From star abyss

Chapter 842 057 Scam

N4 nodded:

"I understand, please take care of yourself, dear Li Ozi."

Waves of people left the city quickly. In order to reassure them, Li Ozi would give them some backup copies of his colonial equipment, which would also facilitate his safe transfer.

Soon, in less than half an hour, he was the only one left in the huge Green Field City.

It is said to be a city, but if you take it to Layer Abyss, Greenfield City is actually as big as two blue stars. Just looking at the size, it is no different from a planet.

However, this does not mean that Greenfield City can impose certain restrictions on outsiders like Azure Star.

In fact, that is just Layer Abyss's unique curse: the longer it comes to the planet, the more its strength will decline.

There is no such rule in Jingyuan. The limit of the universe here is Sigma level, but Sigma level can appear and fight anywhere.

If a battle breaks out with [society] in Jingyuan, it will not be a fair duel among the same class like Jingyuan, but a cruel class crushing - even most of the time, it will be a group fight.

Doesn’t Li Ozi know this? No, of course he does.

So he chose to stay and serve as queen for others.

He sat on the top of the tallest tower in the city, crossed his knees, and silently filled himself a glass of wine with edamame, peanuts and fried dried fish, and drank it leisurely.

In fact, everyone knows that in his current state, let alone [society], even if his defeated opponent Sides is pulled over, he cannot defeat him.

The nebula above the head rotated slowly, seemingly a little faster than usual.

On this trip, he will definitely die. People know very well that he is just buying time in this way. He will definitely choose to be reborn in a certain clone afterward. The [Dominator] path has this characteristic, and he has free will. Later, he became even more unscrupulous.

No one would doubt it, because each of them had obtained a clone in colonial clothing.

Of course, there will definitely be people who will try to return here after a while, but everyone who comes to Xingyuan also knows that the devouring of [society] is not the kind of physical destruction. The city will basically remain the same, but it will If it's not inhabited, I don't know.

However, after more people learn that there is a [society] nearby, they will probably choose to continue moving towards narrative civilization. During their migration, if they encounter other travelers or local indigenous people, they will definitely pass on the relevant news. Mark it out.

"In this way, no one will choose to get close to here again in this crisis of 'silent loss of contact'."

Li Aozi held the wine glass and said calmly:

"And by that time, almost all these migrants will be able to reach Narrative Civilization. According to my instructions, the entire Greenfield City and Qianyuan Port can be registered and contracted and controlled in the name of the White Candle Autonomous State."

There shouldn't be too many twists and turns in the whole process. He won a lot of people's hearts with his heroic victory. Even N4 was moved by him and naturally sold Zhannia who refused to continue fighting for him. Barnum's genius will definitely be valued by Mr. Fantasy.

As for Nephis, she will definitely wait loyally for the coordinates given to her by Li Ozi.

——The premise is that Naifeis can gain a stable foothold in the purgatory plane that the coordinates lead to.

"There's nothing bad about the whole plan; the only problem is."

Li Aozi put down his wine glass, looked at the leisurely green mountains, and said lightly:

"There's no [social] attack, that's all."

He stood up and turned the ring from his finger:

"Finally, I figured out some ways to use it - it is indeed a ring that contains the Chancellor of the Machine Realm. It is actually unexpected that it can simulate such a powerful aura."

Yes, he deceived 220,000 people in the city, including Naifeis, who was most loyal to him.

In fact, as long as there is a Silver-level Hunter member inside, he can see through Li Ozi's tricks.

What is the concept of large-scale predator [society]?

——[Secret Society] Gaia, [Outland Society] Pergale, [Long-cherished Society] Radisel, [Meltdown Society] Lavania, [Core Society] Corseton.

Even if you include the [Highgarden Society] that was once devoured and divided, there are only six in total.

The body size of any large predator [Society] exceeds one-third of the cognizable universe. This level of size can only come from the fact that the other party was originally the hegemonic civilization of the universe before it was transformed into [Society]. Huge territory.

But who made it so that the only one among this group of people who understands [society] is Li Ozi?

In terms of academic qualifications, no one here is better than his one-year master's degree.

But compared to his understanding of [society], these 220,000 people combined are less than Li Aozhi's hair.

So, no one suspected his scam, and it just happened.

There is no other reason than lack of efficiency.

If this continues, the efficiency is too low. Li Ozi can't stand the mediocre life. The more he integrates with Leozi, the more he understands and respects Leozi's understanding - no, it's better to say that they are. A person is just returning to the right path.

They are destined to be ardent advocates of efficiency and reject laziness and indolence.

