From star abyss

Chapter 820 035 The yellow cuckoo in the palm returns to the forest

Chapter 820 035. The yellow cuckoo in the palm returns to the forest

The flame-haired girl looked at Rudolph quietly.

The other party lowered his head, remained silent, and maintained his kneeling posture.

"The emperor of a country, the lord of tens of millions of people, speaks the constitution of heaven, follows the law when he speaks it, has a body of gold, and is the most respected person in the world. He should be hanging high among the people, ups and downs in the grand narrative, and more importantly It is the expression of the country’s personality, it should be aloof and remain mysterious and majestic.”

She said slowly:

"However, His Majesty Rudolf knelt down and begged me today, trying to bear all the crimes on his own. This is really rare among all dictators throughout the ages. It should be said that the Red Arrow Nation is really lucky to have Emperor Rudolf. It would not be an exaggeration to say that you are the 'People's Emperor'."

After hearing this, Rudolf was delighted:

"Dear Miss Paulina, I am the representative of the country, just punish me, don't let the hatred continue..."

"There was a time when I totally identified with you."

The flame-haired girl said unhurriedly:

"Frost-plated President David Lin, who strengthens the branches and strengthens the weak branches, only seeks the survival of the nation, regardless of the joys and sorrows of the people. Prime Minister Gretewal of Tianhuan is high-minded and upright, with unparalleled personal ethics, but he pushes his nation into the abyss of destruction. Zhengxu It is not a good thing to encounter a natural disaster and destroy a country. At that time, there was only the Red Arrow Empire, which fought for all the generations, and the country was rich and the people were strong. It can be called a beacon in the world. Emperor Rudolf, the people put the crown on your head with their own hands. .”

"Now, you want to separate yourself from the people of Red Arrow? They chose you, chose to listen to your narrative, and agreed with the concept of revenge you promoted. Whether it is chemical bliss for all people, or in times of human crisis, they only care about I was happy and carried out a bloody massacre and revenge on Tianhuan Shuangplating - this is not your responsibility alone, but the responsibility of the entire Red Arrow people for a generation."

"You want to rely on your identity to atone for the sins of the people - dreaming. It may be Emperor Rudolf who started the war, but it is your people who loudly appealed, enthusiastically encouraged, and actively participated in the war."

The flame-haired girl turned around without even looking at the emperor whom she had been very optimistic about in the past.

"Yes, the Red Arrow Empire is sorry for all mankind."

Rudolf slowly straightened up, looked at the flame-haired girl's leaving back, and said bitterly:

"But can all mankind be worthy of us Red Arrow people?"

The humiliation, inequality, massacre, and hatred have always been lingering on him, his family, and the heads of thousands of Red Arrow people. Whenever he falls asleep, he will think of the invasion and ravage launched by various countries against his family.

"How are you sorry? I'm sorry, so what?"

The flame-haired girl said without looking back:

"Red Arrow was never wrong. What was wrong was that Red Arrow was not strong enough."

“Only with strength can we have peace, with peace can we have development, and only with development can we breed civilization, making future generations humble, gentle, and knowledgeable.”

"The crime of burning, killing and looting of our predecessors is now, but the descendants of civilized gentlemen will leave their names in history. As long as your descendants are developed enough, no one cares what you did in the past."

"...In this star abyss, the only truth is supreme violence."

Rudolf shook his head:


It's too late.

Is Red Arrow at fault? There is nothing wrong with a nation that constantly strives for great revenge and develops itself into a beacon of human civilization, grinds its teeth and drinks blood, waits for danger, and remembers the sacrifices of its ancestors.

The only mistake is that Red Arrow is not strong enough.

If Red Arrow had the absolute hegemony to crush everything, undisputed, and dare not question or challenge, then it would definitely not be what it is today.

However, it was not Red Arrow who did this.

The invincible person who truly crushes everything and makes people dare not challenge him is Lord Entropy, and the ones who defeat Lord Entropy are the soldiers and civilians of Frost Plating-Tianhuan.

