was not difficult to achieve this.

tsk tsk

The head and head were separated, and green blood gushed out like a spring from the broken neck of the Deep Sea King. The remaining nerves twitched sharply, and the body swayed violently, and it seemed that he was dying.

It seems that the Deep Sea King's recovery speed is fast, but his ability is limited to recovering from injuries, and he is still powerless against severe severe injuries such as decapitation.

"Simply being quick is useless, the key is to be durable!"

Leng Kong shook his right hand with a lot of exposed bones. Although his recovery speed was not as fast as Deep Sea King, he could still be resurrected as long as he spliced ​​it within three days before the cell activity disappeared. In this regard, it was faster than Deep Sea King. Wang is much stronger!

But that's it.

Because in terms of recovery speed, Leng Kong is far inferior.

But if you can combine these two advantages into one, speed and durability will be perfectly integrated.

That's perfect!

This is very easy for Leng Kong, as long as he harvests the pure white space and crushes it with the Deep Sea King's light group.

But don't be impatient. The number of times the physique can be fused in a world is only 3+1. You still have to choose carefully. After all, it is the first physical characteristic and cannot be compared. (The conditions for leaving have changed, but the withdrawal limit is still 4 times)

However, in this world of ultra-high combat power, physical characteristics should not be as lacking as in JOJO.

That means there are still many powerful features waiting for you to harvest.

Haha, I’m really looking forward to it!

Leng Kong kicked the Deep Sea King's body away with one kick, then pulled out his head that was deeply sunk in the ground, and exposed it to the sun.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not about eating dried fish, but about preventing accidents.

After all, how can you kill an enemy without finishing the last hit?

What's more, it's such a difficult monster that can kill itself as soon as it returns to the sea!

After killing the Queen of the Deep Sea, Leng Kong went to the sea to hunt without restraint. He visited the sea near the island and only ate the most delicious shark fin parts of fish. He only ate mutant species of shrimps and crabs.

After three days of such crazy nourishment, my right hand finally returned to its original state.

On the coast, Leng Kong pulled up his tattered pants and looked at the fog that enveloped the entire sea. He felt that if he wanted to cross the sea and reach the land, he still had to find a means of transportation, otherwise he would not be able to tell the direction, and his body would be soaked by the sea. .

The means of transportation that Leng Kong was talking about were naturally not conventional yachts or ships, because there were so many weirdos in this world that basically no ships dared to sail out of the coastal waters.

He's talking about a sea monster!

Normal fish have limited IQ and may not be able to control them.

But sea monsters are different. After mutation, they have become slightly more humane, which is easy.

If someone doesn't obey, he will be beaten until he obeys. Leng Kong is very good at this.

Of course, in terms of proficiency, it has to be Yujiro!

That piece of shit’s famous saying is: Anyone or anything can be beaten like crazy as long as they want, well, except for doorknobs and tranquilizer guns!

Five days later,

Leng Kong was already sitting on a huge whale, riding through the huge waves of the sea.

The whale is a sea monster, larger than ordinary whales, and looks like a black island from a distance.

No, it's not an island, it's a sea bunker that moves at super high speeds.

The huge body was swimming rapidly, and the water was driven by the extremely high speed to form a huge wave behind it. Its terrifying size and momentum were close to that of a dragon-level monster.

Of course, the actual combat power of the whale is definitely not that strong, otherwise Leng Kong would not be able to beat it into submission in the sea.

Just like Yujiro killing the prehistoric colossus, although the animal is large, its corresponding range of movements is also large, and it is easy to be seen. Generally speaking, as long as you can break through the defense and then attack its weak points, it is not difficult to defeat.

Leng Kong was searching for his mount in the sea when a huge mouth suddenly appeared on the bottom of the sea. The mouth opened and sucked in the seawater for several miles around, and Lengkong was also swept up by the seawater and submerged into its mouth.

Later, a large number of fish were swallowed into the esophagus.

