"Burp, so good!"

Leng Kong collapsed on the ground, touching his swollen belly with great satisfaction.

After eating like crazy for more than ten days, he had eaten the Food Island into a bald mountain.


And not only delicious!

The food in this world seemed to carry some mysterious energy.

After digesting, Leng Kong actually felt that the strength of his cells had increased slightly.

Eat, and you can become stronger!

This way of cultivation is simply perfect for him.

This is also the fundamental reason why Leng Kong ate the Food Island into a deserted island in one breath, and even ate several layers of the earth.

"Burp, so full!"

Leng Kong burped again, and his swollen belly suddenly shrank and flattened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Now let me see your true face!"

After saying that, he used both hands to fly the shovel, turning into a violent excavator and digging madly into the depths of the ground.

The Food Island could not be generated out of thin air. There must be some kind of energy supply to make everything edible.

When he was eating and drinking like crazy before, Leng Kong discovered through his extraordinary five senses that there was a hidden space under the island. The secret of the Food Island should be here.

"We're here!"

The ground was penetrated, and a blue light came into view. Leng Kong's mouth curled up slightly as he flew down.


"This is incredible!"

Even though he had expected it, Leng Kong couldn't help but take a deep breath when he saw the true appearance of the underground space for the first time.

Because he actually saw a colorful river made entirely of food underground.

The river gushed out from the depths of the earth's core, with white milk, crimson chocolate sauce, and juice and sauce flows of various colors.

But countless kinds of liquid delicacies merged together but did not blend, but presented a clear-cut wonder.

And countless bubbles of strange fragrance were emitted under the entanglement and flow, and the bubbles merged into the soil, nourishing the earth and nurturing delicacies.

The river continued to flow around the island underground, forming a perfect supply circle.


Leng Kong took a deep breath, and the bubbles exploded continuously, and the familiar food energy was integrated into his body again.

"That's right, it's here."

Feeling the strong joy emitted by the cells, Leng Kong dived into the river and continued to go deeper into the underground where the energy was even thicker.


While diving in and drinking, Leng Kong successfully passed through the food river and appeared in a clear underwater world.

The underwater world is densely covered with corals of various colors, and countless wonderful small fish, shellfish, and shrimps roam in it.

But the most are strange jellyfish that are like small umbrellas and emit various colors of light.

There are transparent, red, blue, and white.

Anyway, there are only colors that you can't think of, and there are no colors that they don't exist. There are so many that they even cover several layers of the underwater space.

This place is obviously deep underground and should be extremely dark, but because of the existence of jellyfish, the beautiful colorful light is refracted by the sea water, showing a beautiful scenery that does not exist in the world.

Phantom jellyfish!

Strange jellyfish with a large number of gourmet cells in their bodies!

Organisms that eat jellyfish will also absorb this trait. Not only will their own taste become more and more delicious, but the cell regeneration function and life activity level will also break through the original limit.


Leng Kong followed the cell's hunger instinct and grabbed a jellyfish and stuffed it into his mouth.


The cool, smooth and elastic taste exploded in the taste buds, and the extremely pure food energy was integrated into the cells. Leng Kong suddenly widened his eyes in excitement.

"This little thing is so pure!"

The root power of the world is in front of him, how can Leng Kong hold back.


Eat it all!

As long as you eat, you can become stronger!

Leng Kong likes this way of practice so much.

The domineering blood sea was activated, and the endless red light spread, and all the creatures on the seabed were stunned. Leng Kong dived into the seabed and faced the carpet covered with seabed creatures, and began to enjoy the feast again.


"Too delicious! Haha"

Endless food entered the stomach, and a strong warm current spread throughout the body. The cells danced with joy, and Leng Kong moaned with satisfaction.

And in the process of eating, Leng Kong also discovered a strange phenomenon.

That is, the broken pieces and broken tentacles of the jellyfish dropped during the biting process actually shone with various colors of light like breathing, and slowly recovered and regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Doesn't this mean that as long as you haven't finished eating, you will never finish eating?

Gourmet jellyfish is actually a renewable resource?

"Haha. It suits my taste so well!"

Noticing this, Leng Kong has no scruples.

"I suck!"

His mouth opened wide, gravity released (Samsara Eye physique), his mouth turned into a black hole, and he madly devoured everything in his sight!

Seawater, corals, all sea creatures, and the colorful river above all poured into his big mouth, and Leng Kong's belly instantly swelled like a balloon.

"Burp, I'm so full!"

"Even the seawater is salty and fragrant."


Swallowing countless delicacies in one mouthful, Leng Kong's body swelled into a huge ball, and he closed his eyes comfortably underwater, letting his body move with the waves,

Dong Dong

At the same time, his heartbeat was beating sharply, accelerating digestion.

"I'm stronger!"

When he woke up again, Leng Kong clearly felt that his physical strength had soared a lot.

"The real secret is still deep down!"

Looking at the seabed that has become a desert, Leng Kong once again transformed into an excavator and moved deeper, because he felt that there was a stronger energy source underground!

"I found you!"

After going several thousand meters deep underground, Leng Kong stopped in front of the mantle layer composed entirely of pure black rocks. If his perception was correct, this was the core energy of the food island!


Leng Kong took off a large piece of rock and stuffed it into his mouth.

Yes, although it tasted very sandy, the energy was tens or hundreds of times that of the food jellyfish.

It was just that the energy solidified and condensed, and the absorption efficiency was far less than that of directly swallowing the food.

"Come, let me see your true face!"

Finding the energy source of the planet, Leng Kong sat cross-legged, and his perception spread to the limit deeper underground.

One thousand meters!

Ten thousand meters!

One hundred thousand meters!

One million meters!

Ten million meters!

But after crossing tens of millions of meters, he did not detect the end of the mantle layer, and this was already the limit of Leng Kong's perception.

Because the diameter of the earth is only 12,742 kilometers, which is more than ten million meters.

And the mantle layer of this planet is far thicker than this, so its actual volume must be tens or hundreds of times that of the earth?

But this is not the key.

The real key is this circle of mantle layer full of energy, which is the source of the formation of the food island.

If this is true, there must be more than one food island where everything can be eaten.

Because the mantle layer is a huge part of the planet, the energy escapes all over the world, and the incredible food island is not a special secret place, but just an ordinary landscape of this world.

Or, the whole planet is a delicious meal?

Eating the planet?

Too exaggerated, right?

Realizing this, Leng Kong's pupils shrank sharply.


"It's all my fault!"


Then there was extreme hunger and excitement, and the laughter shook the entire underground space.

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