From the Bird

Chapter 596: Hundreds of contentions

A gust of gusts passed through the sweltering tunnel.

Wushan exited the air-raid shelter along the cobblestone all the way, suddenly suddenly bright in front of it, it is a steep cliff, the cobblestone road turned sharply down, and looked far away, in the distance was a black ruins.

Wu Shan jumped off the cliff without saying a word.


"Brother, where are you taking me?"

"The woman has gone far, why don't you let me go and run away. I promise you that she won't embarrass you."

Zheng Jinghong's eyes could not see things, he could only vaguely feel that he was telling mobile.

He swallowed: "Just do me a favor? If Yan Zhao would miss me this time, then it would be a real steal."

Li Yan looked ahead, and the scenery on both sides quickly retreated: "You are the Sixth Division, the backbone of Yan Zhaohui, are they really willing to exclude you from Yan Zhaohui?"

"It used to be okay, but Zhu Jiuyin always believed in the result. He returned to Yan Zhaohui and wouldn't let me make it up."

"I can help you by sending you to the meeting first. But you have to promise me a condition."

"Help you choose Shanling for the second seat?"


Li Yan laughed and did not deny it.

"..." Zheng Jinghong was silent for a while: "I can promise you, but IMHO, Shan Ling is doomed to enter the second seat this time."

"Do everything you can, and listen to destiny."

Li Yan shrugged.

"Okay, as long as you can send me to the venue, my vote must be voted for Shan Ling."

"It's all about."

The Dodge Tomahawk burst into a roar.

Dozens of Sudu birds flew up into the sky, searching around Yan Fu's walking trails, and looking carefully, each Sudu bird had a black ring wrapped around its neck.

The tactical spider on Li Yan's right arm raised a thumb-sized pot-shaped satellite in time. Nearly a hundred blue-framed holographic screens appeared in front of Li Yan, showing the landscape of most of the ruins. At the same time that the map needs to be carefully identified, driving a high-speed Mercedes-Benz motorcycle in the ruins is also a laborious task, but Li Yan is familiar with it.

The modified Dodge Tomahawk already has a map recording instrument, which can leave the satellite of the Black Star chariot in the Winter World, which is basically scrap iron.

After Li Yan's technological advancement this time, he took the time to buy related equipment from the personal auction house and converted it into a ring-shaped launcher. The advantage of this is that he can allow Sudu birds to project the picture from a long distance without It is necessary to observe the enemy from a close distance, which can largely avoid the casualties caused to Sudu birds in abnormal environments or facing highly perceptive opponents.

It must be emphasized that the cobblestone road will only pass through the field of tolerance soil and appear in front of Yan Fu's retina.

In other words, Sudu birds, and even all the more powerful investigative methods, are unable to capture the existence of cobblestone roads, and the exploration horizon of the forbearing soil is far inferior to that of ordinary people, so most of them walk The cobblestone road must be followed in order to find the entrance to the venue.

But Li Yan didn't need to use Sudu bird to find the cobblestone road, he only needed to find a place where several Yan Fu walked the conflict.

such as……

Li Yan turned his head and rushed towards the black ruins.

The sound of explosions and skimmings came one after another

The twinkling cold man's blades collided with each other, two shadows with unclear outlines entangled in everything, shuttled between the large and small ruins, and finally, after a crisp metal sound, one of the shadows fell to the ground and cracked into full The dead body wrapped in rotten bandages, and the black-handled sword broke into two pieces.

He defeated his shadow and stormed into the air. He held two cyan thick-ridged willow-leaf daggers and chased the back, but he was surrounded by a bright knifelight in front of him!

The two-handed dagger was forced to helplessly and had to stagnate.

In front of his eyes stood two open upright mahogany coffins, one of which was empty. Only saw a swift blade of light split in person.

In the other coffin stood a corpse with yellow runes and black bandages. In the blink of an eye, the corpse opened his eyes suddenly, tore the rune paper into his mouth, and then pulled out a sharp trowel more than one meter long from his mouth. Then he jumped into the air, turned into a sharp sword corpse, joined the battle group, and surrounded the two-handed dagger men.

During the fierce battle, the Short Swordman took a gap, looked up, and shuddered suddenly.

I saw that the same mahogany coffin was densely packed like a honeycomb, and I saw no fewer than a thousand in the past, as if I had entered the coffin forest.

Looking at the back again, I have already gone far.

"..." The pair of dagger-holding men's faces were utterly pale. Two willow daggers crossed into their mouths, and the tip of the tongue was covered with blood from the tongue. There were two copper-colored straight swords, like an unstoppable dragon. Arm width, 100 meters long, sweeping thousands of dead bodies no longer matter!

In front of the cobblestone road bouncing, is an ordinary girl wearing glasses with thick braids, her sword rising behind her, but the girl did not look back, leaving a red coffin all over the place, and scattered White paper money.

Gradually, she caught up with the man in front, an old man in sportswear.

The girl did not hesitate to pull out a piece of rune paper and aimed it at the old man. The red rune permeated Changhong, but the old man turned sharply and avoided it.

The girl still had to move. When the old man turned his right hand back and held it, four black fingerprints appeared on the girl's throat. She covered her neck in pain, and her whole body was uncontrolled.

The old man shook his arm and threw the girl into the rubble, running towards the entrance to the venue without any muddy water.

At this time, a faint mist started.

The old man was running like a tiger, leaping like an eagle, and after a while, the entrance to the venue was in front of him. He was overjoyed in his heart, but a heavy pressure came from his shoulders, forcing him into a shudder.

I saw on the shoulder of the old man, a dust that was barely visible to the naked eye, grew in the wind, but it was not visible at first. When it was mid-air, it was a white fat doll who turned around.

He looked only eight or nine years old, wearing a bright yellow peaked cap and carrying a cartoon schoolbag, and his immature face was full of peace.

Seeing that he was only one step away from the venue, a twist in the void forced him to go away. Then land smoothly.

The old and small entrance facing the end of the cobblestone was gloomy, and the thick mist had permeated the entire ruins.


Holding the two blood-colored swords, waving in the fog like two long dragons, the young man struck and killed the corpse with difficulty, and a dazzling golden lamppost behind him billowed the mist.

When the Swordmen turned back, they said nothing to the source of the golden lamppost.


The strong wind blew the fog around, and the golden lampposts did lose track, but the two swordsmen knew that they were empty, and two red long swords of 100 meters long moved like a hurricane in heavy fog.

Suddenly, the half-blooded girl with **** eyebrows and white feathers came to Shuangjianren's eyes. Before the young swordsmen changed their moves, the white feathered girl disappeared and was replaced by a frowning, tall and thin young man!

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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