From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 917: Personification of the 9th Heaven

Leaving the Demon Emperor Hall, Lin Yang secretly said:

"He should only return to partial consciousness, not completely."

After walking out of the hall, he seemed to have lost a certain bondage, and some thoughts that had never been revealed became active.

"In original time and space, has he already returned to a part of consciousness at this time? Or is it because of something that caused him to return at this time."

Lin Yang thought about it, and at the same time, he hadn't thought deeply in front of the demon saint before also surfaced in his heart.

At the beginning of the Heavenly Prison, he did achieve perfection for good fortune, and he already had the prototype of the real world in his body, but after thinking about it, Lin Yang decided to hide and use his body to lower his realm of this body, so as to avoid when the illusory road is not consummated. Being stared firmly by the big man on the other side, it is difficult to do anything.

Just like the legend that there are three aspects to achieve the standard for promotion to good luck, Lin Yang also told Meng Qi what good luck must do to promote the other side.

The attainment of perfection in the realm is only one of them. A high realm does not mean that the realization of a certain illusory road is complete, and it can be used as the foundation of the illusory Tao fruit.

The Great Emperor Zhenwu has completed many years of good fortune, and he is in charge of part of the water authority of the heavens and all realms, using water to nurture vitality, use water to kill demons, and evolve birth and death. It can be said that before turning the main path into the path of life and death, he was The way of life and death has extremely high attainments.

Even so, the Great Emperor Zhenwu finally fell, because the illusory Tao fruit collapsed and lost his fundamental support, which caused him to fail to break free from the sea of ​​suffering and disappear into the heavens and worlds.

With Him as a lesson for the past, Lin Yang would naturally not take the final step rashly and start to break free from the sea of ​​suffering.

Otherwise, it would be a big joke that there is no threat of external calamity, but the loss of internal calamity.

Not to mention the Demon Emperor Hall after he left, what the great sages thought, Lin Yang had disappeared.


Nine Heavens, Star Palace.

Qingyu's face moved slightly, and suddenly said, "Your Majesty is back."

Meng Qi opened his eyes when he heard the words, and there were silhouettes flashing in the depths of his eyes, all of which were his imprints in different universes.

"follow me."

Qingyu took Meng Qi onto the horse carriage again, and walked along the Tianhe towards the Lingxiao Palace.

Tianhe's status is like the Yellow Spring in the Nine Nethers. Although the name is ordinary, it is absolutely extraordinary.

Even if it is not the legendary power, you can see the universe through Tianhe. From a certain angle, it seems that Tianhe contains countless universes. Each universe is like a stone at the bottom of a normal river, and the water of Tianhe is endless. Condensed from the energetic aura, it can transform the ordinary.

With such a magnificent Tianhe, even if it was extremely fast, it took a long time to reach the heaven where the Lingxiao Palace was located.

As soon as he arrived at this great heaven, Meng Qi felt a familiar aura, although he did not deliberately release it, he could not hide his perception.

Although this is the Nine Heavens, the mighty power beneath the other shore will be suppressed and offset to the greatest extent. This breath, in Meng Qi's perception, also feels as vast as the universe.

Meng Qi secretly said in his heart: "Mysterious girl..."

There is no doubt that the Nine Heavens Profound Girl at this time has returned to the good fortune level. If it is only a legendary level, even if the accumulation is deep and vigorous, at most it can leave him with the feeling of multiple galaxies in the Nine Heavens, far from it. It may be like this.

Immediately afterwards, a doubt emerged in Meng Qi's heart: "Senior Brother Lin has returned from the Demon Emperor Palace?"

After proving the legend and raising the magical powers and techniques of Yuanshi Nine Seals and Eighty-Nine Profound Art to the corresponding level, Meng Qi has full confidence in his perception ability, otherwise how could he discover the breath of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl who did not produce ?

But after perceiving it over and over again, even though there were many auras of immortals and celestial generals in this heavy day, there was no aura of the second order of good fortune, which means that it was clear that Lin Yang had not returned to the heavens.

Although he was puzzled in his heart, he still maintained a calm and composure, and talked about the past with Qingyu.

After a while, Qingyu spoke and said, "Here, this is the place where your majesty is...Lingxiao Hall."

At the same time as his words sounded, the celestial horse carriage shuttled in the air of immortality finally stopped.

After the two got out of the car, Meng Qi was slightly distracted looking at the fuzzy palace suspended in the thick fog.

He remembered the myths and deeds he had seen while on earth.

The Great Sage Qitian stepped through the nine heavens and beat Lingxiao.

I couldn't feel anything at that time, but it was caught in the cognition at this time, and the things contained in it made people think about it.

Good Fortune Consummation, dare to attack the other side? Or was it the emperor who was extremely powerful in the other shore and killed the demon lord?

Even at that time, the Monkey King didn't necessarily achieve perfect good fortune, but just a normal good fortune.

"The gap between the other shore and good fortune is far greater than the gap between good fortune and the ants..."

Meng Qi whispered secretly.

As a legendary power, I have seen many senior brothers and sisters in Yuxu Palace, and Meng Qi also has a clear understanding of great supernatural powers, so he knows even more that the matter of Qitian Great Sage breaking through the nine heavens is really absurd. What point.

Even if it is not the emperor of heaven, there will be no less than ten great supernatural powers in the heavens. The directors of each of the eight parts of the heavens are good luck.

With their joint efforts, with the help of Zhou Tianxing's battle, can't win the Monkey King who is far from the peak?

The emperor is oppressing one world, and who dares to violate the yang and the yin?

As doubts spread in his heart, Meng Qi also followed Qingyu into the High Heaven Palace.

"Go down."

The familiar voice came into Mengqi's ears, making him stunned.

Brother Lin is actually in the High Heaven Hall?

With the uniqueness of the Nine Seals of the First Yuan Dynasty and the Eight-Nine Profound Art, it is impossible to sense that Brother Lin, who can be said to be close at hand now?

Waiting until Qingyu withdrew from the Lingxiao Palace, Meng Qicai had obtained his magical powers and looked at the figure sitting on the throne.

The ancient and vast, existed for countless years. It has appeared since the birth of the heavens and the world, and there is no weak state until the end of the catastrophe. It still hangs at infinity, as if it can exist to the end of time. .

"This is the feeling of Jiuzhongtian."

Gu Xiaosang's voice rang in Meng Qi's ears.

Since her state could not hide from Lin Yang, she had no intention of deliberately concealing her thoughts, and took the initiative to solve Meng Qi's confusion.

"At this time, is closer to the personification of Jiuzhongtian."

Gu Xiaosang said that with the memory of an unborn mother, she can better understand this state and what it represents. As long as she goes further, she can be named the other side.

Even if a pseudo-character is added to this other side, it is not comparable to any great supernatural powers.

"Yuanshi Nine Seals have another gain?"

Lin Yang's words sounded again.


Meng Qi nodded slightly, nodded between his eyebrows, condensing a series of artifacts with different shapes.


The next chapter will be later.

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