From the Bird

Chapter 647: Spirit Turtle

Rooftop of Yongji Building.

The moist wind blew gently. The dark clouds hit the middle of yesterday night, but the rain did not drop. By this morning, however, a cloud had disappeared.

"Uncle Wu, I have everything you need. When will the altar be opened?"

Yang Yan set up a jujube-shaped Eight Immortals table on the rooftop, facing the Pearl Tower. On the table was a brass incense burner, fresh fruit preserves and three cups of tea and wine, with red candles on both sides, a big paper horse, and pours. Several buckle sea bowls and yellow paper. A live turtle just out of the water, there is a burning charcoal brazier on the table.

Qian Wu washed his hands and smiled gently at Yang Yan: "Don't worry."

After that, Qian Wu placed the turtle on the table, and tapped on the turtle's back gently, and the turtle constricted in the shell cavity popped out of his head.


Qian Wu cleanly cut off the turtle's head. After half a bowl of turtle blood was poured, the dead turtle was thrown into the charcoal brazier next to it. Then take out a yellow note under the incense burner, pick up a cinnabar pen and drench the turtle's blood and brush a little on the paper, pinch one end of the yellow note to the brazier, ignite it, slap a handprint, and say something in your mouth:

"Taiyin metamorphoses, the essence of the water level, the virtual danger responds, and the tortoise transforms."

Then the wrist trembled, and the flames on the rune paper died out without wind. A plume of smoke rose and gathered in the air into a lifelike tortoise. It took a while to dissipate.

Qian Wu cut two pieces of this charred rune paper from the middle and folded them into two triangular amulets. He swallowed one of them into his mouth and motioned his eyes to Li Yan to step forward.

Li Yan swallowed subconsciously, but still took two steps forward, biting his head.

But Qian Wu did not let Li Yan swallow the amulet, but put the amulet into the pocket of Li Yan's chest, did not speak, and made an OK gesture.

Li Yan and Cha Xiaodao looked at each other and turned downstairs.

I couldn't help asking: "Uncle Wu, Lai Buyi can't crack the overlord's armor removal, you can do it with a single run?"

Qian Wu drummed his cheek and shook his head without saying a word.

Li Yan and Cha Xiaodao re-entered the eternal biographies, and Jin Guang wrapped both of them. Li Yan felt the hot pockets of the amulet hot. When he lowered his head, a living turtle protruded out of the pocket. This small skull Yi Yang uttered words, but it was Qian Wu's voice: "Going west, it is the Feng Shui Bureau's redemption. There are ambushes in other directions, which will cause vision attacks."


It is a pity that the skeleton general did not give Li Cha a chance to breathe. When he saw the golden biography of the ancient times, he reddened his eyes and pulled out the black saber to sweep over!

Li Yan and Cha Xiaodao jumped up from two directions to avoid the attack of the Qianjun. Li Yan subconsciously wanted to fight back and was stopped by Wushu.

"Don't move, go west of Yongji Building!"

Li Yan and Cha Xiaodao acted in accordance with the words. With the help of the complex terrain around them, a few flashes went to the west of the Yongji Building, and found that this was the dead end of the general's sword.

The skeleton general who was deeply trapped in the ground twisted his neck from side to side, but he couldn't cut the position of Li Yan at all. It roared, and a large purple-skinned dog on the handle leaped out, slamming against Li Yan!

The tortoise in Li Yan's chest exclaimed immediately: "Beware, this is Tengusha! The town is driven by evil, and once it is bitten by it, it will become difficult to deal with the ghost king of the climate."

Who would have thought that his voice had just fallen, Li Yan didn't move forward, bare hands and Tengu crashed into a ball!

On that day, the dog opened his mouth with blood and opened his mouth. Sensen dog teeth with the thickness of the adult's thumb bit into Li Yan's right hand and bit it. Who knows that the mouth is weak and weak, like a balloon filled with water. Exploded everywhere, hitting Tengusha's head and face, a terrible corrosive explosion occurred!

Li Yan held down the beast's head with a force, hit him **** the ground, and drew his last wailing into his throat.


Li Yan held the corpse of Tian Gousha, his tone was light and fast: "Uncle Wu, I tried before, this animal can't be killed, what should I do?"

After Li Yangang finished speaking, a blank compass emerged under his feet, and a black compass also appeared under the corpse of Tengusha. The two compasses were close to each other and eventually disappeared.

The dog was completely dead that day, not reborn like last time.

The turtle in Li Yan's chest explained: "The so-called Feng Shui principle is nothing more than the use of various artificial means to obstruct and channel the natural flow of the vitality of the earth's veins. The Feng Shui vision of the skeleton general, the army's big account, and so on. When encountering some ordinary Feng Shui bureaus, once the depressed atmosphere was broken by violence, the Feng Shui Bureau bureaus naturally resolved. "

"Ke Bawang unloads his armor with three evil spirits. The ground gas is not depressed, but he relies on the evil spirits to close the circulation. Once he tries to use violence, instead of breaking the situation, he will cause the turbulence and the vision to be more violent. The more you resist, the more terrible it will be to suppress your calamity. But the celestial rumors have a way to directly capture the fate of the Fengshui Bureau, which is to change the life for the sky! "


Yongji Building is on the 4th floor and reception desk.

"Azhen, are you free after work? I ask you to drink coffee?"

The girl called A Zhen was the hostess who explained the Feng Shui fighting method of the three buildings to others last time. She was smiling and refused to chat. "I'm afraid not, Captain Du. I asked my boyfriend to go shopping after work."

She accentuated the word "boyfriend" and tried to push back the uninvited guest.

"Just a cup of coffee. How much time can it take? When will your boyfriend pick you up? I tell him."

The dog-legged surnamed Du is short and fat, especially with a pair of fat lips. The blue and black security clothing looks nondescript and has a funny feeling like a monkey. As he talked, he wandered back and forth between Ah Zhen's **** and thighs with sullen eyes.

"Salt and wet guy!"

Ah Zhen scolded her heart, but she didn't dare to offend Gou Ze too much. The new security captain was recruited by President Chen himself. Chen Lang's attitude towards Gou Ze was very kind. It must be his own clerk.

"Captain Du, me, I still have something, I'll be lost first."

Having said that, Jane bowed her head and walked away.

"Well, I ask you you haven't answered me yet, don't hurry."

The dog's leg Ze pulled on Jane's wrist, hippie smiled and did not let go.

"Captain Du, you have a little respect, you let me go."

Ah Zhen was so furious that she would take off her high heels and smash it if it wasn't for the value of her job.

"Fat fat! Sausage mouth! Your mother has a sautéed pork for better than life! I wish you to be hit by a car when you go out! You have a bad speech, and you have a heart attack now."

Of course, Gou Ze Ze could not hear the curse of Ah Zhen, who was soft and weak, but also smooth-spoken, full of humor: "If you call me a brother, let me go, you ..."

He hadn't finished his words, and suddenly felt a whirlwind in front of him, and A Zhen shook off his hand.


The dog's legs fell heavily on the ground, and his legs continued to twitch.

"Really so spiritual?"

A-Zhen was startled, her mouth lightly covered, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "Really so spiritual?"

Gouzu Ze suddenly fainted and caused a lot of riots. Chen Lang hurriedly came to the scene and asked Ah Zhen: "What's going on?"

"I don't know, he suddenly fell to the ground by himself."

Azhen said aggrieved.

"Has been!"

Chen Lang took a breath.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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