From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 1053: You are dying

Facing Lin Yang's gaze, Amitabha Buddha's face didn't change his face, but only said a Buddha's name.

   Among the oldest, there are also strong and weak points.

   Otherwise, the moral gods could not suppress him.

   Amitabha Buddha would never believe that Lin Yang, who had just become the oldest, would be stronger than Him.

   Compared to Lin Yang, his only concern is whether Meng Qi will be Consummated at this time and let Sanqing's reduction and seeking empty success, thus achieving the Tao fruit.

   "Do you really think so?"

   Amitabha said indifferently.

   He said: "Could it be that fellow Taoists were prepared to give up their lives because of the original cause and effect? ​​In exchange for the opportunity to prove the Tao?"

Abandoning his life does not mean that Amitabha has the confidence to kill Lin Yang, but as long as the era is shattered, Lin Yang, who has ascended to the supreme throne of the heavens and ten thousand realms, will not escape death unless he attains Taoism, even the oldest one. There must be exceptions.

   After all, since all epochs, the emperor of heaven has not been the oldest. No one can be sure whether Lin Yang, who is already the oldest, will inevitably fall when the era is broken.

Lin Yang heard the words, hummed, and replied indifferently: "If this is the case, it is because I held you back and gave Sanqing the opportunity to attain Dao Fruit, then I really fell in the end, I am afraid I will also There is a chance to start again."

   "The final destruction of the end of the robbery is not necessarily the real end."

  According to his guess, the end of the calamity is indeed true. If it were not for the original time and space, the Yuanshi Tianzun who had attained the Tao fruit appointed Meng Qi to open the sky and create a new era, I am afraid everything would come to an abrupt end.

   It is because of the intervention of a Dao Guo that the New Era can be successfully opened up, not like the other side speculated, even if the Heavenly Venerable Yuanshi opens the sky, the new heavens and worlds will soon be swallowed by nothingness.

   If it is a lifeless mother proving the Dao, perhaps the end of the robbery is the real end.

   The moral **** on the side spoke, and he nodded and said: "If it is the same as Taoist Xuanyang said, after the old way of preaching, he will be resurrected."

   This has nothing to do with cause and effect, but a natural choice.

   Now that the general situation is set, He has not even let the Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun who have disappeared forever return.

   This move is only for faster integration and ripening the embryonic form of the Tao fruit at the moment when the power of the complete epoch cycle appears.

   Seeing Amitabha Buddha seemed to be thoughtful, Lin Yang took a step forward and said coldly: "It's a pity, you are going to fall here today, and you won't be able to see everything in the future."

   The killing intent in his words was not concealed at all, and it was chilling in my heart. He wanted to kill Amitabha, the oldest person who enlightened for an unknown number of years!

  The enmity of slavery is naturally unpopular. If he hadn't discovered Amitabha's dark hand by accident, he would have been dead for a long time.

   The words swayed, resounding every bit of light in all epochs throughout the ages, and shocked the hearts of those on the other side of the era.

   Where is his confidence?

   Kill Amitabha?

   Since many epochs, there have been few people from the other side who have fallen, but there have been, but has one of the oldest fallen?

  When the end of the calamity is about to break out, will they witness something unprecedented?

   Everywhere in the dojo on the other side, a slightly suspicious line of sight was cast, looking at the root of time.

It is a pity that even the ancients can only stop at the moment when the original era was born, and cannot continue to look back. Naturally, the line of sight is also included. In other words, if you can see the root of time, it means you can go back. Root of time, then they are the oldest.

   For a while, the hearts of the people on the other side calmed down, not knowing how many years, there was a slight fluctuation.

   Hearing Lin Yang's murderous words, Amitabha Buddha smiled instead. He smiled and said, "Father of Daoist, let's do it."

   He didn't think there was anything wrong with driving Emperor Fu to plant the seeds of slavery on Lin Yang's incarnation.

   The other shore transcends the heavens and worlds, and the common sense, good and evil of the sea of ​​suffering, can no longer restrain them. All the people, things, and things that help oneself achieve Taoism are all right, and vice versa, they are all wrong.

   Seeing the attitude of Buddha Amitabha, Lin Yang could guess what he was thinking in his heart, and his intention to kill became more and more fierce.


   Red, green, black and white four sword lights, cut out from him, blocking the Bahuang Liuhe.

   The quaint and vicissitudes of Zhu Xian formation also appeared at this time.

   It didn't take long for Lin Yang to refine the most important treasure of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.


  The terrifying destruction and killing, flooded with all kinds of roads, there is still a vague, almost mixed root of time.

   Compared with the original Zhuxian Sword Array, at this time, not only the Zhuxian Array has completely returned to its place, but the current node is getting closer to the end of the Tribulation, and destruction is in power, making the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array even more terrifying.

   The treasures of the other shore class existed at the same time, even if the Zhu Xianjian array was at the root of time, but due to the corresponding increase in the current node, it was equivalent to the increase in the Zhu Xianjian array within the root of time.

   At this moment, even if Amitabha Buddha was so indifferent and didn't believe that Lin Yang had the power to kill him, he had to change his color slightly.

   "At the time of the Conferred God War, I took the opportunity to split the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and it was true."

   "If you change to the Lingbao maybe the Zhuxian Sword Array really threatens the life of the oldest."

   Amitabha said in his heart.

   The four sword formations completely besieged him in the center, transforming into the heavens, entangled in endless sword energy, and slashed toward the sea where they should be.

   Lin Yang knew that the current Zhuxian Sword Array was not a big threat to the oldest one, and did not do any useless work, so he chose to eradicate the ocean that made him a little jealous.

  Since Amitabha will summon the sea of ​​conformity in the battle of the oldest, it means that ants often kill elephants. The current situation is not nonsense.

   Maybe the difference between a single body and the oldest is much larger than that of an ant and an elephant, but I can’t bear to have too much body. It makes my scalp numb.

  Zhuxian Sword Array and Ying Shen Haihai fought together, and for a while, the battle was shocking.

   Every sword aura seems to have life, the sword aura turns into a sword spirit, and it displays amazing sword moves.

  The Seven Swords of Shut Tian, ​​The Nine Swords of Shut Tian, ​​Tathagata...

   One sword produces all kinds of magic, all kinds of magic transform into one sword...

   A series of slaying and slaughtering the sword aura, interpreting the swords, transforming the magic, and combining with the avenues of time, space, material, and energy.

Even among them, you can see the shadows of sword tricks such as Pingluan Jue, Grass Word Sword Jue, Immortal Jie Sword Jue, etc. Of course, it can be displayed at this time, which undoubtedly proves that Lin Yang is innovating on the original basis. The three immortal king level kendo ultimate moves, the ultimate sublimation, surpassing the original by many times.

   This battle not only happened at the root of time, but also appeared in all epochs, flooding every wave of light.

   also appeared in the eyes of the other shorers.

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