From star abyss

Chapter 625 329 Hunter

Chapter 625 329. Hunter

This trip was very fruitful, and it was Nalia who was killed by Nefes, which helped him avoid a lot of trouble. But many problems are still exposed.

For example, the most critical thing - why does the company target itself?

Through the [Death Prison] godhead, Li Ozi transformed Nalia into a dead skeleton. After some questioning, he suddenly realized:

"It turns out that Andrew Verazzi prayed to Red King for revelation."

This is not surprising, this is not surprising.

“As someone who eats both [society] and [narrative], it’s not surprising at all to realize that my existence is unusual.”

As for whether Red King realizes that he is's hard to say yet.

"It's all for nothing to worry about. Leos gave me some advice to go find Red King and instigate him to stand on my side - now it's okay, Red King has come to find me first!"

Although Li Ozi knew that the two things were not necessarily for the same reason, in any case, he would never believe the advice given by this old antique Li Ozi in the future.

After taking care of the matters at hand, Li Ozi did not delay and immediately took a new flight to the hunter-killer gathering location.

Twelve hours later, the spaceship of Marcil Xingyun docked at the second port of Kailan Star.

After arriving at the station, Li Aozi discovered a problem: Kailan Star is a binary star system, divided into two planets, A and B.

His destination was B, but his visa was only valid for planet A, so the shipping company sent him here directly.

"Forget it, I'll just fly there by myself."

Li Ozi looked out the window. He really didn't want to waste time changing his visa, so he directly activated the space rift, jumped to the nearby star field, and activated [Wings of Pegasus].

However, although Li Ozi's behavior was already very low-key and conservative, he still attracted the attention of some people when he stepped into the star field.


The camera focused and captured the moment when Li Ozi tore the rift in space. The Pegasus' aurora wings spread outwards, looking gorgeous and stunning. The photographer couldn't help but whistle:

"Oh - it's really novel. This is the first time I've encountered a person who has ascended to the gods on this path. Is his ability related to space? He looks so beautiful and beautiful. He should be of the [Dominator] type. Interesting..."

The photographer was a young boy with short blue hair and green-gold eyes, with transparent hair like jellyfish tentacles hanging from his ears. He held the camera with great interest and admired the photos he had just taken.

"Xue Yi, what are you doing? We are almost late!"

An impetuous young girl shouted over here:

"Mr. Diswell, as a veteran hunter, has a lot of cards. We were able to visit him privately this time entirely because of my mother's face. If we were late, he would definitely not let us attend the meeting..."

Xue Yi put away the camera and calmly looked back with a smile:

"It's coming, it's coming - don't worry, Xueling, I'm just taking a photo as a souvenir."

Xueling glared at her brother and said angrily:

"Beautiful scenery is everywhere in the universe, and there are no more than 100,000 hunters in the abyss who can fight [society], let alone silver hunters like Mr. Diswell. It can almost be said that He is the most powerful hunter in the abyss! Even those narrative-level civilizations cannot understand the classification and habits of [society] as well as he does."

"Is it such an exaggeration? The Hunters don't even have an organization, let alone Capa (10)."

Xue Yi shrugged.

"This has nothing to do with being strong or not. Hunters are a group of respectable people."

Xueling shook her head:

"Most of them are victims of [society] devouring their hometowns. They often rely on themselves alone, accumulate power, and struggle with [society] for a long time. In order to prevent more people of Xingyuan from being poisoned by [society], you They should be respected.”

Xue Yi slapped her mouth, disapproving:

"Okay, even if they are very powerful, although we have narrative civilization, we don't need their protection at all - but in this way, are they very rich?"

"You brat - the rich are really rich. They have no motivation to consume. All their savings are either to improve themselves or to find and kill [social] citizens. Therefore, they will have many social institutions in their hands, so that's That's exactly what we're aiming for."

Xue Ling said, and glanced at the newly arrived spaceship in the distance. A large number of strange people with colorful faces and strange expressions were quickly unloaded from it. No matter who they looked at, they looked suspicious.

They exude the aura of Zeta level (6), but unlike ordinary sergeants, these people do not have the bravery and heroic temperament of soldiers, but their eyes are more sinister and cold than ordinary people.

"That's the Predator."

Xueling nodded and whispered:

"Did you see the leading man wearing the copper sheep-headed devil medal?"

Xue Yi looked at the front of the group of people: the leading man was wearing a skull mask, with a strong body nearly two and a half meters tall, black hair shawl, and carrying a huge magic book, which was fixed and wrapped around his body with chains. The eyes were cold and cold, and the ears were like the wings of some kind of bird, with their tips raised and extending back.

Compared to others, he has an indescribably terrifying aura about him. Although he looks like a spell caster, he does not wear crystal armor. Instead, he is covered in a large number of mechanical parts like a [Mechanic]. , the left hand was also replaced with a prosthetic body.

Just seeing him, Xue Yi felt a deep darkness, as if her vision was being sucked away by him.

"His name is Azdair Kindley, nicknamed Iron Angel. He is a copper hunter, which means he has the lives of at least three [social] members in his hands."

Xueling introduced:

"You feel something is wrong."

"When I looked at him, I felt twisted. Very uncomfortable." Xue Yi tugged on her collar and said awkwardly, "I feel like my eyes are going to be twisted out by his outline."

"That's right - because he comes from the lower star abyss."

Xueling nodded and said:

"His homeland was swallowed up by [Machine Society]. After decades of exile, he won a place in the Qianyuan Team. It was only last month that he came back with the previous batch of Qianyuan Team. Although his strength was not as high as Kapa level, but through his own ability, he won the opportunity to dive with the seeds of the Abyss Team - Xue Yi, you have to learn from him. This time you go to see Mr. Diswell, you are also giving you a guide for the future. Pave the way.”

"Harm, it's just a return from diving into the star abyss, nothing special about it."

Xue Yi disagreed, raised her little face, and said innocently:

"Didn't our father also dive with the Abyss Team? When dad comes back as a Kapa in a few years, our Snow World civilization will immediately become a second-tier interstellar civilization! We will not treat these stateless people at all. The free men see it!"

"Xue Yi! You can't think like that. Every hunter is a warrior worthy of respect. They lost their home and are in great pain, but they stand up for the lights of thousands of families! You can't say that about them!"

Xue Ling scolded, but she did not deny Xue Yi's words at all, and even laughed:

"But wait until father comes back. Our civilization has Kappa (10), and it is no longer a weak country in the universe that relies on tourism and low-end product manufacturing."

She was extremely emotional, and when she mentioned this, she felt a little moved:

“We no longer need to trade four trillion snow beads for a big spaceship, we don’t have to sell our people’s labor at a low price, and our people don’t have to die of exhaustion in sweatshops - with Kappa (10) , we can make friends and do business with more powerful civilizations, and good times are indeed coming soon."

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