From the Bird

Chapter 450: Fire slaughter

Xue Shengza's resilience was gone. The soldiers who entered the museum ran over and rushed to the two main officials in front of them. "Master Zhu, Dudu Xue, Houye's body ... found."

This person was told to stop talking, Zhu Chang had a headache with luck, and said unhappyly, "Have something to say."

"Hou Ye died on the bed, with some books scattered around him. It should have been left by the thief."

Xue Shengzao asked, "What account book?"

Zhu Changyun's response was not unpleasant. He interrupted the soldier's answer: "I see, you go down first."


When the soldiers turned and left, Xue Shengzao glanced at Zhu Changyun, and said with a sneer: "Sir, the cabinet and your Majesty will bother to ask what is happening at the moment. Why should the thief kill Xiaohouye? Do you dare to pretend? "

Zhu Changyun groaned for a moment and replied: "The current situation is turbulent and the Chaogang is unstable. It is not appropriate to involve too much and make things happen. Your Majesty, I dare not deceive, but it is the responsibility of the courtier to share the worry for your Majesty."

Xue Shengzao only arched his hand and did not speak.

Zhu Changyun said, Li Yan who stood up and couldn't stop coughing: "Li Zhenfu, this is the end, shaking the field sooner or later. It is a lifeless achievement that you kill the pig-poron dragon king alone. You can condone the subordinates who commit this crime. It is also difficult to escape the blame in the case. Is it due to the merits of the merits, or to present the details in front of the sacred car, and let His Majesty decide?

Pig Poron has been cured, and the local prefecture, Zhixian County, has died again. The chief officer present is no bigger than Zhu Changyun, and he is also qualified as the principal.

Throughout the dynasties, the killing officers all rebelled in the same way. Besides, the investigation knife killed so many officials, as well as a national marquis. If it was not Li Yan's shoulder to **** the Dragon Tiger Banner, Zhu Changyun would not have taken the attitude of Dragon Tiger Mountain. He even dared to send Li Yan to prison.

Li Yan nodded: "So, I will stay here for a longer period of time, waiting for His Royal Decree."

"Okay! A few of you, show me inside."

Several elite soldiers gathered Zhu Chang into the Tianfei Pavilion. If Xue Shengzao took a deep look at Li Yan, he followed Zhu Chang's departure. The remaining soldiers were also dispatched separately.

There were few people on the street, and only Li Yan was left.

Cao Yongchang took advantage of Mo Houguang's attention and rushed out. He ran to Li Yan and licked his lips. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

When Li Yan saw Cao Yongchang, he stretched out a finger at him: "You don't have to ask anything. I looked at him and couldn't go together. Are you going with me or are you looking for him?"


Cao Yongchang was speechless. If he was usually asked to choose, he would choose Cha Xiaodao without saying a word. But Li Yan now asked him face to face, but he was speechless.

For a long time, Cao Yongchang's expression changed, and Li Yan was a little impatient: "Mother-in-law, go with me and go back to Chen Yuewu's boat, and follow him to ride a flying mine to chase, and now you can catch up."

Did Cao Yongchang look to the ruins everywhere, remembering in his mind, these days Mohouguang told him, Chen Ke's two fish-fish people, Zhejiang officialdom stunned, the people's livelihood was dark ... He swayed in his chest, and looked at Li Yan , Bowed intricately to him.

"You have completed the special Yan Fu incident: Biography of Eternity!"

"Contents of the biography: Book Tensions in The Sword of Double Swords, Book Tensions in The Legend of Jinguang Xia Ke, Book Tensions in Liu Mazi's Novels, and One of the Double Swords in the Biography of Two Swords."

Yan Fu incident completed evaluation: Daji.

[When the Yan Fu incident was settled, your purchase authority was increased. 】

Cao Yongchang stooped and said sincerely: "Thanks to Uncle Li for taking care of me these days, Yongchang's inferiority has caused you trouble."

"Well, go. Remember to practice the exercises sooner or later."

Li Yan's eyes opened and closed.

Cao Yongchang wiped his face, and Fei Leima strolled over. He grabbed the saddle, landed on the horse sharply, and clasped his neck with his hands.

Fei Lei hissed, and his hoof went out of town.

Li Yan did not care about him anymore, and approached the Tianfei Pavilion.


In the twenty-seven years of Wanli, there are many things in the world. Dragon Tiger Mountain was invaded by the Tian Yao, and Tian Yi Zhang Yichu was forced to close the mountain and thank the guests. He also urgently called 108 Dragon Tiger Banners to Jiangxi, causing the fox ghost to throb and the wild gods disturbed. In addition, there are revolts by the toasts of Guizhou, Bailian teaches something, and the floods in the southeast ...

