From the Bird

Chapter 417: The taste of the world is difficult

"What happened?"

There is a strange glow in Zao Yu's eyes, and even though the fox wife and ghost owl are paradoxical, it is also common for generations of demon monsters such as Dragon Tiger Zao.

But according to the mother's statement, his son Wang Sheng was a hundred households from Liupin, a court general, and even more meritorious. This matter was sloppy.

"Are you the mother of King Shijimen Baibaihu?"

The mother rushed to her knees: "Sure enough, the adult casts the haste quickly, lowers the fox ghost, saves my child, saves my child."

"You follow me! I told Dujian the original words you had just said!"

He pulled the prince's wrist and saw no action. With only a blink of an eye, he reached the inner hall. The queen mother was still faint, but he saw a majestic man in a blue and purple robe standing in the courtyard.

"Stop it!"

Zao Yi waved his hand.

The Queen Mother said it again.

The local dragon and tiger supervisors in Jiaozhou have the surname of Cao. These days, the Wuxian troubled the Bohai Sea, but today they ushered in a case of a fox wife and ghost.

Cao Du listened and pointed at the Queen Mother: "Let me ask you, how long have you been with the Hu Family, the Cai Family, and the night and day, how can you not see the slightest clue?"

The mother kneeled on the ground and repeatedly buckled her head: "The civilian woman has no eyes to see the fetus, she really does not know the fox ghost changes. My child was fascinated by the vicious female ghost, and she lost her mind, and joined forces to conceal my old lady. . "

Cao Dujian smiled lightly: "Every day and night, we have the same feelings, the fox ghost has no roots, how can there be no flaws? In my opinion, it is your woman who covets her fortune and diligently in the house, and she has the evil way."

The queen's face was bleak: "It's the mistresses who are confused, the mistresses are confused. Just ask the grown-ups to kill the two demon wives and save my child from fire and water."

"Let me ask your name?"

"Mistress, Mistress Lei's."

Cao Dujian nodded: "Lei, your son Wang Sheng knows that fox ghosts are harmful to people, but he deceives him. As a court official, he has triggered the law. You must come first and go to Jianshoumen to identify your son. "

Ray's frightened: "This matter has nothing to do with my son!"

"It has nothing to do with it. Of course, the government will decide. You come with me!"


The main director of Jiansi Yamen, the newly appointed ambassador to Huang Longzhi, has just been transferred from Beijing. He is a scholar of two ranks, and has also worked as an editor at the Hanlin Academy. His resume is bright and his future is bright. He went to North Korea to be a party. The grain officer in the military town is a high temper.

"Go, call Wang Baihu on duty."

Huang Longzhi, who leans against the blue dragon painting, said.

"Yes, sir."

Zao Ding was ordered to leave, and Huang Long looked to Cao Dujian and Lei's side.

"Supervisor Cao, the matter of fox ghosts was originally a division of Tianshidao, and the company's princes had no right to participate. It was only Wang Sheng, but it was my subordinate. Could you please let everyone in the doorway avoid it and leave Mrs. Lei Just fine. "

Cao Dujian was hesitant: "This is not compliant. If Wang Shengming knew about the fox ghost, but he deceived him and refused to report it, according to my Daming ..."

He was halfway talking, noticed Huang Longzhi's burning eyes, and suddenly shut up.

"Then, there is Mr. Huang and Mrs. Huang. Su Wen's new appointment has made Mr. Huang righteous and believes in Wang Sheng. Mr. Huang will give me a satisfactory account of Longhu Mountain."

After Cao Dujian and others walked clean, Huang Longzhi looked at Lei again: "Old lady, I will ask you to answer later, you will answer again, and Modo will say half a word."

He paused: "For your son's future."

Lei Shi nodded in a hurry: "It must be."

Soon after, Wang Sheng entered the hall and first visited his Shangguan Huang Longzhi before he looked at Lei's suddenly; "Mother, why are you here?"

Lei's experience of the successive battles has long been lacking in the backbone, she looked bleak and did not dare to speak.