"Since Red Arrow chose to invade together with the Apostles of Entropy Destruction, they are no longer worthy of being called strong."

There were three talented politicians on Azure Star, one of whom died in the war. David Lin, whom she had always hoped to win over, left a hopeful Frost Plate and passed away.

The remaining Rudolph made her particularly disappointed.

Until the end, Rudolf only had his own people in his heart.

It cannot be said that he is wrong, but for the Blue Star, his situation is too small, and the crimes he committed are not enough for the people of the Blue Star to forgive him.

——No, as long as she is willing, anyone can be whitewashed.

The title of "Mother of the Redeemer" gives her the ability to influence others. In theory, as long as her charm is enough, she can make even the most vicious terrorists put down their butcher's knives, feel heartbroken, and change their minds.

She could do this, she could forcefully fish out Rudolph like this.

This is why she decided to meet Rudolf. After all, talents in the political department are really hard to find.

Although Xingyuan is large, there are only a few almighty politicians, including the Philosopher King of the Empire and Guleia, the Lord of the Void.

But compared to talent, the flame-haired girl pays more attention to whether they have a lofty vision.

Because her goal is a grand narrative, not just a few planets.

Rudolf was an emperor, but nothing more.

If he was determined to plan a counterattack in the universe and study the path to rise, then she would still take a high look at him.

She didn't feel very happy that she didn't get a single talent.

Saving Azure Star itself was not her main mission. This trip could only be said to have helped Azure Star overcome difficulties. She got some rewards for defeating Lord Entropy and made a small fortune.

"It still delayed my trip to Xingyuan."

She rubbed her hair, and there was nothing else to do next.

"It's almost time to go see old friends."

The flame-haired girl opened the window, her body turned into a stream of light, and in an instant she arrived on the vibrant black land.

Frost Plated Federation-Gulant Republic

Although the Esha devastated the entire land, the Republic of Gulante was located deep in the interior and the damage was very light. The fertile land and crisscrossing geothermal rift valleys here can ensure the long-term survival of the people in underground shelters.

At this moment, the war was completely over. People had not celebrated for a long time and began to get busy with farm work again. There are busy figures in the fields. After the sun returns to the world, the electromagnetic environment has undergone major changes. Many original machines cannot be started. Fortunately, Gurante is a simple agricultural country. Everyone is proficient in farming. Children have been doing it since they were young. Wheat is cut in the fields and grows.

People put on their bamboo hats after a long time, threw away their heavy cotton coats, wore fresh vests, slippers on their feet, and walked into the farmland carrying hoes.

This year may be difficult, and many fields have been damaged, but when people truly feel that their bodies are being illuminated by the sun, becoming warm and comfortable, and large beads of sweat roll down their skin, all worries and complaints are put aside. The back of my head.

In the past, only high-ranking officials and big tycoons could enjoy sufficient sunlight for tanning, which was nothing more than an artificial light source.

Now, everyone can have warm and comfortable sunshine.

This time it’s not just the sun that’s coming back, but also hope.

As soon as the sun shines on the earth, the birds, cave animals, and wild beasts that were thought to be extinct begin to stir again, and everything is full of vitality. Although it is not spring, it is better than spring.

The flame-haired girl walked forward step by step. She passed through the golden waves of wheat. The blue sky was so beautiful that it seemed as if water could be squeezed out. The warm wind lifted her long hair, which frightened several children, thinking they were in the fields. On fire.

She walked barefoot on the soft black soil and followed the information given by Nefes to a small town called Oskberg. In Gurantian, this word means 'unity and collective'. , it is said that it was established by the descendants of the original Armilioko Federation, who were mixed descendants of frost-plated immigrants, and still retains some of the systems of the Armyroko Federation.

Oskberg is not small in size, and the town square is the center of people's activities. When you first enter the town, you can see the central statue.

The flame-haired girl raised her head and looked at the statue of a young man with majestic appearance and full of energy. Although it is only a bust, it leaves enough shadow for children to play and rest.

