From star abyss

Chapter 868 083 Dragon

Chapter 868 083. Dragon

They appear to be rare talents, and one of them is a secretive councilman.

This is indeed quite interesting. Was it sent by the [Emperor]? This group of people is united in their commitment to destruction. If they choose to assassinate themselves, the mediator between narrative and [society], it is indeed in line with their values.

What a pity, what Xingyuan lacks most is genius.

"It's time to finish."

She raised her hand and parted the wind in front of her.


Galina subconsciously narrowed her eyes.

What greeted her were two fiery figures.

"Social Institution" Dracula Coat of Arms

The blood quickly spread out and clustered into countless spikes like flames. As a pair of scarlet vertical pupils opened, a roaring dragon fluttered its wings and descended.

[Fresh Demonic Iron King]

Red thunder intertwined, molten iron made armor, and spiral horns descended into the world with a dusty curse. He held his hand in the void, and the metal from all directions was allowed to be driven by him, and all of it was sucked into the furnace on his chest.

The blood sintered and solidified it, the heartbeat forged it into shape.

The big steel hand grabbed the hilt of the sword protruding from his chest and pulled it out.


The monstrous sea of ​​fire swept across the earth in an instant, and molten gold fell like raindrops!

Rain of gold, scarlet earth.

"It looks like this..."

Faced with such a scene, Galina couldn't help but be touched.

"This feeling is simply..."

Long Yuqiong flapped its wings gently, bathed in the shining iron water, and cast a deep dark shadow over the entire space.

Destroy hahahahahahaha...


When Galina heard the evil laughter, she couldn't help but protect her arms and murmured:

"It is really……"

On the face of the sheep head, sixteen eyes burst out with ferocious killing intent, and the most primitive cruelty and evil breath in the world quickly spread across the earth.

"In the name of Sharptooth."

Leos' visor cracked at his mouth, revealing a ferocious laugh:

"We hammer and forge the world!"



“It’s just – awesome!”

Galina raised her head, holding her crimson cheeks with both hands, her eyes bursting with unprecedented excitement:

"Awesome, I just love it!"

She licked the corners of her mouth, and there were platinum dragon scales around her eyes:

"Strong, domineering, not touched by my beauty in the slightest, absolutely loyal to my mission - ah, I like this!"

Facing the two men in full fighting postures, the smell of fire and molten iron floating in the air was clearly the fragrant smell of blood and hormones.

Dragon faction·Turbulence scoundrel fight!

Leoz turned the hilt of the sword and stayed still, setting off waves of surging sword energy heat waves.

Tiger Sect·King Kong Demon Subduing Fist!

Long Yuqiong clenched his dragon claws, and a statue of an angry-looking Vajra appeared behind him, and he punched brazenly.

"I really haven't been this excited for a long time!"

Galina held the shirt on her chest with one hand, spit out the forked letter, and her breathing gradually became heavier:

"Let's have a good time with others. If you are killed by me - I will kill you!"


Galina tore off her clothes, and the fragments of clothes in the sky immediately turned into pink cherry blossoms, and the wind rose up, surrounding her figure.

"(Dragon language) sky, power, sun."

The moment Leoz and Long Yuqiong's attacks hit, the sphere surrounded by cherry blossoms instantly collapsed!

Bang buzz——————

The violent explosion was neutralized by the shock wave of blooming cherry blossoms.

Buzz... buzz...

During a burst of tinnitus, countless cherry blossoms fell, and a beautiful and stunning pink phantom appeared silently in the sky.

"That's..." Long Yuqiong was surprised: "Is there such an ability?"

Leoz glanced at the battle log.

[Gelina Waterwhirlpool casts the "Dragon Transformation Technique\

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