When the court was in dire straits, it involved a story that said it was big, which was not very big compared with the previous few things, but that it was small, and it was not small.

A murderer in Zhejiang resorted to martial arts to slaughter fifty or more Changgu gentry and domestic servants, and even broke into the county publicly, killing seven local disaster relief officials, including Wu Keyang, the prefect of Shipin, and Li Fukai, the prince of Huaian. The cruelty of the act and the bad case are sensational!

In the official documents of the Dragon Tigers, the man frequently mentioned that this man made good use of a black demon fire to make the double swords and the hundred soldiers look casual, and he was a wicked evil who did not blink. He seized three dragon and tiger flags himself, and the Heavenly Master spell did not work for him, and it was already difficult to hunt. Then the name of "fire slaughter" spread far and wide, and it became a popular figure after the green tea in the six southern provinces.

Even among the monsters and monsters in Kannai, Cha Xiaodao broke into the huge name.

After all, this is the world of most people, the world of government. Killing officials and killing the marquis are the things that most of the cultivating demon gods and wild gods, or strangers with natural supernatural powers could not even imagine.

The gangsters are savagely murdered.

The matter involves a lot of people. In addition to the court's face, the honorable relatives and nobles in Nanjing City are also enemies, and they have written to demand that the case be severely punished and the "fire slaughter" be punished.

The Emperor of God personally asked, and the sea-catching documents of Cha Xiaodao were immediately sent to all prefectures and counties. The prestigious Longhu soap battles in the world were badly arrested, and even Jingshi Tiqi dispatched to join the hunt for the "fire slaughter" Cha Xiaodao. In the ranks.

Just a few days later, Chen Ke's various evil behaviors were turned out, and rumors of disaster officials' corruption and abuses were also uproar. In these stories, "Fire Slaughter" has become a chivalrous man in addition to violence. This story has also been supported and acknowledged by more ordinary people.

On the sixth day of August, Yang Yinglong, a toast who had caused chaos in Guizhou, set himself on fire and died. The mighty battle of Bozhou came to an end, and a large number of elite soldiers forced the division back to the North.

On the ninth day of August, Zhang Tianwei, who had thousands of households in the Shenji camp and had "leopard head inspection", died in Ganzhou, and he saw that the nineteen flags that could be sent to Longhu Mountain disappeared. Some people say that these banners were snatched by Jinshan ancestors.

The death of Zhang Tianwei also marks that in addition to Shaanxi, Guangzhou and other long-lost flag guard teams, and Liaodong Li Yan who remained on standby in Ningbo, sent by the Yemen of the 13 provinces of Beijing, a total of The Sixteenth Road Banner Guard Team has been annihilated, and more than 80 dragon and tiger flags have flowed into the people.

On the same day, the Governor of Zhejiang Province, Fu Fuhai, led a soldier to besiege Bailian to teach the demon. The thief, Zhao Yiping, was killed, two of them were killed by the four major protectors, and two were missing. Into climate.

On the 11th, the reward and will of the God Emperor arrived in Zhejiang, and a lot of praise was given to Wei Fuhaiping for his meritorious service. The officials and the people of Zhejiang did not disappoint the emperor's grace, and only mentioned in the last sentence that they must guard against evil and high achievements Daning Weizuo Zhenzhen immediately fought Li Yan and escorted the dragon and tiger banner to Longhu Mountain.

As for Li Yanzhang's credit for killing the pig king, as well as for condoning the murders of his subordinates, nothing was mentioned.

Chang Guo's official residence.

"Your Majesty really said that?"

Zhu Changyun was unwilling.

In front of Zhejiang Fu Weihai's relatives.

"Yes, that's what the decree wrote."

Zhu Changyun looked at Xue Shengzao, who only drank tea but didn't speak, and said negatively, "Presumably, His Majesty made this decision. Did Taiyige blow a lot of wind?"

Xue Shengzao shook his head: "I'm just a supervisor of Jiupin. I haven't seen a few high-gong faces in the Taiyi Pavilion. I don't know so much. Besides, what is the intention of the emperor?

He Shi Ran stood up and rushed to the soldiers: "You go back to the Governor, you already know this. Master Zhu and I went to the door and asked Li Zhen to **** the Longhu banner to Zhejiang."

"The villain retires first."

The soldier turned and left.

Zhu Changyun stared at Xue Shengzao, and Xue Shengzao raised his hand: "Please, Master Zhu."

"My official is unwell, so I have entrusted Xue Du to the full authority."

Zhu Changyun said that he patted the table, but he just ignored the other party and went to the backyard.

Xue Shengzao didn't care, and said with a smile: "So, let me take this trip myself."

Having said that, he walked out of the gate of the official residence.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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