The most eye-catching thing is the line of gilded inscriptions under the base:

[Raise your head and look upward, the future must be an era of shining stars. 】

"It's so's such an outdated and backward propaganda method."

A kid who seemed to be from the city happened to come to the statue and complained:

"It is said that this guy is a lunatic. He used a hydrogen bomb to blow himself into space or something. It's so crazy. How can someone pay such a high price to go to the universe? You think so, little brother."

He turned his head and looked at the young man beside him.


Li Ozi glanced at the statue, looked down at the child, smiled slightly and said:

"The last thing mankind lacks is madmen."

The child was stunned. He looked at the statue, then at Li Ozi, his mouth widened, and he said in disbelief:

"Ah, the statue comes alive!"

He went around shouting:

"Look, everyone, the statue is alive! The statue is alive!"

However, when he called his friends over, he turned around and saw that the man had already disappeared.

Li Ozi walked along the local Four Seasons Road. The people here are very special. They are different from Shuang Plate, Tian Huan, and Hong Jian. Their clothes are simple and casual, but they chat very enthusiastically. They always say hello. 'Comrade', exactly like a certain prosecutor.

The purpose of his trip was the prosecutor.

He knocked on the door of a farmhouse. The owner came out and shook his head, saying that he was not here and asked him to go to the east end of the village to look for him.

So he turned his head, carrying a bag of corn given to him by his master, bread and salt in his arms, and a string of sausages hanging around his neck. Even with such a funny appearance, people were still attracted by his stunning charm. Attracted by him, both men and women eagerly showed him the way and acted as guides.

"If you are looking for her, go this way."

"Alexia? I saw her in the rapeseed field before."

"Wow, little brother, you are so beautiful. Are you Alexia's grandson? I'm so envious. She has never been married in her life, and yet she can have such a wonderful offspring like you."

Although people were very enthusiastic, they consciously gave them space. They just sent him to the top of the mountain and stopped without moving forward.

Li Aozi took the gift and walked into the green grassland and woods. Oriole or cuckoo sang softly in the forest, also singing for the rebirth of nature.

The wild flowers are very beautiful, so cute that they want to be picked, but they are afraid of hurting them, so they have to let them tremble slightly in the wind and continue to look pitiful.

The path extends to the end, with twists and turns, and the fragrance of rapeseed flowers hits your face, and the bright yellow flowers press over the green mountains in the distance.

Li Ozi saw a rickety figure sitting in the rapeseed field. She was like an ordinary old lady, wrapped in a bright and rustic headscarf. She would go to work tomorrow, but she was still afraid of the cold and was covered with age spots and wrinkles. His palms hugged the cotton coat tightly.

Despite this, when he got closer, he still heard the other party say:

"Winter is over, the sun is so warm."

He stopped, but the wind carried the news.

"...Ah, here comes a young man. I smell the aroma of bread and salt."

The old woman said with a smile, but did not look back:

"It's been a long time since anyone came to me specifically with gifts. I guess you are an acquaintance."

Just when Li Ozi was about to speak, the old man said:

"Stop, kid, don't worry, the old lady is in a good mood today, let's play guessing games."

"Don't talk, don't do anything, and let me guess your name."

"You came with our local food and salt, and you still smell of sausages - but there is no smell of mud on your shoes. It seems that you are a decent person, and you are very charming, and you are loved by people. Well, If this person is not a big star, who else could he be?"

"They like you so much, but they didn't come with you. Obviously they know you, and they know that 'you' and I are very familiar with each other. They don't want to disturb our meeting. They are very kind, right?"

The old woman said with a smile:

"I already know it, sir. It seems that after all these years, you are still so young, so beautiful."

Li Ozi remained silent and listened quietly without speaking as per the other party's request.

"I'm glad we can meet again."

The old woman smiled and said:

"It's nice here, right? The villages and towns established by the descendants of Yamilioko are my real home. I think it's enough for me to work, contribute, serve people, and then die happily." .”

"It's just a pity. I'm really sorry for a person. I promised that I would be his bride, but now, I have broken my promise."

"Mr. Li Ozi, your bride should no longer be me."

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