Leng Kong felt that he was very lucky at that time, and everything he thought of came to him.

Before it reached the stomach pouch, it blasted through the fleshy wall of the esophagus, and its hands, which were sharper than a knives, dug in quickly, heading towards his heart.

As for the orientation, there is no need to worry. The heartbeat of the whale is louder than thunder in Leng Kong’s ears. The target should not be too obvious.

After reaching the atrium, he punched the whale monster's heart as big as four large containers with a combination of punches.

Of course, for fear of killing the whale monster, Leng only used the mild version.

But just like that, the terrifying amount of bleeding seeping out from the huge heart directly submerged Leng Kong.

The whale monster naturally succumbed to the truth and shamefully became a human mount!

Diwu, diwu, diwu!

But when the whale monster appeared offshore with huge waves, the radar tower erected in the coastal area suddenly flashed the alarm.



Following the Heroes Association, which was headquartered in City A and had just been established a few days ago, red exclamation marks flashed crazily on the many computer screens in the intelligence hall.

"A huge energy sensor was found in the offshore area of ​​J City."

An intelligence officer immediately shouted: "According to the radar, the energy group is still rushing towards the town at a high speed."

"J City?"

"Are there any hero events there?"

Xiqi, the head of the Hero Headquarters, knows J City, which is a coastal city close to the sea.

Originally, according to the idea of ​​the Heroes Association, in order to better protect people's lives and eliminate weirdos, it was necessary to set up branches in every city.

But the association has just been established and the work has not yet had time to start.

"There is one!"

The intelligence officer opened the roster of heroes with only a few pages and said: "The hero Stinger who was just registered a few days ago seems to live in J City, but judging from the heat sensor, the monster level has reached at least the ghost level. Stinger It probably won’t work out.”

"Ghost level?"

"Is there an S-class hero who can come to the rescue?"

Xiqi frowned when he heard that the level of the attacking monster was most likely ghost level.

The Hero Association divides heroes into four levels: S, A, B, and C based on combat ability and social contribution. (The original work didn’t have S-level at the beginning, but it was boring to be a miscellaneous fish, so this setting was advanced.)

S level: The pinnacle of heroes, capable of dealing with disaster-level ghosts and dragons. It is also the "monster" in the mouth of other level heroes.

A level: The target of most heroes, which can deal with disaster-level tigers and ghosts.

Level B: Much stronger than ordinary people, capable of dealing with disaster-level wolves and tigers.

Level C: Ordinary people or slightly stronger than ordinary people. Their main job is to punish thieves and thieves, or help old ladies cross the road, etc.

Heroes who have just registered are generally positioned at C-level, and then advance through their combat abilities and social contributions.

The corresponding association divides the monsters into five levels according to the degree of threat: gods, dragons, ghosts, tigers and wolves.

A strange crisis that may lead to the destruction of mankind; it is god-level!

A crisis that may lead to the destruction of several towns; for the dragon level!

A crisis that may lead to the paralysis or even destruction of a town; it is a ghost level!

A crisis that may cause casualties; it is tiger level!

There are dangerous factors; it is wolf level!

When the Stinger was registered and evaluated, its strength was not very outstanding, so it was impossible to deal with ghost-level monsters that could destroy a town.

That's why Xiqi thought of asking other strong men for rescue.


The intelligence officer shook his head and said, "Master Explosion Master Shenlong has disappeared, Metal Knight and Master Drive Tornado are also missing. Master Tatsumaki is left alone to kill the weirdos everywhere, and he can't get away at all."

"There are still too few heroes!"

Hearing this, Xiqi was helpless: "Send a distress message to Mr. Bangu immediately."

Intelligencer: "But hasn't Mr. Banggu not agreed to join the association yet?"

Xiqi affirmed: "It's okay. With Mr. Bangu's temperament, he will not let weirdos attack the town. It is also a good opportunity to make Mr. Bangu realize the purpose of our association and join the Heroes Association."

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