From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 1462: SCP Foundation

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"Human Sovereign took action! They actually hit Fu Xi with their idea, are they crazy?"

The future is extremely stunned. Even if the time-space turbulence is from all ages, you may not know the name of Fuxi, the first emperor, but the vastness and extraordinary power of the human emperor can guess Fuxi, who has more human emperor power, as long as his head is normal. Is an extremely terrifying powerhouse.

Unfortunately, the result is that there are really not many strong people who go to Wu Ming, at least in the future, no strong people have been sensed, and the strong people who are looking for the human emperor Fuxi not only exceed the innate holy position, but also the number. He expected.

"This is the three virtues of the four phenomena, the five elements, and the gossip, and it is also one of the foundations of the Emperor's invincibility in the multiverse."

Thinking of the fleeting aura of 4, 5, 8, and 8 in the future, his mind was a little dazed. He just had the illusion of facing the multiverse itself, as if the Emperor Fuxi had already passed the last step and became the ultimate creature comparable to the entire multiverse. Of course , The future knows that this is the reason why the gap between the emperor and him is too large.

Maybe if you compare him, Human Emperor Fuxi has reached infinity, so he will have that kind of illusion, just like the huge gap between a mortal and a high-level holy position.

"The first emperor who pioneered the world... really deserves its reputation."

Fuxi left the impression of the future, even if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Emperor Jun when he attacked him were far inferior to him, it was hard to believe that they were both the top tier under the inner universe-the emperor-level holy.

When I sighed in my heart, I will follow the guidance and shuttle into a seat in the future. This is where Wu Ming and Zheng Zha are located. As for the original dark plane, when Wu Ming became the emperor of the plane, he ordered the sun and the moon. , Let King Xuanhuang face the dark plane, decree a powerful person as a god, manage the world, and maintain the order of the world, and the two who had done all this left there.

As the light appeared in front of him, the future also felt a thin film on his body. His strength was suppressed towards a mortal with almost unlimited limits, but he did not really suppress him into a mortal.

He is not surprised by all this, nor panic, because this is the defense mechanism of the plane, it is the survival instinct of this place, if you don’t do this, the overly powerful life form will cause this to be ruined at the regular level. The end of the plane.

Not to mention his strength, even a holy **** can easily pierce this film, but if it really does, the life forms on this plane will wander along with the fragments of the plane due to the end of the plane. Death is almost the only ending.

Although there is not much power left, in this modern urban plane, Wu Ming and Zheng Zha will be found soon in the future. At this time, the two of them did not know what they had experienced, and they became members of an interplanetary organization. …Or to be named?

SCP Foundation.

An organization whose purpose is to maintain the stability of the world and contain various anomalous objects, people, and events. From strong to weak, the containment objects are basically destroying multiple planes to affect certain areas. According to Wu Ming, his companions The weird appearance and strength surpassed the understanding of the humans on this plane, so it was treated as a containment object and locked up.

"It seems ordinary here, but in fact it belongs to a special place in the turbulence of time and space, and it is even the only one that can be said."

Wu Ming, who has a lot of information here, explained to the future: "The races of the turbulent time have reached an agreement in order to escape the turbulent time. They spliced ​​the intact parts of many planes little by little, and some of them died in it. The interference of the "Containment Department", the branch of the dead group, hopes to conduct a large-scale experiment on this plane...

"Create a small multiverse!"

These words made Mirai feel quite surprised.

Only planes with incomplete rules and on the verge of destruction will fall into the turbulence of time and space. On the contrary, if the rules of the plane can be adjusted to a normal state, the entire plane will naturally break away from the turbulence of time and space and return to the normal world. This seems right. It's not difficult for high-level saints, but it's actually as difficult as reaching the sky. Even if the innate saints can create the universe from nothing, it cannot adjust an existing plane from an extremely serious state of chaos to normal.

Sometimes, repairing is more difficult than creating.

If you want to create a small multiverse, such a thing has never been thought of in the future. It is almost impossible for humans to do it, but the turbulence of time and space brings together the powerhouses and ethnic groups of all ages. This kind of plan will appear. Thinking about it, it's just a surprise.

Just as the holy gods of the prehistoric calendar could not imagine the cultivation system of the human calendar, he could not guess what the multiverse would look like after endless years. What kind of popular technology is really normal. Maybe, then the multiverse will be there. Super technology of'man-made small multiverse'.

As for why the endless multiverse has a small category The future guess is probably that the basic concepts and rules of the small multiverse are much less than the multiverse in which it is located, and there are huge innate Insufficiency will directly cause the strength of the small multiverse to be inferior to the outside world. Even if the size is the same, they all have an endless universe, but the strength may be very different.

The most intuitive aspect is a normal universe in a multiverse. Although the space is endless, the total amount of basic particles is about ten to the 80th power. In a normal universe in a small multiverse, the total number of basic particles The amount may be only ten to the three to fifty powers. The gap here is so big that it is suffocating. Perhaps a holy spirit can destroy a small and diverse normal universe.

But born in a small multiverse with relatively few basic rules, even if it reaches its limit, life forms cannot be as powerful as the top powers in the large multiverse. The end of their way in the small multiverse does not mean that they are in the large multiverse. The road is over.

In addition to his own guesses in the future, many of these speculations are also fragments of memory that have just emerged. At the same time, he is more concerned about the sublimation calendar.

In that era, the multiverse may usher in an essential leap. Otherwise, how could it be named as sublimation, and even if the world opened up and divided the earth and the earth, the improvement brought by the multiverse to the multiverse might not be as good as it was at that time. , The original origin of the multiverse may increase. The intuitive reflection is that the total amount of basic particles in the normal universe has increased from ten to eighty to more. This is still the most conservative estimate in the future. After all, the word sublimation refers to It may be more exaggerated.

"Although the plan is good, the probability of success is not high, right?"

Looking at Wu Ming in the future, their knowledge is not low, and they should be able to judge the success rate of this plan.

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