One of Huang Long shot the case with a harsh and harsh look: "Bold Wang Sheng, you are not strict in governing the family, but let the fox be the head of the family, and the female ghost be the son of a child, what crime should you take!"

Wang Sheng's pupils contracted, and he hurried to his knees.

"You evil! Listen!" Lord Huang opened his eyes in angrily: "Your fox wife and ghost ghost has now let the mage of Longhu Mountain frustrate his ashes, and he will never be born again, and it will be safe for your family!"

When Wang Sheng heard this sentence, he felt that his heart was pierced, and an indescribable hot air stream fell straight into his intestines. He clenched his fists subconsciously, and then quickly released it blankly.

"I ask you, you have to answer honestly!"

Huang Longzhi aggravated the tone: "Do you know the story of the fox wife and the ghost?" Or do you not know?

Lei's mouth was opened, scared by Huang Longzhi's eyes.

Wang Sheng's heart was dead and his voice was weak: "Master, returning to work, knowing the humility."

Huang Longzhi pinched the case on the table and pressed the anger: "Wang Sheng, you know the Ming Dynasty Law, civil and military officials who are not killed by the demon, will be eighty, and flow three thousand miles."

"Master Uighur, you know me."

Wang Sheng replied unchanged.

Lei Shi couldn't help but fell to his knees to Huang Longzhi: "Sir, my son was fascinated by the two bitches, and then he talked nonsense.

"Mother, rhinoceros and Azusa are not sluts, and I'm not obsessed with mind."

Wang Sheng's eyes were dim, but his waist was very straight.

"I was a poor and low-ranking military family. Only with the help of noble men did I gain a little bit of military skill in North Korea. My clothes are rich, my family is flourishing, my family is my wife, and my family is good. It ’s a fox ghost, but I do n’t know how many people are better than this world. The husband and wife are deeply affectionate. Today, my wife and concubine were killed. I should have vengeful revenge. However, she and the two died of official law. That's it. "

Huang Longzhi sneered abruptly: "I thought you were a responsible and flamboyant man. I didn't expect to be such a greedy person. You lost three thousand miles and your mother was unsupported. Bao, this is infidelity. A person who is unfaithful and filial, dare to talk about affection? "

Wang Sheng was silent, his expression seemed loose.

Lei's hastily urged: "My son, don't be confused anymore, Master Huang, this is desperate to let you go! Think of your illness, those two evildoers are killing you!"

The look of Huanglong slightly eased, but Wang Sheng's body trembled, all kinds of things came to mind in the past, and the taste was mixed for a while.

The heart of the bereavement of the young, the mother's hard teachings, seriously wounded the fear of dying in a foreign country, the wrath of killing the enemy, the joy of honor, the dilemma of love and filial piety ...

The eyes that Azi looked forward to, the rhinoceros smiled enthusiastically, and the young child cried ...

He clenched his fists, and then he said: "I was born unfaithful, so I lost three thousand miles, filial piety, and deceived my mother. It is difficult to do both. Don't even have a little bit of love and spirit. , Just ask for justice. "

Lei screamed sharply, "You son of a son, don't even listen to your mother's words!"

Wang Sheng closed his eyes in pain, but his tone remained firm: "A mother gave birth to me, but I came first."

Huang Long's hands and feet were cold, and he gritted his teeth: "It's just coveting Wenxiang nephrite, but he still makes such a sense of righteousness. I originally thought that you had the battle skills, since you are stubborn! Good! Good! Come! "

Some soap was listening.

"Let Zuo Qianhu lead the team, assist Dragon Tiger Humen to kill the two evildoers, and press the little beast to go together. What happens after that is entirely handled by Dragon Tiger Humen, and you do n’t need to report it to Jiansi Humen!"

Wang Sheng's eyes moved lightly.

He was locked up on both sides by military service, and he just kept his head down and didn't speak.

"Take it! Take it!"

Huang Longzhi broke the tea bowl and was desperate.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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