From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 939: The Buddha who almost became a repeater...brand


A sound of the breaking of authority echoed in the ears of all the heavenly gods. They were at a loss, and their hearts were uneasy. The source of power disappeared in vain, and the mana was no longer inexhaustible. It was no different from normal creatures, and could only breathe in the outside world. energy.

"Fengshenbang is disconnected..."

"become free!"

A woman with bright eyes and white teeth noticed the change and showed a bright smile.

He took the opportunity to let the true spirit escape from the list of conferred gods and escaped from the shackles of eternity.

Unlike an immortal **** whose cultivation base mostly relies on the Conferred God List, he is a disciple of Lingbao Tianzun, and even a great supernatural power. Although the body was broken by provoking Yuanshi Tianzun, his essence has not been lowered. It is good fortune.

In the countless years after being on the list, although the displayed power is limited to the enshrined **** list, no matter how hard you practice hard, you can’t improve it a little bit. It is no different from the mortals who were lucky enough to be enshrined in higher gods, but today, he can be seen. It is different from those of mortals who have been entrusted with the gods.


Looking at Lingbao Tianzun riding a green bull, the woman with Bright Eyes has a complicated mood and fled to Sanxiao Island in the East China Sea.

When one of the three heavens left the heaven, a scream was endless, echoing in the nine heavens.


Some people wailed miserably, turned into light and fire, and fell to the real world, the **** body was burning, and the sky was stained with brilliant brilliance.

This was an immortal **** with strange thoughts. He didn't get Lin Yang's notice and died in panic. Together with many immortals, he formed a scene of stars falling like rain.

Lin Yang looked at the place where the celestial gods fell.

In the future, it was called the God Burial Desert. He had passed there when he went to Yuhai to search for the master plan of the Tathagata Palm.

When a deity turned into light and fire and fell into the real world, Lin Yang's sight gradually shifted, looking towards the phantom that protected the real world from the war on the other side.

The head and the snake body are the emperor of demons and the ancestor of man.

Also famous, Nu Wa.

It was the arrangement left by him that saved the heavens and the world from disaster, and was not destroyed by the sky-filled thunder and purple flames generated by the collision of the other shores.

Only those related to the Heavenly Court were affected by this battle, but they were also reduced by Nu Wa, so that Cai Lei and Zi Yan would not destroy unrelated things.

With her back to the real world, her arms stretched out to show her embrace of the heavens, and she looked at each other for a long time. Seeing that her eyes were hollow, Lin Yang lost the thought of research, the other's'true body' , At this moment, he still hasn't left at the top of the Nine Heavens.

Moreover, the phantom is outside of the Nine Heavens, and he can’t do it if he wants to interfere. Although he can also step out of the Nine Heavens, but after losing his blessings, he has to face the repulsion of the long river of time alone. It is no longer the past and future like the present. The state of the same body.

This is only second, and more is that leaving Jiuzhongtian after becoming a pseudo-bian will cause ignorance. When you know so many secrets, it is likely that some Bian will be regarded as an obstacle.

Maybe they didn't know the difference between the Nine-fold Heavenly False Bianan accomplished by the Heavenly Emperor's authority and the Nine Nether Pseudo Bianan before, but when Lin Yang was promoted, he would surely be able to guess a few points.

In the past, there is no imprint that belongs to Lin Yang. How can it be concealed? Even if it is a pseudo-bian, it can be traced back to the time when Jiuzhongtian and Jiuyou were born. It is naturally not difficult to infer the situation of Lin Yang at this time. .

At this moment, a sigh spread far away:

"No foreign objects."

Yuanshi Tianzun spoke. After ‘killing’ the emperor, he also saw the fruit of Jianmu carefully hidden by the emperor, but was finally disappointed.

The Emperor of Heaven may think that the fruits of the building wood that supports the heavens and the worlds have an opportunity to surpass, but in the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, the oldest person on the other side, it is a different scene.

If you insist, the fruit of Jianmu is only equivalent to the power of an incomplete cycle of the epoch. Even if you really use it to mature your own Tao fruit prototype, I am afraid that in the end it will be nondescript, perhaps stronger than the oldest one, but distance used There is bound to be a huge gap between the Tao fruit ripened by the power of the complete cycle of the era.

In the present situation, the slightest gap cannot be ignored. For example, the gap between the ancient and the oldest is only a small amount.


If it weren't for this era to be the end of the robbery, destroying the last era would not affect the present. In theory, any oldest person has the ability to kill all non-ancient persons.

As long as the roots of time are not blocked by the oldest ones, all those who cannot go back to the root of time will naturally disappear.

Just like what Lingbao Tianzun wanted to do in the final stage of the Conferment of Gods, refining the earth, water, wind and fire, and let everything re-evolve.

There is a slight gap, not to mention a huge gap.

As the other side of nature and the first to open up the world, how could Yuanshi Tianzun attach importance to the fruit of Jianmu.

Lin Yang watched the reappearance of a scene in history, and one after another left one after another, no one had the slightest nostalgia, and in the end only the Buddha remained.

He just wanted to take off the fruit of Jianmu, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the location where the Lingxiao Hall was slowly falling towards Jade Emperor Mountain.

"The Emperor?"

The Buddha said lightly.

How could the emperor who was killed by them together be here?

Even if he left a sigh for the Emperor of Heaven in order to keep the era immortal, it is impossible for the Emperor of Heaven to return to the top level when he fell.

Facing the Buddha's actions, Lin Yang did not feel surprised.

Although it is not the current node at this time, the Buddha is also in an embarrassing situation where he can't get up and down. There is only one opportunity to interfere with the heavens and worlds in an era. However, in the past, there is still wisdom, and it will be based on his own past behaviors. The change extracts the way to deal with it, but it is more rigid than the suffering creatures.

"The Emperor?"

The Buddha said suspiciously.

Seeing Lin Yang did not respond, the Buddha repeated it again, his tone and demeanor were the same as before.

The other bank is half detached from the long river of time, so the long river of time used to maintain the historical process of the other bank's brand is also relatively ‘mentally retarded’. It can only inscribe a part of the behavior of those on the other bank to form a brand.

Lin Yang suspected that if he hadn't responded yet, the Buddha's brand would keep circulating this sentence until it was time for him to leave the uppermost layer of the Nine Heavens.

This is also the fact that the incident of'the appearance of the emperor at the top' had too much impact on the Buddha, otherwise, if it were not the other side, the Buddha's brand would have dealt with it in other ways.

Seeing that the Buddha's brand was about to become a Lin Yang thought that the Buddha was still watching the affairs of the heavens and all realms silently, and cherished the phone meeting once in the first era, he did not dare to be too unreasonable.

When the Buddha's brand was about to speak again, Lin Yang's words came out.

"The Emperor of Heaven is me, and you...also me."

The moment his voice came out, the Supreme True Buddha who had just arrived at this point in time also stepped into the uppermost level of the Nine Heavens.

Before, Lin Yang would pay attention to matters outside the Nine Heavens, just to guide the Buddhism body in the long river of time, so that the Buddhism body will not come to this time sooner or later, only adding variables.

Although leaving Jiuzhongtian is not a pseudo-beyond shore, the'line of sight' also possesses a certain amount of power. It is naturally easy to light the beacon to the Supreme Buddha.

"The Emperor is you? Am I also you?"

Looking at Lin Yang, looking at the Supreme True Buddha, there was gradually a wave of fluctuations on the face of Buddha Danjin.

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