From star abyss

Chapter 870 085 Canghong Mess

Chapter 870 085. Crimson mess

There are [Redemption] players like Silverston in their team, and they can rub a resurrection beacon at any time. Yu Tianxiao will only lose the current experience, and redeploy to the beacon position, and continue practicing in Xingyuan. .

Therefore, the remaining combat time is only 17 minutes.

"Glena must be taken away within 17 minutes."

Xia Yubing took a look at the traffic situation:

"Long Yuqiong, the true general, reports on the battlefield situation."


The giant dragon transformed by Long Yuqiong and Tianying Dragon started a fierce chase in the air.

The dragon embodied in the "Social Institution" Dracula's coat of arms is called the Romanian Blood Dragon. It flies very fast and can barely catch up with the Tianying Dragon.

But this is just catching up.

One after the other, the two figures quickly swept across the ground. The shock waves they set off collided with the cherry blossom blades. The Tianying Dragon suddenly pulled up, swung its long spoked tail like a shark, and quickly hit the latter on the head. , sweeping the opponent hundreds of meters away.

"Olop, Yol, Suon! (Wild, Spiked, Spurting)!"

Galina didn't leave any chance for the latter to react. The moment she turned around gracefully, she completed the use of dragon language magic.

【Crazy Heart Thorn Death Tide】

The strings of nature were plucked, and the atmosphere became her slave. They quickly gathered into pitch-black spears and spread an endless black tide in the air, like muscles undulating, spreading towards the depths of the sky.

Tiger Faction·Hengshan Jin!

The energy penetrated his whole body, and Long Yuqiong instantly regained control of his body, accelerated his sprint, folded his wings, and formed a spray canister, like the vector nozzle of a fighter jet, continuously spraying a large amount of energy backwards.

"Huh? It's really sad that a majestic dragon can use its wings as a jet plane."

Gelina made a casual criticism.

However, regardless of whether it is sad or not, this spiral sprint method obviously increases the speed. Long Yuqiong coolly sprays out his energy, increasing his speed again and again, until he pulls out a dazzling comet trajectory in the air, attracting the sharp black tide towards him. He gave chase.

"'s pretty fast."

Galina tapped her chin and tilted her head.

"Spoce, Jusa, Surl (space, jump, binoculars)"

The next moment, Long Yuqiong's pupils shrank.

Sixty-meter-long flower-scale wings suddenly opened in front of him. The delicate and delicate dragon head smiled at him, and violent energy gathered on its forked tongue.

Sudden! Sudden! Sudden!

He gritted his teeth and rolled continuously in the air to avoid the series of cherry blossom fireballs sprayed by Tianyinglong. He suddenly spread his wings, relied on the wind to slow down, canceled the charged forward swing, faced Tianyinglong, and opened his mouth.

boom! ! !

The bright red dragon's breath blasted out with thick smoke, hitting Tianyinglong's chest head-on, but for that gorgeous armor, it couldn't even cause the surface membrane to deteriorate.

However, the purpose of this dragon breath has been achieved.


The black smoke was separated by the cherry-red dragon claws, and the blazing heat did not hurt her claws at all.

"Let me see, where are you going to escape to-"

As soon as Galina's delicate dragon head poked out, a wave of heat that was more anxious than the dragon's breath hit her face instantly.

【Lord of Gold and Iron】

【Armed Empire】

Dragon Faction·Surge of Demonic Qi

Leoz's figure rushed into the field of vision, and the ferocious and evil armor covered the demon's shadow.

Facing Galina who was rushing towards him, Leoz raised his right hand high.

Recruit arcane energy·[Gravity]—a ten thousand-fold increase!

Recruiting arcane energy·[Electromagnetic Force]—Strengthening the magnetic field!

Recruit arcana·[Weak force]——Atomic decay!

"Fucking gravitational acceleration—break it for me!"

A large amount of metal was recruited and gathered into a huge shadow, and the energy was poured into it to form a burning giant sword. The plumes of electric light and radiation scattered and impacted, and it slashed towards her front!

"Oh, that's really interesting."

Galina's pupils shrank slightly, but she still said calmly:

"Duva, Haiu (shock, desolation)..."

Dragon language spells basically only require three words to work. No matter how you look at it, the huge sharp blade will not be able to pronounce words as fast as her.

However, just as the third word was about to be uttered, a shout suddenly burst out in the distance:

"How can I let you get what you want!"

Wolf Faction·Group Hunting

A flying blade was thrown out and settled in front of Leoz, protecting Leoz's figure.

Pale energy instantly rose up from the flying blade, and a heavily armed light-armored warrior broke through the white mist and burst out of it. He slashed with long swords and short knives at the same time, hitting Galina's throat directly.


Although it was just an insignificant impact, it actually interrupted Galina's singing, and she didn't even catch a breath. Galina subconsciously raised her hands to cover her neck.

At this moment, the door to her left opened wide.

"It's time to counterattack!" Xia Yu said coldly: "The second team is dispatched and capture her immediately!"


Caramel Snail walked silently into the battlefield, holding a long sword in each hand and waving the swords in a brilliant light.

Whale Faction·Hai Sheng Ten Thousand Powers - within fifteen seconds, the power is unlimited!

Whale faction·wave attack!

No unnecessary operations are required. The characteristic of the Whale Style is its endless offensive.

The waves hit!

The waves hit!

The waves hit!

A series of blue sword lights were slashed out, and the heavy impact of the energy dazzled Galina. She casually released a group of small fireballs, but they were also dodged and blocked by Ye Zhanjian one after another.

Long Yuqiong's wings spread out, bringing up a turbulent vortex, killing him in an instant.

Longxiang's sky-shattering strike!

Pure impact, brutal violence, and raw physical damage bring the most direct effect.

Galina was hit squarely by this blow, breaking her balance and causing her huge body to lean backwards.

Normally, this would not be a problem at all, but the problem is: at this moment, the giant sword that penetrates the world has fallen.


The giant sword slashed and smashed the proud Tianlong down from the sky, and the blazing flames turned the floor into lava.

Leoz flicked his arm and released the control of the giant sword. Countless metals instantly shattered into slag and floated into the sky, while Leoz rushed straight towards the giant dragon on the ground.

Xia Yubing saw the battle situation and said quickly:

"Time is running out, start plan 2, true general."

【Plan 2——】


Leoz landed heavily on Galina's chest. He gathered strength with his hands and struck down one after another, making two distinct dents in the dragon scales.

【Armed Empire】

Seeing that his chest was unable to break through the defense, Leoz stood up and waved his hand, and the scattered metal fragments once again condensed into a huge blunt object.

【——Sniper hostage! 】


The Fire of the Origin attached to it, and the hammer head covered with spikes burned fiercely. Leoz grabbed the skull-crushing sledgehammer with both hands, and suddenly smashed it towards Galina's head!

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