From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 1219: Ye Tiandi

"Emperor-level powerhouse?"

Shenxu Tianzun trembled all over, her eyes were full of incredible.

Who could have imagined that the baby thrown out by the Immortal Emperor, after death, would turn into a young man with black hair like a waterfall, even if there was no breath, but the cold light and anger that appeared in his eyes, let Shenxu Tianzun smell it death.

This is beyond the scope of normal Tianzun, even if it is an emperor, it is far from it.

Only the Heavenly Emperor of later generations can describe it.

Moreover, even in the Heavenly Emperor level, the black-haired youth in front of him is a pinnacle, and may have been close to the Red Dust Immortal.



Ye Fan whispered, the last two words just whispered in his heart.

He did not expect that in order to live out his seventh life's great dream, he would, by chance, travel through the vicissitudes of history and come to the mythical age millions of years ago.

The emperor, the heaven, the heavens are here...

This is an extremely brilliant and shining era, and some people even lived to the era he was in.

"Get here."

However, at the first moment of recovery, Ye Fan ignored the Godxu Tianzun who had ‘killed’ him once, but looked at the undead emperor who was shrinking and preparing to escape.

With a soft drink, he spoke with the law, turning the world into chains, and immediately restrained the immortal emperor.

With this level of restraint, the undead emperor can break free, but he dare not do it. He knows very well that if he has the slightest idea of ​​resisting, this terrifying mysterious powerhouse will take action. It is the **** of heaven and earth now.

Seeing the immortal emperor being tied up, Ye Fan's eyes became more cold. He popped a finger out, and the immortal emperor's face turned pale in a moment, and all his actions were abolished.

The cultivation base was lost, and the Immortal Emperor could no longer maintain his human form. He cried in pain, revealing the true body of Xianhuang.

"The Immortal Emperor."

Ye Fan's eyes flickered slightly.

At the beginning of his practice, he had fought with the parents and children of the Immortal Emperor, and he was naturally familiar with the blood of the Immortal Emperor. In fact, at the first moment of recovery, Ye Fan knew who this quasi-emperor who had the enemy of the emperor was.

Although the coincidence is unimaginable, the fact is that he not only returned to the mythical age, but also met the immortal emperor.

As for Shenxu Tianzun...

What kind of rubbish.

Even if Ye Fan's great dream was not fully accomplished because of the intrusion of the emperor's breath, he also relied on his own strength to live out the sixth life in this red world.

Every time he lives, it means that he has a deeper and stronger understanding of'power', and he no longer regards the emperor in his eyes, even if he is now forced to interrupt because of his great dream, and he is in poor condition. same.

Not eager to kill the daring Immortal Emperor, Ye Fan was ready to let him experience firsthand what pain is and what a chicken is.

"Who is your excellency?"

At this time, Shenxu Tianzun spoke.

She was very clear about the power of the Emperor of Heaven, so she didn't hold her posture. At the same time, she also understood why she would have a whim when she was in the Heavenly Court. It turned out that everything came from this mysterious Emperor of Heaven.

She knew that Ye Fan was right, but even Tianzun could not use two words to predict someone's accurate appearance, and Ye Fan was a person from the post-barren ancient age, and it was impossible to appear in the mythical age.

After hearing the words of Shenxu Tianzun, Ye Fan slowly turned around, looking at Shenxu Tianzun who was facing the enemy, and said coldly: "Lord of Heaven."

He thought for a while, after all he did not say his real name, for fear of causing unknown changes.

However, upon hearing Ye Fan's answer, Shenxu Tianzun was surprised.

"The Lord of Heaven..."

"The Emperor Huangtian?"

This person could not be the emperor, and he had never heard of the second ‘Heaven’s Court’ in the world, and such a strong man could not speak nonsense, so he could only be the Lord of the Heaven’s Court of the Ancient Era.

Chaos Ancient Era is probably tens of millions of years ago, and it is impossible for a Tiandi-level powerhouse to live so long. It seems that although the previous state of the opponent is weird, it can be recovered at any time, otherwise it will not be stimulated by her breath. , Directly showing the mighty power above Tianzun.

So, this is a red fairy?

Thinking of this, Shenxu Tianzun's heart trembled. The more he knew, the more he was in awe. If another Tianzun came here, he might take the initiative.


At this moment, the quaint bell rang, it was the immortal bell that made the move!

The law of immortality soars into the sky and penetrates the entire universe.

One side of the star field, the galaxies, and even the vast universe were all affected at this moment, all kinds of colors gradually moved away from the vast world, all things came to a standstill, and time froze at this moment.

Years are merciless, and time always moves forward. No one can stop time for even half a second, but at this time, the long river of time that has never stopped has really stopped the eternal rush.

No one can believe that the power of an immortal tool can be so strong.

However, when the fairy clock was about to escape, Ye Fan's voice sounded.


"The power of this weird law..."

He actually broke free from the law of immortality and broke the solidified eternal This is a kind of supreme power that mortals can only look up to, which can stand shoulder to shoulder with the universe and be accompanied by eternity.

Ye Fan shot and grabbed the immortal clock. Under his palm that could encompass the universe, even if it was an immortal weapon, he was weak and could not see the hope of escape.

"Alternative into a fairy..."

The fairy bell screamed, and said: "No, it's getting close to that point. There is no real alternative to becoming immortal now."

"There is no other kind of immortality, but you can break the law with strength and break away from the freezing of time."

"You do not belong to this time and space!"

Xian Zhong Qi Ling uttered the truth in one gulp, which made Ye Fan's face a hint of surprise. He didn't expect a fairy to have such eyesight.

Grasping the immortal clock no longer resisting, Ye Fan said lightly: "How do you know."

His Maternal Qi Ding of All Things is also an immortal instrument, but it seems to be worse than the immortal clock.

Immortal Zhong Qi Ling also knows that his body is involuntary, so he directly said: "If you are a creature in this time and space, even if you are stronger, you will not be able to break free from the beam of time. Only those who are proficient in the way of time can do it. at this point."

It goes back more than once and sees too many unknown ancient history, so it can see this.

"Doesn't belong to this time and space?"

Chu Yu murmured, thoughtful.

After cultivating for thousands of years, he is no longer the original human immortal. Under the operation of the ‘Divine Will’, he is not far from the peak of the true immortal, so he has not been affected by the power of the immortal bell.

Neither Ye Fan nor Xianzhong found his existence, and didn't know that there was a third ‘free’ person in the silent time and space.


Thanks to the young dreams, book friends 20171024001055046, and the Tao of Thousands of books for their rewards.


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