Now, people are forced to stay away from the city-state and have to embark on a journey, and the colonial clones stored by Li Ozi with them can locate their coordinates as long as they get close.

You have to take some risks to grow quickly.

Of course, this is all secondary.

The most important point is: if the secret method Lucite gave him was used in front of so many people, let alone the rumor that he was carrying a treasure - his life would be over.

Li Aozi was full of wine and food, and put away the tableware. While doing so, he muttered:

"What a pity. It will be at least thirty years before we have another chance to eat food with Blue Star taste."

However, thirty years has come a lot faster.

If it is a normal process, he will have to stay here for at least 3 to 4 versions. If something unexpected happens, it may even be 5 versions. Accumulated, it may even exceed 100 years.

Li Ozi couldn't bear this long dormancy. Even though he had the lifespan of an immortal species, he still couldn't tolerate laziness.

We must attack immediately.

The spirit covered the earth, Li Aozi confirmed that there was no one else around, and the signal of the colonial clone was completely out of the range of perception.

"very good."

In this way, it is completely safe.

Li Ozi took out the scroll Lucite gave him from the dimensional space and slowly unfolded it. The scroll had no words. The power of magic quickly escaped and entered directly into his consciousness space, showing a lifelike image in his mind. Picture and sound:

"It should be noted that the combination of the Tao and the physical body requires a very long time. Its essence does not lie in the depth of the Tao's power, nor in one's personal understanding of the Tao. If the Tao is only regarded as a source of power, then They have greatly misunderstood the nature of the path.”

"What is the Tao? In the final analysis, the Tao is a system, a system used to screen, witness, record, and give feedback to mortals' abilities so that they can gradually match the attitude of 'gods'."

"So, how do you make a system quickly and fully integrate into itself? Do you rely on slow interpretation and using the unbearable memory to read and analyze the disk? No, this is too slow."

Li Ozi grinned, lit up the arcane missile in his left hand, and aimed it at his temple:

"It is to load the system directly on the body before it leaves the factory, and then transfer our own data to it."

[Arcanum Missile Launch]

"Speaking human words is..."


"Directly seize an embryo from Jingyuan."

[You committed a suicide act, and the entire body’s reproductive survival system was shut down...]

【You are dead】

[The Lai'an Agreement takes effect - you have been resurrected]

[You have turned off the whole body reproductive system]

【You are dead】

[The Lai Ding Agreement takes effect...]

[You activated [Weak Force], destroying all telomeres in your body, and your life span is exhausted]



[You have exhausted all opportunities for resurrection, and your soul is freed from the shackles of the body]

Ice cold.

[You can feel that your body is receiving a strong call - the abyss! The land of reincarnation is calling you to dive. 】

The vaguely visible system subtitles were suddenly refreshed, and a line of eye-catching red and black characters was deeply imprinted on the system panel:

[Talent·Zero Point Entropy Destruction Activates! 】

"Whenever your lifespan reaches its limit, you can be reincarnated by returning to your original baby state."

Effect: Each reincarnation will fully optimize one's attributes and eliminate negative effects.

Linked to the "Leanding Optimization Protocol": After three consecutive deaths, you can be reincarnated directly in the nearest baby and return to your strongest state within fifty sidereal years.

[Do you want to choose to reincarnate in the latest baby? 】


Li Ozi was once unable to disobey, and regarded protection and love as his principles. He once lost his partner and Nomi for a baby, and let a certain unlucky and stupid elder sister die tragically at the hands of a fake.

He had already sacrificed a lot for the baby.

Now, Li Ozi is going against this principle.

"Long live efficiency, my friend."

His spiritual will stretched forward without hesitation, like a hammer, hitting the screen solidly.

[Welcome to Hao Entropy and never give up]

A large number of historical fragments passed by before our eyes, which seemed to be the legendary revolving lantern.

Li Ozi (Galaxy Era 221~268), male, lv.180 [Yuexian Bishop], former president of the White Candle Autonomous State, hero of the Layer Abyss battle, continuously resisted [social] invasion, and liberated the Blue Star from Lord Entropy. The first azure star to enter the star abyss, the first azure star to experience diving.

He has a family member who is not a friend, [Confrontation] Mired, who is the clone of his biological father, Li Mingji, Sides.

Current status: dead

If you only look at these, it seems that all of this is like the timeline previewed by Mr. Entropy.

The legend, the glory, then ended sadly and disappeared quietly.

However, when the red and black evil spirits spread out from the soul and continuously searched the earth, Li Ozi knew: Lord Entropy has never failed.

On the contrary, Mr. Entropy was not defeated by him, but chose a higher standard of victory:

Fight side by side with him!

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