From the Bird

Chapter 620: Lonely Sha!

The cell phone bell rang, and sitting at the desk, the embarrassed Chen Zhengcong pressed the answer button: "Zheng, what's the situation?"

"The Legal Department has formally prosecuted you, and the trial will begin two days later. Now a lot of evidence is against you, and it is difficult for me to plead guilty. Your Huamao Chairman Yang and Sir Zhong are forgetful of each other. If she is willing to come forward, there may be a turnaround. . "


"Mr. Chen? Are you listening?"

"I, I see. I'll call you later.

"it is good."


The pieces of the vase were splashing everywhere, Chen Zhengcong's eyes were red, and his chest was violently undulating.

After a while, he cleared his mood, and rummaged through the old books with various threads on a table.

"Want to drive me, don't even think about it! I have been with that old demon for five years. This is what I deserve, and I must take it back, **** ... hurt me ..."

For a long time, he saw a hand-written nameless note in the corner of his eye, and his spirit was suddenly shocked.

found it!

Chen Zhengcong was excited, and his wife held the yellow traditional characters on the book, and recognized them for a while.

"Body oil, Schisandra chinensis, locust puppet ..."

After reading Zheng Zhengcong, he turned on his laptop and sent an e-mail according to the materials in the book. Then stare at the screen, refresh the page almost ten seconds.

Finally, his e-mail was answered.


Replying to him was a red head.

Chen Zhengcong exhaled.

"I'll call you later. Give me things first."

He clicked the send button, and glanced at the line of text he marked out in red.

The cold sorrow is less resentful, and the life is lonely;

This is an early year when he told Yang Baojin privately that he could refer to the lonely shaman of the four-posted god, Lord Kefu. In addition, Judy is rich and rich, and there is more Lu Xing in the life house. Its evil spirit is far from being lonely. It is already called the "purple gas praying mantis" in the photo book. It will swallow up all the blessings of the partner.

Her dead ghost husband, Sir Deng, is the life of a rich man, but it is already the life of a wealthy man, but he still can't resist this evil. Not only has he died young, but his riches have been absorbed by the solitary concubine. To be able to break this fierceness must be a fierce and jealous person who is extremely dangerous. Such a person may not be born for hundreds of years. In other words, Yang Baojin is doomed to loneliness.

Such a desperate person would report, be cruel and ruthless, have a city house, and be blessed with high stars. Chen Zhengcong was originally unwilling to compete with Judy, but now the knife holder is around his neck, and Chen Zhengcong can't think of a trick.

No matter how expensive the life is, it is also a layman, and it is difficult to escape from some unusual magic.

After a while, Chen Zhengcong received the email again.

"Inspection and inspection, I think it's okay I will ship."

The email also included many photos. There are glass jars with yellow liquid and dried vines like medicinal materials, but the most evil one is a formal stillbirth, which is worthy of a stillbirth.

The computer screen glowed red, green, and green. After browsing, a sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Zhengcong's mouth: "Is this dead?"


"He Shao, I don't know how to do this. The man was obviously fine that day. Who knows how to eat a meal, he ..."

He Changhong was expressionless, and Boss Chen was rushing around beside him, sweating.

This is a simple hall of worship. On the table was an ashes ash with black and white photos of Pei Dongsheng, and a charcoal brazier was on the ground. Except for He Chen and two others, an old man in a black gown with a crane and chicken skin was sitting next to the Eight Immortals table, silently adding money to the brazier. .

That day, Pei Dongsheng uttered a shocking statement. Not only did he calculate the troubles of He Changhong's business, he also asserted that his father was seriously ill, and he and the two were convinced to this young Pei master Xin Yue. Why Jazz is healing, who wants to catch up.

It turned out that Pei Dongsheng only drove out of the Golden Dragon Building that day and collided with a heavy truck in front of him. He died on the spot. Poor this iron mouth broke off the number of dignitaries and nobles, but it failed, but suffered a terrible death. know.


He Changhong walked around the house with his hands on his hips for a few laps and rushed to Boss Chen: "Now someone is dead, what should I do? He also received a deposit of 100,000 dollars. What about money ?!"

"Money is in the parcel."

The old man in the black coat stared at the brazier and suddenly spoke.

"I found it when I sorted out Dongsheng's relics. It should be your money. Take it back."

He Changhong converged and looked at the old man in black. Asking softly, "You are, Master Pei?"

"I'm his godfather."

The old man in the black coat barely stood up, struggling with a cane, and He Changhong found out that the old man was a bitch.

"What do you call it?"

The old man poured himself a glass of boiling water: "My name is Qian Wu, and they all call me Wu Shu. I have seen your business card. He is a big man. If you feel a loss, you can call me twenty five."

"What do you say, uncle Wu?"

He Changhong originally wanted to hold on a little bit more, but time was not waiting, he had to knock on side by side: "Well, uncle Wu, Master Pei, is this you ..."

"I have been guarding the corpse for more than 30 years in the funeral home. I know how to arrange the remains, and I know nothing about it. This child used to be an apprentice to the three-inch nail in Huang Daxian. You can ask the three-inch nail."


He Changhong poked his lips a little indifferently, and for a while, he said coldly, "Farewell."

"Walk slowly and bring the money in the parcel."

He Changhong raised his hand: "The juniors who just spoke will not speak. Uncle Wu should not be angry. The money will be used as a funeral fee for Master Pei."

"No power is not allowed." The old man was stubborn. "Get it back."

He Changhong ignored him and went straight out. Boss Chen followed.

"He Gongzi is really a bodhisattva heart. No matter how he says, Master Pei didn't do anything. He gave away 100,000 US dollars when he said it was sent. The atmosphere."

After getting out of the shop, the two got on the bus. Boss Chen gave a thumbs up to He Changhong with a smile.

"I'm just afraid of trouble. The old guy is old and his son is dead again. What kind of pension will he take? No? Huh."

He Changhong stepped on the accelerator and the car went to Huang Daxian District.

In the room, Uncle Wu held the tea pot until he drank all the white water in the pot. Then he opened the package on the table, took out the green dollars, and put them into the burning charcoal brazier.

The flame engulfed Franklin's head a little.

"In the past three years, you have been sexually promiscuous, for the sake of profit, to climb up, to step down, regardless of the lives of others. Now that you have been killed for no reason, it is cause and effect. I have a responsibility, Dongsheng, you know well, and you should be introspective. Become a useful person in the next life. "

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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