From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 1253: Ye...Qingxian

"It seems that Ao Qian told you a lot about Xianyu."

Moon King said lightly, she felt the unique aura of the Flying Fairy World from the group of people.

The watery and song-like tones sounded nothing to the fairy king, but in the ears of the monks in the humane realm, the moment the moon king opened his mouth, there really was a tune of fairy music playing, and the world became hazy. They seemed to step on the clouds and left the mysterious sand.

In a trance, a famous fairy danced lightly, and a fairy, a bird and a strange animal, flew, and a collection of fairy power books appeared in the eyes of everyone, containing the mystery of becoming a fairy.

Even Ye Fan was almost intoxicated in Xianle.

He was so excited, his heart was full of shock.

Guangcong Ao Qian's description still didn't think there was anything. He just knew that the immortal king was a top-level existence of the immortal domain that surpassed the true immortal, but at this moment, Ye Fan deeply realized how far between the true immortal and the immortal king.

Even if there were only two true immortals, Ye Fan could guess that he was among the true immortals and belonged to the upper middle class, but even with his strength, he was almost immersed in the'vision' brought by the words of the Moon King. Even Ye Fan believed that if the Moon King’s mood swings were slightly more pronounced, even he would not be able to get rid of the'vision' triggered by the words.

As for the humane monks, or very weak true immortals, they might be killed on the spot because of a malicious word from the Moon King.

Depressing the horror in his heart, Ye Fan whispered: "Ao Qian, the true immortal of the Flying Immortal Realm, has indeed told us many things about the Immortal Realm, so that we have a preliminary understanding of the Immortal Realm, so that we will not provoke the immortal realm as soon as we arrive. To some big man, he suffered some calamity inexplicably."

If it hadn't been for Ao Qian to mention the Moon King, even if Ye Fan saw the Moon King coming, he wouldn't have been able to guess the identity of the other party, and he might have caused some changes.

This is also the reason why the Moon King is so easy to recognize. Moonlight, female, and far more than true immortals, there may not be many immortal domains since its birth, let alone this era.


The Moon King nodded lightly, but under the hazy moonlight, no one could see it.

"Since you are out of the same realm, and you met when you came to the fairyland, it is also a fate in the dark."

"There is also a monk surnamed Ye in my territory. You may be an ancestor."

When the Moon King spoke, he waved his long sleeves and put away the Emperor Zun and his group. For a time, only Ye Fan and Moon King were left on the Jiehai Dyke.

Seeing that King Moon was not as indifferent as Ao Qian described, Ye Fan was no longer cautious, and asked: "Dare to ask King Moon, did the monk surname Ye come out of the nine heavens and ten places?"

The monk who can be remembered by the immortal king has a very low probability of being humane, and more likely to be a true immortal.

Even if Ye Fan didn’t think he had anything to do with the monk surnamed Ye, he had to follow this topic. The monk surnamed Ye was second, and Ye Fan wanted to take advantage of this hard-won opportunity to stay in the Moon King’s heart. Certainly, this is absolutely beneficial to him.

If he encounters any problems in the future, maybe Moon King can solve them with a single word.


"Qingxian was in a special situation back then. She lost her physical body, and later Emperor Huang Tian made a move to reshape her real body."

Moon king.

Her intuition told her that this potential Ye Fan had a relationship with Ye Qingxian to some extent.

She doesn't know if the two are an ancestor, but it is absolutely impossible to be completely unfamiliar. The Moon King has this confidence, otherwise she wouldn't say so much.

Although the immortal king is nothing at all when facing the characters of the immortal emperor level, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a true immortal-level powerhouse to appear from the birth to destruction of multiple universes, let alone one who is comparable to the immortal king. Even if the immortal territory is so vast and the cultivation environment is like a dream, it is difficult for the fairy king to achieve it. There are not many fairy kings born in 20 million years.

"The body shaped by Emperor Huangtian himself."

Ye Fan's heart was shocked. The monk named Ye Qingxian sounded like a lot of money.

"The name sounds female."

"The name of his daughter and his apprentice is only one word missing. Is it the same style that people named in the ancient era?"

When Ye Fan sighed secretly, his mind was a little erratic.

He came to the age of mythology for more than two thousand years. Compared to his hundreds of thousands of years of life, this period is nothing, but the shock he has been subjected to over the past two thousand years is that after he became enlightened and before his big dream sum.

Thinking of Ye Tong and Ye Xian, Ye Fan missed his friends millions of years later.

He wants to maximize his cultivation level during this period of time, and lay a piece of land, so that his friends and subordinates of later generations will have a foundation when they come to the fairyland.

As for how those people without him would embark on the road of becoming immortal and reach the immortal domain smoothly...

"My lord, how do you return to the lower realm from the fairyland?"

Ye Fan asked.

He wanted to call Moon King directly, but after thinking about it, he changed his name. Anyway, it is normal for him to call this way because of the gap between the two.

"Every immortal king has a gate to the immortal domain. As long as the door of the immortal domain is opened, the cultivator can travel back and forth between the immortal domain and the universe governed by the immortal domain."

After the Moon King’s voice paused, he took a deep look at Ye Fan and continued: "You have a good potential, and you have great hopes of becoming a king. I will allow you to use the fairy gate in which universe you want to travel ~But nine days and ten places are exceptions."

As soon as the words came out, Ye Fan's thoughts were dispelled, and he was surprised: "Why?"

Why are nine days and ten places exceptional? Is it because he is a person of nine heavens and ten places, so he can't return to his mother realm through the immortal gate?

When Ye Fan was thinking about it, Moon King spoke.

"Before the Emperor of Heaven went away, there was a ban, and sentient beings in the fairyland were forbidden to enter the nine heavens and ten places."

"Since that moment, all the gates of the fairyland have lost contact with Jiutianshidi. Even if the fairy king can easily find the position of Jiutianshidi in the sea of ​​bounds, no fairy king has dared to violate the prohibition. Step into the nine heavens and ten places."

Moon King told the whole story.

"The order of the Emperor..."

Ye Fan's face was tangled.

If he did not have hallucinations due to the distance being too far, Ye Fan remembered that at that time all the immortal kings joined hands and were hung and beaten by an emperor, and he estimated that the emperor used only one finger.

But later, the will of the emperor came, and the two emperors who could be described as invincible knelt on the spot, let alone shot, there was no idea of ​​resistance.

Ye Fan suspected that the true immortal might evaporate directly under the gaze of the emperor.

No, judging from the combination of the emperor who slammed the various immortal kings and the other party's later performance, even the immortal king might not be able to withstand the eyes of the heavenly emperor, and would turn into a handful of flying ash in an instant.

Seeing Ye Fan's entanglement, Moon King stopped saying anything and took him to the territory.


Xianyu, a palace filled with mist.

"Xiyi is looking for me?"

Ye Qingxian frowned slightly, thinking to herself.

However, she did not delay, and after tidying up, she fled towards the teleportation formation.


There are two chapters left around 21/22.


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